? ??????????????Floral Misconception? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (3 Ratings)??122 Grabs Today. 2458 Total Gra
bs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????Simple Elegance? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.4 (17 Ratings)??122 Grabs Today. 5830 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Goober Day

I know, it's been quite some time since I have last updated. I really thought I was done for awhile, but now I have to share! Who knows, I could be on to something again!

J has had a rough couple days, first being sick all day on Sunday and then a complete grumpus the past two days. He certainly made up for it with all the things that made me laugh until the tears flowed.

*Me: Jules, what do you want for Lunch:
  J: No! The name's Julian!
  Me: You mean 'My name is Julian'
  J: Yea, OK.

*While supposed to be taking a nap, I see him (via video monitor) put his elmo doll on his bed and hear the following:
     "Elmo, you may sit in time out now. Wait for timer." *Moment of Silence* "You ready to listen to Julian, Elmo? Yea? Ok, give me a hug. I love you"

*Still while supposed to be napping, I see his face looking right into the camera of the video monitor and hear the following:
     "Hiiiiii! Mommy, I all done. I had nice nap! Goodmorning! I need kiss, please."

*Needless to say no nap, and I just couldn't resist going in to get kisses. We headed to Target and his favorite type of cart was nowhere to be found, so foolish me let him walk. We walked by the bras and Julian stopped and began rubbing the cups on one particularly large bra.
   -J: Mommy, what's that?
   -Me: It's a bra.
   -J: I like that! Soft!

While I failed, yet again, to find plastic training pants, he began playing with each and every toy in the aisle across from us. The following conversation took place:
    -Me: J, Mommy needs to go pay now.
    -J: *Waves* OK! Bye! I love you. *Blows Kiss*
    -Me: *Start walking in hopes he will follow*
    -J: Be careful, Mommy! *Turns to toys and continutes to play.*

*At checkout (finally!), J pulls out a little shelf thing near the conveyer belt.
    -J: What's that?
    -Me: The time out chair at Target
    -Man in line: Uh-oh, you better be good
    -J: *Holds up one finger* You be good too, k?

I believe J has officially inherited the humor of both his Daddy and his Grandpa.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

No MacGyver Here.

I'm sad to say, it's true.  J. gave me an ultimate MacGyver test today, and I failed, resulting in me having to jump out a window. It all sounds so brave and exciting, I know.  Sadly, it was simply just a frustrating pain in the rear. Read on...

Setting up the toddler bed ten months ago resulted in the brilliant idea to turn J's doorknob around so that it locked from the outside. This was necessary for two reasons: 1. He often fights naptime and tries to escape and 2. I fear that he will become a sleepwalker just as I was when I was younger. In the beginning, I was smart to put one of the door keys on the inside of his room in the event he ever tried to lock us in. I applauded my geniousness about a month ago when he did just that. Locked his door and closed it on my while I was vacuuming his room. Unfortunately, I must not have put the key back, because when he turned the lock, came inside and slammed the door today, locking both of us and the dog in his room today, I couldn't find the key. I tried to use his animal flash cards to free the latch, I bent a hanger to try to turn the lock, but my MacGyver instincts just aren't there. (I'm sure all MacGyver would have needed was a piece of chewing gum and a match). My only hope was to jump the window and go across the street to C's house to get our house keys (since of course all my doors were locked) and let ourselves back in. Two problems: I couldn't tell if C. was home and I couldn't get the screen out of the window. After 10 minutes of committed effort, I finally freed us and to my great relief, C was home. We jumped the window (which is really two feet from the ground), got C's extra key to our house, and we were back in.

Honestly, who gets locked IN their own house!? Lesson learned, the key is back inside J's room.

Friday, September 3, 2010

No Respect!

My Dad has had Multiple Sclerosis as long as I can remember. He may have even been diagnosed before I was born, but I honestly don't know. He is the most amazing man I have ever known.  He has been the best father four girls could ask for, he is always available to talk to or vent to, and he is the funniest person I have ever come across. On top of all that amazingness, despite his diablity he works hard (too hard at times). He works hard at his job, hard in his gardens and bird houses, hard to keep his children and grandchildren happy. I guess we can just say he works hard at everything he does.

For love and honor of our country, in honor and love of his two son inlaws who served in Iraq and now Afghanistan, he has spent money, time and energy to fly an American flag at the center of his town. He gets up at dawn everyday and walks across the street to raise the flag (that he bought) on the pully and rope system (that he bought) and every day at dusk, he walks across the street again to lower it and take it in for the evening. He makes sure that it is always lit properly, he makes sure it is not flown in inclement weather, and he always puts it at half staff when it is called for.

It is all so honorable and respectful. But now onto the reasoning behind the title of the blog "No Respect!"

This weekend, my Dad went away to Massachusetts to train with a new service dog; a great dane named Georgia. Now, my Dad loves home, loves Maine, so when he has to leave to go out of town for a week he is always a little hesitant.  Of course, his new companion was worth all the trouble. He was so happy to be back in town with his 140 pound pup yesterday and he couldn't stop bragging about her. I couldn't get a word in edgewise on the phone yesterday, so you can understand my surprise when he called this morning saying "I'm so pissed! So pissed it brings a tear to my eye!"

He had high hopes of someone taking care of the flag while he was away, but when he walked across the street with Georgia to show her the daily routine, he learned that someone cut the rope and stole the flag!

Of all the pranks my father pulled as a child, of all the pranks my sisters and I pulled as kids, something like this would have never crossed our minds. It is the most disrespectful prank I can think of.  Was the thief proud enough to tell his friends, his uncles, his father what he did? Probably not, because it's guaranteed at least one of them is a veteran. So, why? What kind of attention were you expecting to get from this?

A was going to fly a flag in Afghanistan for him and send it home for him to fly in town. You can guarantee that town will never see that flag. The newspaper, columnists, and congress will certainly be seeing some strongly worded letters from a man who did nothing but the respectful and honorable thing for his town and country.

Monday, August 30, 2010

It's the little things...

It's almost September! Before it's even here, I know it is my favorite month (so far) this year!  A. will be home very soon, the countdown is almost in single digits.

Of course I look forward to the obvious things:

*Seeing his face.
*Hugging and kissing him.
*Seeing him with J.
*Seeing J with him.

...and the big things:

*Our vacation to OBX.
*At least one date night.
*A barbecue with friends.
*Not dealing with the dog.

...but it's the little things that I really miss and look forward to:

*Holding his hand in the car.
*Doing his laundry. (Gasp, it's true. I can't wait).
*Peeing with the bathroom door closed and a two year old on the other side of it.
*Showering without worrying what J. is doing.
*Showering without J. stripping down and jumping in.
*Testing my new recipes on him.
*Watching football together.
*Trading off bedtime duties.
*Eating without a sticky fork.
*Fighting over whether the sheets stay tucked in or untucked.
*Help keeping J. seated in a grocery store cart.

