? ??????????????Floral Misconception? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (3 Ratings)??122 Grabs Today. 2458 Total Gra
bs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????Simple Elegance? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.4 (17 Ratings)??122 Grabs Today. 5830 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Too Quiet

TT & Jigsy left this morning and now it is back to a quiet house. Most would think this is a good thing, but when you have a loud, Italian (handsome) husband, noise in this house is a good thing. I am already missing joking around, laughing, staying up all night talking like we were in college again...Looking back, I still don't really understand how we survived off of such little sleep and managed to earn degrees with 3.7 GPAs.  We are pretty great, I suppose!

I will see them again in 2 weeks when I am home, but we just had so much fun this week. And the exra sets of hands were wonderful!  I hadn't had to put J in his carseat for an entire week, I didn't give him a bath, I rarely got him dressed, I had help at meal times, help with diaper changes (don't worry, I refuse to let them change any poo diapers), help with Abby, oh the list goes on!

J took a nap today for the first time this week!  The only time he has napped was when we drove to places that were 2 hours away and he just couldn't fight it anymore.  He refused to nap at home, I guess there was just too much excitement.  He definitely needed it, because he slept for 3 hours and then just before 7:30 grabbed his blankie and said "Ni Ni!" (Night Night in J world). 

He started talking a lot when the girls were here. Anything we told him to say, he would repeat it.  He always says please in sign language (and usually says "please" at the same time), but TT showed him how to say more in sign language one time, and now he does it whenever he wants more of something! He is just growing too fast and it hurts a little to imagine how different he will be when A finally returns home.

Peak: J's heavenly nap.
Pitt: Dropping the girls off at the airport. Boo.

Andre Update: We got to skype twice today. Once before J woke up and for a long time before J went down for his nap.  J said "love you" to him again and also repeated me when I said "be right back".  He blabbed away, but of course he was on planet J, where he only speaks J language.  He had to pay for internet at his new FOB, and skype works much better and much faster.  It was expensive, but if we can continue to talk like that often, it will be well worth it-especially if little buddy gets to see his Daddy!  So I gotta say, Skyping with Andre was another major peak of the day!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Guest Bloggers

Hello Followers and Friends!
Jigsy and TT here!

Today we slowly dragged ourselves out of Diane's bed and packed up for a day out to the beach.  Jigsy pulled the short straw and had to sit in the back with J for the 2 hour adventure; but, she lucked out because J fell asleep the whole way!  Good thing because TT did NOT have a good morning and almost lost her breakfast out the window (we had a good night last night).  We went to an old cotton mill that was turned into a fun little maze of shops with lots of doors that J had to touch, slam, open, kick, or scream for.  We also almost had to buy a glass blown ornament that J just had to touch as well. 

From the maze we went shopping and got fun sunglasses, sweatshirts, t-shirts, and a shovel and pail for J (TT almost got a free ride in a police cruiser when she walked out without paying - no, we did NOT go back!).  Our adventure continued as we headed to the beach!  YAY!  We definitely did not think it would be as cold as it was, but we made the best of it and had a great time.  We took LOTS of adorable pictures.  Jigsy dared to take an icy dip with J in the water...FREEZING.  TT "accidently" hit Di in the head with J's brand new pail.  Di, of course, needed first aid immediately...hahhahahah.

We headed to the Aquarium and had a great time walking around with Daddy Doll (a doll that has J's dad's picture as the face.)  On our way home Diane INSISTED that we lose 5 years of our lives and clog our arteries by having mozzarella sticks and ice cream for dinner.  You would think those would be easy to find...but no... apparently in this state "cheesy bread" and "mozzarella sticks" are the same thing.  (On a side note: what the heck is a SunDrop?) 

Jigsy had an amazing plan to keep J entertained for our long car rides.  We wrapped his favorite toys in aluminum foil and gave them to him one by one to open and play with.  Unfortunately Di wrapped several misfit toys with dead batteries.  What did it matter to her? She got to drive the whole time!  TT had a great time picking up tin foil bits at the end of the trip.

