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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Dream Interpretation

I had a dream last night that started at the end and worked it's way to the beginning, but that's not the weirdest part.

I was having a steamy make out session (yes, make out only) with my steamy husband and I felt a hair in my throat. I cleared my throat, reached in to pull out what I thought was a hair and instead pulled out one of my necklaces. But then I kept reaching in and pulled out necklace after necklace. Then my dream started working it's way backward to the beginning and it was concluded that I had slept walked and swallowed all my necklaces in my sleep.

It was all very strange. I don't particularly believe in dream interpretation, but I would love to hear what a dream interpretor would have to say about all my suspected insecurities and supposed deep dark secrets with this one. I personally think it stemmed from the most recent Grey's Anatomy in which a girl's father had night terrors and slept walked right off a 2-story balcony. But if you are one of those dream interpretor types, go on and tell me that it was due to a fear of the unknown or a necklace phobia. I'd love to hear your thoughts...seriously.