...and as soon as we get comfortable, it will be time for him to leave again. I, however, refuse to focus on that just yet. He will be in my arms soon, he will hold and play with his baby in no time, and that's all that matters for now.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Toddler Monitor

I don't know if it is normal to still have a monitor in your toddler's room, with the receiver right next to your ear at night, but I still deem it necessary. I am a heavy sleeper. I haven't always been, but college taught me to learn to sleep through drunken parties in the floors above and below you, drunken giggling girls outside your window, admittedly my own occasional drunkeness-see a theme here? Not to mention intense heat and cold spells due to the lack of air conditioning and lack of control over our dorm room temperatures. You would think nursing J in the middle of the night might have helped my heavy sleep habit, but my theory is, I am now catching up on that severe lack of sleep he earned me. I need a monitor. I would never hear him wake in the middle of the night crying for us, I would never know if he vomited in his bed due to a nasty bug (gross I know, but it has happened, more than once), I wouldn't hear him when he woke in the morning, ready to start his busy day.

Friends of ours passed on their video monitor to us and it was amazing. I never thought I would need one until I had one. And then it gave out on us, resulting in me resorting back to the $20.00 fisher price monitor we had originally purchased. And now that has given out on us.  I have to give it credit though, that $20.00 piece of plastic was good to us for two years. Now that I am (was) in the market for a new one, I hesitantly went for the investment. I went back to my old ways, I went with a new video monitor, and of course, I went for the handheld upgrade. 
And A, before you have a what in the world was she thinking moment, hear me out: I like to think of it as an investment.  We plan to have another child one day and with this particular model you can purchase a second camera for the second room.  Not only is it worth my piece of mind, I can also tell when J is pulling every single book off his bookshelf or better yet, pulling his poopy diaper off and trying to change himself instead of napping.  The only question remains is...how do I keep his destructive hands off of the camera and the handset? If only it had some sort of a minor electrical shock barrier surrounding it...


Monday, August 16, 2010

Bottle Weaning

I have been debating whether or not to wean J from his bottle of milk since the day A left for Afghanistan...8 months ago.  The fact is, I can only fight so many battles, and this has just been one I have chosen not to fight. I was embarrassed at his 2 year well baby checkup to admit that he was still taking a bottle when he wakes up, before nap, and before bed. To my great surprise, his doctor (the one I love!) told me not to worry about it-as long as I was brushing his teeth after his bottle (which I am), then it's not worth the fight until Daddy comes home. On top of that, he goes to the dentist every 6 months for a cleaning, has beautiful, straight teeth, and if you've ever heard him speak, you know very well it is not affecting his verbal development or speech.

Lately however, I have had more and more of an urge to take it away from him, mainly because of pressures from other parents and the occasional dirty look I get for the rare times I give in and hand him a bottle in public (we all get desperate in the lines of wal-mart). I did some research today on the best ways to wean (and surprisingly, found a lot of "don't do it" comments). I ignored the comments, put my research together, came up with a game plan and hesitantly started wrapping my mind around the fact that this plan was going into action beginning at bedtime sharp.

And right when semi-panic began to sink in, my second voice called. KR is the closest thing I have to a sister in the south (and thankfully she is moving back here on Friday!) Sure, I have great friends down here, even best friends, but KR is different. She and her family are part of our family (we even named J after her husband) and I listen to my family. KR is nothing less than straight forward, to the point, and always tells it like it is. (My real sister D, who has never even met KR, has even said on more than one occasion "I need a KR in my life"). Anyway, KR told me what I needed to hear, from a mother's point of view, told to a sister. Don't take it from him, not now. At least wait until Daddy goes back after R&R (and he's settled and comfortable again). She reminded me that we are going to need a night out while he is hear (read: babysitter), J will need all forms of comfort right after Daddy leaves again, and frankly, it's ok to be selfish.

So that's it. It's not happening yet. It may sound like yet another excuse not to do it, but try your hardest not to judge me. And if you're going to, bite your tongue, because KR will be back in town this weekend, and you do not want to upset me while KR (or any of my sisters!) is around! She's a bit protective, and for that, we love her :)

Besides, who can say no to a face like this?

(Don't know why I can't get this pic to turn, but he's still so sweet. You get the idea).

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Life in this home has recently revolved around the vacuum. Julian is obsessed, addicted, whatever you want to call it, to our vacuum. This is great, in theory. But when tested, it turns out that his two and a half foot frame (75th percentile and all) just can't handle the height of the vacuum and his eensy weensy muscles can't handle much of the weight, leaving the vacuuming up to me. I don't mind doing it, but when he literally walks from his bed to the broom closet to get the vacuum out every single morning it becomes a little excessive.

After a little research, I found the perfect vacuum for him and due to his "commitment" to vacuuming, I felt like it was the best option for our little problem. The vacuum is identical to ours and it even sucks up a piece of dirt here or there. I accidentally bought the wrong size batteries for it, but even without realizing that it lit up or hearing that it made an obnoxious realistic vacuum noise, he was instantly in love. He played with it all day! I have compiled a list of reasons why I know I made the right choice in buying this new sucker.

You can't tell in the picture but J's vacuum even has the same "Reaction" sticker on it and "Dual Action" sticker on it

1. It is identical to Mommy's. J has pointed out several times that the little vacuum is his and the big vacuum is Mommy's.
2. After a straight 45 minutes of play, J had to sit for lunch. The vacuum sat on the floor next to him and he kept one hand on it at all times.
3. He had a meltdown at naptime and bedtime over his vacuum not being in his room. (He would never sleep if I let him have it in there).
4. After nap, we went to the store to get the right batteries. J insisted on bringing it in the car.
5. And he insisted on buckling it into the seat next to him.
6. On the way home, he pointed his finger at the vacuum and said "Be Good!"
7. He has vacuumed every room of the house 15 times and emptied the canister (yes it comes off) into the trash about 432 times.
8. He tried to feed it some of his dinner.

And the ultimate proof is in the pictures.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Well Baby Well Baby Well

The title of the blog was a lame attempt at a twist on a No Doubt song. The attempt failed, I know.

Anyway, J had his 2 year Well Baby Checkup on Friday. (Yes, it was 2 months late but that's because we were out of town and our awesome doctor's office doesn't let you schedule anything until the same month of your needed appointment. If they let you schedule things ahead of time, there probably wouldn't be so many problems and complaints, but what do they care? They still get paid).

Sorry, got lost there for a minute, back to the results of his appointment. He is only in the 35th percentile for weight, weighing in at 27.9 pounds. I am pretty sure the last time I went and they weighed him on the infant scale he was just under 30 pounds, and if you have ever picked that boy up, you know that he is rather...solid.  Either way, the doctor wasn't concerned. Honestly, take one look at the size of me and applaud the fact that he is 35th percentile. For height, he is in the 75th to 85th percentile! He was kind of in the middle and they round it off.  I think he was almost 37 inches. I can't really explain the insane height, except that A's Mom's side of the family is pretty tall.

After weight, height, and all the vitals we saw J's PCM. I am usually pretty frustrated because I get a letter in the mail almost every month saying his PCM has changed...yet again. But I couldn't have been happier to realize that his new PCM was the doctor I had the entire time I was pregnant with him. She is simply amazing and knows our family so well! I run into her everytime I am at the doctor's and she never fails to ask us how we are all doing. I even ran into her at a consignment sale and she is always genuinely happy to see us. She made me feel like the best mom in the world by telling me that her son's favorite food is cookies, after I told her J's is currently eggs and grapes and also that I can continue to give J a bottle before nap and bed because it's not worth the fight until A comes home.  I actually started weaning anyway, but just knowing that if I want to give up the fight I can, makes me feel great.

Finally, we headed to immunizations where he only had one shot, but he screamed and then pouted (bottom lip stuck out as far as possible) all the way to the car and down the road until I told him he could have ice cream when we got home.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Back on the Blog Wagon

My apologies go out to my (apparently) many followers for falling off the blogger radar for a good 2 1/2 months. May is always our busiest time of year and got even busier when J and I drove (yes, drove) to Maine for 6 weeks. While there, we attended four weddings (two of my sisters got married, J was the ringbearer in a childhood friend's wedding, and a highschool friend was also married). I am not sure we sat down for more than 3.2 minutes at a time; even naptime and bedtime was a major headache.

J the Ringbearer

We drove back home two weeks ago and sister L came with us. She was determined to make the trip in a single day, but with a two year old and a psychodog I had my doubts. 

Me, J and L at the Beach the night before our big trip

Even with a stop at Central Park in NYC we made it back in eighteen hours. L was right, I admit it.

Me & J with Abby in Central Park

Since returning, it breaks my heart to say that seven of our soldiers' were wounded overseas. Five of them were well enough to return to duty, but two were sent back to the U.S.  Wanting to offer all of my support to the soldiers and their  families, J and I drove out of town to visit one of the soldiers who is at an out of state hospital.  We were gone for five days, and I am happy to say that the soldier is doing well, smiling, and cuddling his newborn baby.  While we were away, we visited with K and the boys, went to Hershey Park where we met up with A's Aunts, and visited the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Shrine. We got back to town yesterday, and will be seeing the other soldier and his family in a few days. I am also happy to say, that this particular soldier was released from the hospital today!

Here are some things we have learned about traveling:

*J officially gets carsick. He has now thrown up in two major US cities (NYC and DC).
*I am a champ at stripping him down and wiping him up on the side of the road.
*I am also a champ at making my car not smell like throwup after it has been christened.
*Dramamine is not only great for motion sickness, but also for knocking a kid out for 2 1/2 hour naps. It's amazing a 1/4 tablet can do so much.
*Abby wishes she lived in the city, there are hotdogs and soft pretzel crumbs all over the street.
*My GPS is my best friend when it comes to ridiculous amounts of traffic.
*I talk to myself...a lot. J always says "what?" when I am talking to myself, making me realize what I am doing.

And with that, I'm back on the blog wagon.
Cleaning up throw up in the Bronx is always the perfect opportunity for a photo!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's Day (Eve) Thoughts

I know I am an excellent mother, but since A left, I have my days when I have my doubts about the success of my title.  On those days, I feel like I am slacking in the mommy department but at the end of the day I know that I am doing the best I can do at playing the role of both Mommy and Daddy.  It's very cliche, but becoming a mother is the best thing that has ever happened to me.  I'm exhausted.  I can't recall the last time I had an uninterrupted shower or peed in privacy.  My house is rarely presentable for drop-in friends (which is too bad for them, because I don't really care).  I know all the words to the Sesame Street Sing Along CD and one of my favorite CDs is Bert & Ernie's Greatest Hits.  All that and I still think I have the greatest job in the world (and a pretty cool kid!)

So, now that I have assured myself that I am excellent mommy for J, my Mother's Day resolution is to be a better mommy to Abby, the insert choice word(s) here dog.  I have wanted my own dog since I moved out on my own, and A finally agreed to getting one.  I let him choose the breed, knowing that we needed a small dog (small backyard, it's only fair) and something that doesn't shed (thank you allergies).  There were several breeds that fit this criteria but since we needed a small dog, A needed something "manly" to fill some sort of underlying insecurity (that's my unprofessional opinion though, ha!) Long story short, we now have the most hyper breed ever (miniature pinscher) because she looks "so cool and mean when her little paws turn in and her ears stand up" (words brought to you by A himself).  I trained her, taught her to sit, stay out of the kitchen, go in her crate by just saying "night night"...and guess who she listens to?  Not me, but A!  Now that A isn't here, guess who she listens to?  No one!  The shock collar is definitely helping, but what she really needs is more attention (and to stay out of the damn trash can!) 

Remember when I said I was exhausted?  Now I will be even more tired because I am making the resolution to spend more time throwing a ball around with her, taking her for more walks (which is a serious task while pushing a stroller and halting her from chasing the neighborhood kids on their wave boards-have you seen those things? I'm jealous of those kids!) Woops, got off the subject for a second.  But seriously, more attention to abby, less rest for me, but also, (hopefully) less stress for me!  I even let her lay on a towel on my bed tonight. A would even have a minor heart attack over this one.  Don't worry A, I will put her in her crate before bed and dry clean the comforter before you come home :)

Here's to you Abigail Wonky:

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

4 months since "See-You-Later"

As of yesterday, it has been four months since A left.  April was a painfully slow month.  J and I did very little traveling (with the exception of a long weekend trip to Philadelphia for Easter).  Hopefully with birthday and wedding season right around the corner, time will move along swiftly again!  I am looking forward to our big trip to Maine, maine-ly (ha!) because of all of the events that will take place-My birthday, My nephew B's first birthday, Julian's birthday and his combined birthday party with my niece "I", and four weddings!  I may even be there for my younger niece "I's" birthday!  I am not looking forward to running around everyday and the severe lack of sleep that comes with every trip.  My only hope is that since we will be there for over a month, J will begin to settle in and the running around will be about half of what it normally is.

The good news is that we are about half way to R&R!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Allergy Attack

J started swelling up on his right leg at about 8am yesterday.  I called the doctor's office not expecting to get very far with them while I multitasked preparing the diaper bag with all of the essentials for a trip to the Emergency Room.  To my great surprise, the doctor told me to bring J in right away.  She took one look at his swelling leg, told me to give him benadryl and sent me on my way.  I left with my head low, feeling like I overreacted.  As soon as we got home I started to change his diaper and saw that the swelling had gone from this:

to this:

I put him right back in the car and headed straight back to the doctor.  On the way it spread up his back and covered the rest of his face.  He kept saying "owie mommy" or "I hurt".  (I fought back tears the entire drive, no parent wants to feel helpless when their child is in pain).  When we got there, they gave him a shot of epinephrine, told me to continue benadryl and to expect the massive hives to come and go over the next five days.  I have also been instructed to pay close attention to what he is eating, but I am going to use the Mom Instinct Card here and say that he was bit by something.  I would like for him to have allergy testing so that we know what we are dealing with (and to avoid a next time)!  Try telling that to a far too busy doctor in military health care.  I will do my research first before knocking down doors for a referral. If I decide it is best for him to have it done-Game On Tricare!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Slack Blogger

My heart hasn't been into blogging every single night recently (clearly, as I have skipped at least two, possibly three nights).  This is the official end to blogging each night and the start to blogging only when I feel like it or have something interesting to say. I don't think everyone needs to know (or wants to know, really) the minute details of what I did each and every day, but I will summarize my days and throw you the interesting parts when I feel the urge.

On a completely different note-I am in insomniac.  No, I haven't been diagnosed. No, I am not a hypochondriac (the position is already filled in this family).  Yes, I may possibly be overreacting.  However, for the past couple of weeks I have not been able to fall asleep until after midnight.  Some nights I don't fall asleep until 3am.  As much as I look forward to naptime every day, I can't even fall asleep then either!  I have even stopped drinking coffee.  I am exhausted, but sleep just doesn't come as early as it should and once I am asleep, I can't stay asleep.  It could be stress, but I am not really thinking about anything in particular when I am tossing in turning (except pondering whether or not to google spanish swears so that I can yell at my neighbors about their flood lights).  I am just stressed because I am not asleep and I so desperately want to be!  

Tonight I took a lavender bath, I have clean sheets and clean jammies (with lavender and vanilla fabric softener on them), and I am going to read the rest of my book tonight. If sleep doesn't come early tonight, I will try Calmes Forte tomorrow.  If that doesn't work, I am trying Benadryl the next night. If that doesn't work, I am caving and trying Tylenol PM.  I cannot take anything stronger because I probably wouldn't wake up for a couple days and I don't think J would appreciate hanging out in his room without his diaper changed or food in his tummy.

Sweet Dreams, Dreamers. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

General George Casey & An Adventure

General George Casey:

This morning I got the great honor of going to a small conference with General George Casey (the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army).  Only about one hundred wives of deployed spouses were invited.  After General Casey spoke, we had the opportunity for a Q&A session.  I, of course, sat silently in the audience and watched as many other brave women asked questions that I would have never thought of.  The only downside was that we did not actually get to meet him. (But that didn't stop K from running out a side door to try to catch him!)

An Adventure:
K and I needed to get out of the house this afternoon so the boys didn't drive us crazy.  We went to dinner, let the boys play, and then surprised them (and ourselves!) with a trip to the mall so they could ride the "horseys" (carousel) and get punching balloons.  Next time we come upon this brilliant idea, the punching balloons will wait until we are exiting the premises.  On a positive note, I am wearing gloriously comfortable new sweatpants.  :)

Peak: I took a nap!
Pitt: Although J took a great nap, it was a struggle to get him down and stressed me out to the max!

Andre Update: I got to Skype with him quickly this morning, and by the Grace of God he called me on Skype after the stressful naptime routine. It calmed me down right away and I was able to take a nap.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Helping Hand

Today was a day to put my exhaustion aside and help out a friend.  V is one of the wives of our battery.  Her husband is also deployed with A and six weeks ago, she gave birth to baby Bryson.  She is in the middle of trying to move home for the rest of deployment and get her house ready for her husbands return from Afghanistan for R&R.  This is an impossible task for someone just barely recovered from child birth, with a six week old and a two year old.  I got the opportunity today to take both kids off of her hands so that she could get some things done before the movers come and her husband gets home for two weeks!

J had so much fun with his new friend (and there were equal amounts of beatings, so I was given the reassurance that I am not the only parent of a "hitter".)  And of course I was in heaven snuggling baby B.  J didn't nap today because of all the excitement (I didn't even bother trying) and it started to show at about 5pm.  He miraculously managed to hold it together though and after being very upset over his new friend leaving, he went straight to bed and fell asleep half way through his story.  Little man had a day full of excitement!

Peak: Lending a hand
Pitt: I do wish J would stop this hitting nonsense and just learn to share already!

Andre Update: We got to talk on skype before J went to PMO and then again after I dropped him off. All is well :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Early to Bed, Early to Rise

This morning when I woke up (far too early for my own good), I vowed, promised, swore-whatever I had to do-that I would go to bed early tonight.  I am going to watch one DVR show and crash by 9pm.  This plan can only be carried out if J actually falls asleep.  As usual, he is laying on his floor next to his door saying things like "Mommy!" "Where are you?" and "Love you!" All very sweet things mind you, but it is almost 8:30. 

My big plan for tomorrow morning, after a good night's rest of course, is to wake up before Julian, shower, get dressed and ready for the day, and have a quiet cup of coffee.  Of course I will need to be sure to get up a least an hour earlier than he does in order for this plan to be carried out successfully.

With that said-Goodnight!

Peak: Tackling and completing one organization project on my very long list of organization projects.  But another one crossed off and I am pleased!
Pitt: J has learned to push his chair to the sink, turn the water and spray the hose everywhere.  (Caryn called this one on Sunday, she gave him a maximum of two days to figure it out.)

Andre Update: He called this morning.  Not a whole lot to report, he sounded pretty bored.  His internet down was today, which is a bummer because I really really really really really wanted to see his face!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Caught Greasy Handed

Boys are adventurous, curious, busy little creatures.  I understand many girls have the same instincts, but I have given birth to the epitome of a boy.  Today, in the thirty minutes it took him to climb into his bed for a nap, J single-handedly destroyed his glider rocking chair and ottoman.  I wondered, when going in to get him after his nap, why he was all greasy and smelly, and then I turned to see globs of white sunsceen smeared all over his chair, ottoman, wall, and carpet.  I wiped everything down, poured cornstarch to soak up the oil (which actually did help a bit), and through the pads in the wash (because of course the fabric doesn't just slide off for easy cleaning).  The ottoman had to be hand scrubbed, but even the hailed spot bot wouldn't take it out.  The washing of the pads was a failure as well.  Everything is still white, smelly, and disgusting.  Hopefully some more cornstarch will pull out most of the grease and Audrey and I can tackle the job of reupholstering.  And just so we're clear-when I say Audrey and I, what I most definitely mean is Audrey, while I watch and make meaningful noises (think a lot of hmmms and ahhhs) that project I know what I am doing and shout words of praise and encouragement in her general direction. 

The success of the carpet cleaning will have to wait until tomorrow when I steal my neighbor's shampooer.  This may be the push I needed to rip up the carpet in the rest of the house as A has been hinting at for over a year now.

PS. I know I didn't blog yesterday, but I don't feel bad about it. Technically I did, as I was a guest blogger on another blog.
PPS.  I still think J is the cutest kid in the entire world.

Peak: J cuddled with me on the couch for 40 minutes before bed (resulting in a seriously late bedtime because I didn't want to move), he didn't cry when I cut his nails (quite possibly a first), and he's still cute.
Pitt: While cleaning the sunscreen mess, I suddenly realized Abby wasn't underfoot. When I asked J where she was his response was "All gone!"  She got out of our gate (for the second time in a month)!  I ran out with J to find her thinking I could care less if someone else took her in as their own, but sure enough she was right across the street.  (I'm not sure if the pitt is that she got out, or that I found her...kidding....kind of).

Andre Update: We talked yesterday on Skype and then again on the phone before I went to bed (that was a nice surprise, but there were some FRG questions that needed answering and he wanted to answer them right away).  He really sounds good, I just can't wait to see his face!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Pizza, Wine, & Friends

The title of the blog sums up my evening.  K was in town so we had a gourmet dinner (Elizabeth's Pizza and Wine!) with friends and lovely, relaxed adult conversation while the kids ran around the yard, getting along quite nicely I might add. 

The rest of the day was pretty relaxed as well.  J had PMO this morning, and I received my first phone call from the director.  She said he was crying for about 40 minutes so I went to get him (he only had about 20 minutes left, but I didn't want to leave him sad).  When I was leaving I saw all the kids coming in from outside (J was inside when I got him), so it made me wonder if he was crying because: a) he had to stay inside with the younger kids, or b) he had stayed inside because he was crying, or c) he came inside because he was crying.  Either way I am curious as to why he wasn't outside with the rest of them.  It would have surely cured the tears (unless the answer was c).  He was fine when we got home (and went outside), we had lunch, played for a while, and then he took a 3 hour nap (2 days in a row!) I won't complain, but I will admit that by the end of hour two, I start getting a little bored without him.

Peak: Girl's Night!
Pitt: J being sad at PMO (and he hadn't even cried when I dropped him off!)

Andre Update: Skype this morning!  It is always a little difficult to talk when we first wake up (as was the case today) because J wants a cup, then he wants to feed abby, then he wants, wants, and wants some more.  But it is always nice to talk and see his face :) 

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Together Again

I wish I could say I was talking about A being together again with us, his family, but I'm not.  Instead I'm talking about the next best thing-my friends!  In the beginning of deployment we jumped right into having a weekly get together and did great about never missing a week.  As soon as we all started getting comfortable in our "new" lives, we started to travel and our weekly get togethers fell apart.  I have finally seen C a couple of times (granted they were at functions that we were somewhat expected to attend), I have finally seen K twice this week, and drumroll pleeeeaaasseee-Kerrie will be here tomorrow after far too many months away from me in Georgia!  Even big sister D says everyone needs a Kerrie in their lives, and they have never even met!  Hopefully B will be able to come over tomorrow night and my life will complete. 

Peak: a 3 hour nap from J and one more sleep until I get to see Kerrie!!!!!
Pitt: Harris Teeter gives me mild anxiety at 6pm.

Andre Update: I had mega-errands to run today and missed him on skype...by about 2 minutes. Awesome.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Counting our Losses

 Two more sets of arms and at least another set of eyes wouldn't be a bad thing for this household.  Thus far this week (and keep me in mind it's only Wednesday) we (read: J) have broken:

1. A butter dish
2. An 8oz. drinking glass
3. A soap dispenser

Other semi-disastrous things:

1. Abby's water dish dumped on a daily basis
2. J's bottom dresser drawer (with sheets, towels, washcloths) emptied-also on a daily basis
3. Yahtzee game stolen from closet, opened, and yellow chips (what are those for anyway) dropped into perfectly sized slots of new bubble bucket
4. Egg cracked into a muffin pan

Here's your culprit:

So innocent, isn't he?

Peak: Getting some errands out of the way
Pitt: Having the exictement of buying a very pretty shirt for $6.00 ruined by finding the ink tag still stuck on it.

Andre Update: He called today since we weren't at home.  He got to have a true Afghan lunch (on the floor with people and their dirty feet walking through their fine dining establishment).  He also got to see an Afghan comedy show, which he understood none of but said it was still funny.  And I thought he was at war...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The World Goes 'Round after 8pm-But I don't.

The house is quiet, the lights are dimmed, contacts out, glasses on, ice cream scooped, and I am sitting in bed-at 8:15pm.  I opened the front door to lock the storm the door with every intention and more than a few ounces of excitement of getting into bed.  That's when I saw it-people walking their dogs, kids jumping rope, someone washing their car...  I forget that life goes on after J goes to bed.  Not for me though.  That sweet boy hasn't napped in three days and I am one tired Momma.  I won't be falling asleep anytime soon as my DVR is somewhat of an addiction, but for the year of 2010 my life is no longer that of taking walks at dusk or sitting out front people watching with my husband (frothy beverage in hand). No thank you, I'd rather be right here, in bed, relaxing for the first time since 7am. This is the new "me time" and I am OK with it.

Peak: J had PMO this morning and I got some organizing done!
Pitt: I miss naps (and it has only been 3 days)

Andre Update: I only got some organzing done because he called on Skype and then complained that I was making too much noise.  I was in the middle of sorting through 2 years worth of Julian's clothing and was showing him some of the cute little tiny outfits he used to wear.  It was fun reminiscing.

Monday, April 12, 2010

100 days since I saw your face

I said goodbye to the love of my life and watched him walk away toward a year of war exactly one hundred days ago.  The thought is bittersweet; 265 days is still a long way to go.  I had a dream the other night that he came home in the middle of the night to surprise me (which I don't recommend, because he may not survive with two feet in the door due to the fact that I would surely mistake him for an intruder).  He was home for two weeks just to check on things back on home, he would be heading back to Afghanistan, but would still be coming home on R&R for two weeks in September. It was the type of dream that feels so real; when you wake up, you expect it to be reality.  Disappointingly, he wasn't there next to me when I opened my eyes. 265 days to go...but 100 down!

Peak: Sunshine and all day outside!
Pitt: No nap, day 2

J's Latest and Greatest: He wants 1,459 hugs before nap/bed.  When I leave the room he cries and cries. (He is usually a champ about going to bed and staying in bed. He loves bedtime!)  He is falling asleep on his floor right now because I refuse to put him back in his bed anymore than 5 times. I will move him in an hour when he is sound asleep.

Andre Update: He called this morning! YES, he actually called.  J was busy outside, so we got in a pretty good conversation.  He sounded great, but seemed to be missing home.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


K and I embraced motherhood today, we graciously faced single parenthood, and we bravely stepped out into the world and into large crowds of people alone with our children with only eachother for support.  (I guess that means we weren't really alone since we had eachother, but this was a big step-especially for K since she has two boys to have eyes on at all times).  After devouring some delicious chicken pot pie (per request of NayNay-thanks kid, great idea!) we loaded the car full of children, snacks, toys, chairs, and blankets and went to the free Daughtry concert on post.  The boys got to ride the train and go down the steepest slide I have ever seen.  I had to take J down it of course, and was glad I did.  It was quite the adventure and was so steep and long that it made my stomach flip.  I love that adrenaline!  I set up our seating area an hour before the concert began so we had decent seats in the middle of the pack.  The concert was fabulous and when he played "Home" I had chills. Not only because the song hits close to the heart, but it also had an overwhelming patriotic feel while standing in the middle of the main post parade field.  The boys were all very well behaved and J danced throughout the entire concert.  He was still wound up when we got home, but was very good about getting straight to bed.
Daddy would be proud that he kept his "ear gear" for most of the concert too!

J's Latest and Greatest: If I tell him my lips hurt, he gives me a big kiss everytime! It's genius, really!

Peak: The Daughtry concert and dancing with J!
Pitt: No nap

Andre Update: Skype this morning before I had to run off to church.  J was being the typical showoff for his Daddy, but blowing lots of kisses and saying lots of "yuv you's" too!

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Today was about as good as going to the spa.  Putting the fact that I did yard work for three hours (nonstop) aside, J and I both took three hour naps and he was a snuggly, loving toddler all day long.  I made us a large, delicious dinner (which he happily ate without a fight), poured myself a glass of wine to complete the meal, took J and Abby for a walk through the entire neighborhood (meeting several children and neighbors along the way), and since putting J to bed have done nothing but sit back, enjoy (yet another) glass of wine, and relax.

Weekends are always a little depressing without Andre here to snuggle up with and watch a movie or play a game (I love board games, and am a little adamant about forcing A to play with me even though he (says he) hates them).  But today flowed smoothly and although I would prefer him here, it was as good as it gets under the circumstances.

Peak: J seems to be out of his "terrible two" rut for the time being and is so much fun to be around.
Pitt: I have raking blisters because I can't find any work gloves!

Andre Update: Skype this morning. Not as long as yesterday, but I will take what I can get :)  He seemed to be cleaning his room while we were talking (such a neat freak!) but he seemed happy and healthy! 

Friday, April 9, 2010

Missing You

I had a sudden and overwhelming flood of emotion today while talking to A on Skype.  The reality of how quickly J is growing and changing and how much A is missing came out of nowhere and slapped me in the face.  I call it a slap in the face because it actually made me ache.  We are only three months into this and it won't be until September that our beloved husband/daddy gets to come home on R&R (Rest and Relaxation).  I miss him so much that watching the slideshow screensaver on my computer today made me want to cry.  To feel his embrace, to just be in his presence-it is such an uplifting and comforting feeling that we all take for granted until it is gone.  I called Grandma tonight. She always asks about A and is always good about reminding me how good we have it compared to Grandpa's time in WWII.  That was helpful and I am feeling better tonight.

Speaking of Grandma-today is her 90th birthday.  56 years ago today, she gave birth to my Daddy.  In case you aren't following, that means today is my Daddy's 56th birthday!  Both are remarkable people who I have looked up to my entire life.  My Grandmother is full of energy, health, and always has wonderful advice (let's face it-she has had 90 years to get things right!)  My Daddy is the smartest person I know and always has something witty and humorous to say.  He is the best person to turn to if you need cheering up because he can always say just the thing to make you laugh.  Both my Grandma and my Dad have a deep unconditional love for their children and grandchildren (great grandchildren too!) that I hope my children and future grandchildren will feel from me as they grow.

Happy 90th Grandma!

Happy 56th Daddy!

Peak: Running all over the playground with J
Pitt: Missing him ♥

J's Latest and Greatest: He really enjoys it when Abby sits on his lap and rocks with him.

He is no longer afraid to lay down in the bathtub, but does not like the water going over his ears.  Instead of covering them with the palms of his hands, he uses the backs of them.

He got new Jammies! They are very fitting since he now says "hug!" at least 3 times before bed everynight and puts a tight hold on you so can't move until he says so!

Andre Update: He is home again so I get to see his handsome face and J gets to show off for his Daddy!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Last To Know

I am officially the last person to know everything!  I have at least eight friends (and I am sure I am missing a few) who are pregnant right now and I'm pretty sure I was the last to figure out each and every one of them.  With recent events, I am sure I subconsciously turned a blind eye to it.  I will admit that when finding out about each one of them, my first reaction was envy.  I asked a lot of why's, mostly 'why me?' in the beginning, but I shook that feeling fast.  I could not be happier that God has blessed these women and their families with new life and I am now at peace feeling that God has another plan for A and I, J too for that matter.

On another Last to Know note, A's battery is currently deployed with another batallion.  The rest of the batteries have recently returned home from a year in Afghanistan and A's battery is the only battery deployed from our battallion now.  (I understand that this is confusing to those of you who are not military affiliated, but just hang with me!)  Since all of the other batteries are home, we have a lot of events including balls, change of commands and hail and farewells.  When I am informed of an event, I am usually informed just hours before the event is to take place.  There have been times when I have been told in advance and just couldn't attend due to my east coast travels, but tonight I was told just an hour before a hail and farewell was to take place.  I may have just blown it off, but not only was it at my favorite restaurant, but it is also a chance for me to get out, take time for myself, and eat without a sticky fork.  With just an hour to find a sitter (and J still napping) it looked as though if I wanted to get out, he was coming with me.  I packed smartly (books, crayons, cars, cup, bottle, blankies, favorite snacks-you name it, I had it).  Just as I put J in his seat, JR called and offered his wife's babysitting services.  I called S and asked if I could bring J by for a couple hours, but I also had my reservations.  JR and S have 4 girls, including a newborn, and I wouldn't be picking him up until it was dangerously close to bedtime.  I hesitantly left him, convincing myself the entire time that I was doing the right thing.  He didn't cry when I left (a first!), he behaved, and S had all of her in place when I picked him up.  I suppose in the end I did do the right thing for myself, I just hope and I didn't drive S crazy and that I wasn't being to selfish. S is truly a saint for taking on five kids.  Hopefully there won't be a "last to know" next time, but if there is, I plan to either skip the event or bring J along with me and storm the heavens with prayer that he is a pleasant dining guest.

Peak: Seeing friends and relaxing a bit
Pitt: Not relaxing completely because I was feeling guilty about leaving J

Andre Update: We talked on the phone this morning, still not "home"

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Lovely Day

Today wasn't over the top special or anything, it was just nice.  K babysat J for about an hour so I could go to the orthodontist. I brought home all the fixings for a nice big lunch (have to nourish K's ever-growing fetus, he/she will be here soon!)  I hadn't seen K in quite some time so it was nice to just sit and chat.  I am counting down the days until she is done with school, that baby comes along and we can hang out more!

Other than that, we didn't do much today. J took a short nap, but that just meant more time to play outside.  He was a good boy all day.  He did a good job of entertaining himself while I made meals and cleaned up the house, and he was so much fun outside. He would laugh so hard when he blew bubbles and they popped in my face.  It was even funnier when Abby was trying to eat them.  I just cannot believe how hot it is already!  I am looking forward to Saturday (a cooler day) and getting outside to finish raking so that I can hire a yardboy to start mowing my lawn!  It is just too hot to pick up that rake right now...and a little procrastination never hurt anyone.

Peak: Julian and all his greatness
Pitt: Making FRG phone calls that are not the most uplifting

J's Latest and Greatest: ✯He got alphabet flashcards with pop up animals on them for easter.  They had been packed in the suitcase until today and he thinks they are great! He laughs everytime he opens the card and an animal pops up. ✯When the neighborhood kids miss a basket while playing basketball outside and J hears the ball bounce off the rim he says "Ooooooooh". I am pretty sure there is no bigger diss than a 22 month old calling out your missed shots.

Andre Update: He wrote me an email this morning. He said he would try to call in the morning (fingers crossed).  He is still not "home" and he said he was bored today.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I think I experienced my first migraine this afternoon.  I had a headache all day, but just equated it to allergies and refusing to take my medication for it.  It wipes me out and I want to be on the top of my game for my little man.  He napped for almost 4 hours today and I crashed as well.  The airport ordeal yesterday wiped us both out. When I woke up the headache starting pressing into my eyes more and more. It was so bad I could barely open my eyes while inside, with sunglasses on.  I laid in J's room because it was the darkest room in the house.  He was the sweetest child I could ever have asked for. He kept coming in and saying "you ok mommy?" and kissing my leg and my cheek before toddling off to play elsewhere.  The pain was so bad that I ended up getting sick.  J stood there and patted my back, asking if I was ok.  When I sat down again, he said "flush mommy?" and flushed the toilet and handed me his toothbrush!  It doesn't get sweeter than that.  Unfortunately my head was still a mess, so M took him for the evening.  I took my allergy medication and within 20 minutes the pain was subsiding.  J was at M's for about an hour and a half and was very well behaved.  He sat with L and watched a Spanish movie for most of the time and played very nicely and quietly with the girls the rest of the time.

Peak: J being as sweet as can be!
Pitt: Migraine

J's Latest and Greatest: ✯He is just so sweet today.  I am sure sleep helped!

Andre Update: I talked to him on facebook this morning, but was running out the door to run an errand for him on post, so he called instead.  He sounded so sad.  He said he was just exhausted.  I don't like it when my honeys is sad and sleepy. Cheer up Charlie.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Flight Stories

Of course I have flight stories! My flight heading to Philadelphia was just too simple, so why should it be simple returning home?  I learned the hard way that U.S. Air oversells every flight in hopes that people won't show up or miss their flights, thus leaving them with a full flight no matter what.  I also learned that when you purchase one of the oversold tickets, you don't know you're doing it-the airline conveniently leaves that part out.

Needless to say, I was the not so proud owner of one of those 'oversold' tickets.  Everyone showed up for the flight, and no one volunteered to give up their seat for a $100.00 voucher off their next ticket purchase.  J began melting down while the flight was boarding. He was scratching my face and neck so badly. Time out was working (he was getting down off the chair and banging his head on the floor), people were giving me the "what a terrible child, what a terrible parent" look, and I could feel the tears prickling in my eyes....and then I was told that I didn't have a seat.  The tears streamed!  I called A's Aunt Donna immediately (she used to work for U.S. Air and knows the business inside and out).  I was told by the ticket agent I could run to terminal A (reminder-this is the philadelphia airport. I was in terminal c!) and try to get on the 3:40 flight (my flight was originally at 1:35, but had been delayed, so at this point, 3:40 wasn't too far off).  I should probably also let you know that I didn't bring a stroller and was down to 1 diaper and 2 wipes!  Long story short-there was no way for me to make this flight (it was oversold as well too, so luck was not on my side) and Aunt Donna instructed me on how to convince them to compensate me.  They gave me a $140.00 check (for cash, not a voucher!) and food vouchers, so we could eat for free while we waited.  I didn't confirmed on a flight until 6:35pm. Too bad the food voucher wasn't good for alcohol, I had whisky on the brain.

Miraculously, J began to behave, but was in desperate need of a diaper change.  Now I have no diapers and guess what happened 30 minutes later?  (I'm not answering, just use your imagination).  I had to find a friend who had a child the same size as J, explain my story, and ask (completely embarrassed) if I could have a diaper.  She sweetly gave me 3, gave J two little bug toys, and the kids played together for a little while.  I could not have found a sweeter, calmer family to befriend.  The husband/father even offered me their stroller to take J for a walk and get our dinner.  I gladly accepted.  J gets heavy after 6 hours in an airport.

Peak: Seeing J fall fast asleep on Aunt Dee before we left for the airport.
Pitt: Being trapped in an airport all day.

✯J's Latest & Greatest: He can now identify a bus and a plane. Unfortunately after 6 hours in an airport and listening to him point out every bus and plane, the words get a little annoying. It will be cute again tomorrow.

Andre Update: I talked to him this morning before we left for the airport. He sounds in good spirits, but is not at "home" so we weren't able to Skype. He also got to say Hi to M, C, and the kids. (MiaMoo told him that she was going to see Dragon in the Land, aka How to Train Your Dragon).

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Woah! Today was a day.  J woke up far too early for his own good but got to open his Easter basket with Daddy watching on Skype.  (Although he didn't really "open" his basket, but instead stole a chocolate egg and ate it for breakfast along with a hard boiled egg and cup of milk-minor gag). The bunny hid eggs outside since it was so warm out and the kids got to run out in their pajamas to find eggs.  J did a great job keeping up with the other kids.

He napped in the stroller again today and I crashed on the couch for about an hour.  It's a good thing I had that nap because he was a piece of work this afternoon.  The whole family came over at 2 for Easter dinner and J had a time out about every 10 minutes.  He was hitting, biting, melting down...I can't even begin to explain how frustrating it was. I took him upstairs for about a half hour to calm him down (and because sometimes mommy's need a time out too!) A's Aunt Dee took him for a long walk around the block twice (in heels, God bless her!) but he was still something else.  He didn't calm down until after his bath-just before bedtime (of course).

With the exception of J's outrageous behavior, it was a great day overall. The food was delicious and it is always wonderful to be with family for the holidays.  We missed A tons today though. This is the first major holiday without him, and I for one was definitely feeling lonely without him.  (Not to mention I could have used Daddy's help with J!)

Peak: Family!
Pitt: J's craziness

J's Latest and Greatest: ★ I thought of something earlier today-already forgot it. Sorry friends!

Andre Update: Pretty much said it all up top (skype this morning). And I'm tired so I'm halfassing the A update-Sorry babe! Miss you millions.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Eve

Today was a 'little bit of everything' day. V and I worked together to get the food cooked and the house cleaned for the big get together tomorrow.  I took Bran and J to the playground again until Bran had an emergency bathroom situtation and we ran home to make it just in time!  I walked the block with J a couple more times and he fell asleep in the stroller.  For fear that he would wake up if I moved him, I parked him front of the front door, came inside and worked on centerpieces.  He slept for about an hour out there and then sat it in for another hour eating chips and grapes before he would let anyone take him out. He was happy as could be just munching away and soaking in the sun.

Sadly, today was the day we said goodbye to A's dear great Aunt Jenny.  She was a wonderful woman and will be deeply missed.  This evening M and I went over to her Mom's house for a gathering of some of A's family.  It was a nice time looking at pictures and eating (that's what we do in this family, afterall!) 

When we got home, J decorated easter eggs for the first time with the other kids.  Actually, I should say that he decorated one easter egg.  He cracked his other one and proceeded to eat the entire thing!  Can't wait for tomorrow! His first full Easter experience.  The bunny didn't bring him a basket or hide eggs last year.

Peak: Dying Easter Eggs and watching J sleep soundly in the sun.
Pitt: Saying Goodbye

Julian's Latest and Greatest: ★ Cousin Bene gave him his first sip of beer tonight, he preferred his juice box. ★ He loves birds. He sat with cousin Chris today for almost an hour watching birds out the window. I guess it's time to get some bird feeders.

Andre Update: I didn't turn on my computer this morning because we had a lot to do in order to get ready for tomorrow while M was out spending time with her Grandma (Aunt Jenny)-so we didn't talk today. I hope that he will be available in the morning to watch J get his Easter basket and do his egg hunt!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Philly, Day 2

We were going to go to a farm today, but unfortunate circumstances made for a change of plans. A's great aunt is very sick and the family was called to stay with her today.  I stayed home with the kids (four total) and A's cousin's sister-in-law (how's that for a mouthful?) We made the most of the day, packed a picnic and walked to the playground. A's Aunt Donna and cousin Chris met us there for awhile and helped chase the kids.  J refused to nap (surprise!) and instead colored his hand (and bottom of his foot) with a marker.  He is all cleaned up and sleeping soundly (even through MiaMoo and RileyRoo fighting like crazy over Wonderpets!)

Please say some prayers for A's great aunt and family.

Peak: Playground and J actually ate normal food at normal times today without a fuss! And...I'm wearing a snuggie!
Pitt: J always feels the need to hit and bite other children who are about his age and size. Poor RileyRoo has taken the brunt of his abuse today (she will be 3 in May and is a peanut...weighing in at 1 pound less than J!)

J's Latest and Greatest: Can't think of anything today...sorry.

Andre Update: He bought his Harley today!!!  A 2011 Fatboy Low! I am so happy that he has fulfilled his dream of owning this bike (and paying for it in cash!) It will be delivered at the end of deployment! I am so proud and happy for you honey! Congratulations on your new baby :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hello Philly :)

I am sorry to say (for your sake, not mine) that I do not have any dramatic flight stories for you today. J was as behaved as an (almost) 2 year old gets and it was a piece of cake!  The woman who sat next to me fell in love with him immediately (and was feeling a little sorry for me because someone stole my window seat so I had to sit elsewhere, but I really didn't care!) He sat on her lap for the second half of the flight and was so quiet I thought he would fall asleep any second.  No such luck though. In fact, he did not nap all day. When I tried to put him down, he laughed at me!  I am surprised that he made it until bedtime with no major meltdowns...now if I can just get him to eat solid foods again and lay off the water and milk, I would be happy!

Peak: Being here with my family! (Well A's family, but they are mine too now!)
Pitt: J just finished his antibiotic and is now suffering the side effects of it. Thats about as much detail as I will go into.

★J's Latest and Greatest ★ He is (finally!) a pro at throwing kisses and it is the cutest thing in the world!

Andre Update: We skyped this morning.  He got a 300 (perfect score!) on his PT test today!  I am so proud of him! He's so dreamy!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Soo sleepy.

Today J and I ran all over town, doing last minute errands and dropping Abby off at doggy daycare for the weekend.  We came home so that he could nap and I could pack for our trip. As soon as he woke up I brought him over to B&L's house where J played with gus, plastic easter eggs, and had a pillow fight.  He was still running around, even after I got there!  I am sure they are now exhausted and sleeping peacefully. Which sounds like a great plan...

Peak: A got to see J's latest and greatest (putting his fists up, growling, and running to attack me) on Skype today.
Pitt: This is the first I have sat down today (with the exception of being in the car)

J's Latest and Greatest: ★ He is back on a cream of wheat kick in the mornings. 

Andre Update: We talked on skype for a little while this morning, but had to get our busy day started so we cut it a bit short. We caught him again just in time when we got home. J was about to go down for a nap and Daddy was about to go to bed.  Wish I got a nap...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Busy Day, Busier Tomorrow

This morning J had his second dentist appointment.  He hates having his teeth cleaned (and being held down), but he said "Bye! Wuv you!" to the hygienist on the way out the door, so I guess he wasn't too traumatized.  I was though.  Not only did he scream and cry the entire time, but right before being called back and he had a major diaper catastrophe.  I win not so awesome parent of the day award for only having an extra shirt in his bag and not an extra pair of pants.  I washed them as best I could in the sink and brought stinks McGee back into the office where I prayed that no one else could smell him.  They still let him pick a prize, so he must not have smelled too bad:

"The Prize"

After a traumatic hour we rushed home to get him changed, threw a full set of clothing into the diaper bag (just in case!) and I dropped J off at PMO.  He walked into his classroom all by himself today, and right when we were all about to say "Wow! No tears!" they started. I am pretty sure he was done before the door closed behind me though! 

We stayed home for the afternoon. The sun is shining again so we ate both lunch and dinner outside (J is a fan of Tilapia!) and played outside until it got dark.  (Except for naptime, which we both took advantage of!) I let J get bubbles at the store yesterday.  I knew it was going to be a messy project, but I was shocked to discover that he can blow them all by himself!  He only spilled once while he was bending down to give Abby a kiss, but other than that he did great!

Peak: Sunshine and Warmth
Pitt: I wanted to go for a walk, but J only gets in the stroller on J's terms

★ J's Latest and Greatest: ★ Tonight while I was sitting on the floor, J would put his fists up, wait for me to put mine up, he would start growling, run at me and just knock me over and fall on top of me. ★ For dessert tonight, instead of a treat they gave him at PMO he wanted peanut butter on a spoon. (So I ate the treat.)

Andre Update: Skype this morning while J was at PMO. It was a good, quiet conversation, but I ended it sooner than I usually would do to the obscene amount of cleaning/laundry/errands I need to get done before heading to see more family for Easter!   

Monday, March 29, 2010

Rainy Monday

Today was a rainy day and the plan was to stay home for most of it. I did have to run out to staples to fax something, but somehow we managed to do it in the 30 minutes that it did not rain. J got to try out his new rain boots in the puddles and very much enjoyed himself.  Abby even came out with us and stayed right with us, thanks to shock collar technology!  Quick post tonight since I have to get moving bright and early tomorrow. Who schedules dentist appointment for their kids at 7:30am anyway? Real smart.

Peak: Having A be such a huge part of our morning (See Andre Update).
Pitt: Rain!

★ J's Latest and Greatest: ★ When he does something he thinks is funny (i.e. dumping Abby's water on her head he says "I funny!"

Andre Update: We skyped twice today (for a long time each time) and chatted on instant messenger.  There was some sort of unexplainable comfort in knowing that he was "there" was we went on about our day, stopping to chat when J permitted.