10. Missing all the crappy weather at home
9. Shopping!  new t-shirts, sweatshirts, Coach purses - such big girls
8. Hiding the pink (special coffee measuring cup) on D; which she still has to find :)
7. The amount of artery clogging fast food...mmmm....burgers and french fries...(what is the gravy for?)
6. Meeting Di's VERY southern friends...y'all, ma'am, yankees
5. Teaching J to stick out his tounge at inappropriate times
4. Trips to the beach, zoo, aquarium, museums, play place...
3. Waking up to a cute, smiling, cuddly, smooching baby boy
2. Staying up late at night and talking like we were in college again
1. Spending time with Diane and J, who we love and miss so much!  <3

10. Contributing to the beating of elephants at the circus by purchasing tickets...ooops
9. Diane hogging the sheets at night
8. Andre not being here to spend time with us
7. TT taking over the big couch all week for her nap time
6. J not sharing his playdough with us
5. K not coming out EVER!!  We missed you!!
4. Long long car rides
3. Long long car rides when J missed nap time
2. ABBY...enough said
1. Leaving Di and J...no more vacation  :(

PEAK: Quality girl time
PITT: Only a week long, we will miss you Di

Andre update: Looking good through Skype!  ::wink wink::

Girl's Night Out!

It was babysitter night tonight (I say that like it is a regular thing, and unfortunately it's not) so we had a girl's night out-Me, TT, Jigsy, Caryn, and Britt.  We had dinner and drinks downtown and made plenty of friends at the bar.  The manager even gave us our cover charge back toward the end of the night-we were that fun!  (Although I should mention that some of us-ahem, Britt & I, refused to pay the cover in the first place due to the fact that we had already been there for over an hour!) Now it is already Saturday, and we will be up in a few hours with J and headed 2 hours to the coast!  So Goodnight!

Peak: Obviously an evening out with amazing people
Pitt: Getting yelled at and spit on by a girl at least 19 feet taller than me.

Andre Update: Not a word today. I'm hopeful for tomorrow!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Museum & Circus

We had a busy day today!  This morning we went the Children's Museum and I hate to say it, but the $5.00 you pay for admissions is barely worth it. It is very outdated (I'm pretty sure the walls have peeling lead paint) and very few of the buttons you push to make noises and learn about different things worked.  The director (I think?) brought out a snake in the middle of our visit. I am not really into snakes in the first place, but it made me even more nervouse to have a random person bring it out, set it on a table, allow multiple kids (including mine with TT's supervision) touch it all at one time, and then take it off the table and not wash it after.  I just wanted to wash my hands as soon as we left.  I am sure I will be back, but I have to say-I was pretty dissapointed, but at least it gives us something to do.

Tonight we went to the circus.  We went early and had so much fun! We sat on the edge of the ring and watched all kinds of "pre-performances" and we even got clown noses.  The circus was pretty good too. J flipped out over popcorn being sold right in front of his face while I was out buying him some!  He calmed down when I came back with a box but then flipped out over a little boy sitting in front of him who was teasing him with a seriously overpriced circus toy-to which I responded by giving in and buying him the toy. He does love it though! 

Although the circus was a blast, the night ended sadly after we came home and looked up how they train the elephants at the circus.  I am completely horrified by what Ringling Brothers does to the animals (particularly the elephants)!  I am posting a few videos so that you will see why I will never again attend a circus featuring animals (at least until they stop these horrendous training methods!) 

*Please know that these videos are difficult to watch...

Peak: A fun day out (pre-elephant beatings)
Pitt: Watching an elephant drown

Andre Update: He called this morning before we left for the museum. He will have internet in his room again soon and we can Skype with much better quality. I am beyond excited!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Quiet Day

We didn't do a whole lot today.  I was more than happy with that and I hope the girls were OK with it too.  I had an orthodontist appointment this morning while TT and Jigsy babysat J and picked up the house for me (so sweet of them!)  This afternoon J refused to take a nap.  I have been putting my foot down and making him stay in his bed, but it definitely backfired on me today. He was just so angry after my hour of trying and I started to lose patience with him. So I made everyone get in the car to go for a drive.  He didn't even fall asleep in the car, but he looks exhausted!!  Jigsy wanted to see what it looked like on post and they wanted airborne sweatshirts.  It was a perfect little getaway.  J was so cranky when we got home that we had to give him a bath just to calm him down.  He is definitely not ready to be done napping-he just cannot make it all the way until bedtime without majorly melting down.

We were going to head to the beach tomorrow, but it looks like the weather will be far too cold and windy, so we will have to save it for another day.  This is week is flying by.  Normally I want the days to pass quickly, but I am really enjoying having the girls here and I don't want them to leave! Booo.

Peak: Being lazy.
Pitt: J being extremely difficult.

Andre Update: He called his morning and J said "Uh-Oh" and "I love you" to him on the phone.  Of course it was the first time A heard him said "I love you" so it was very exciting-especially since J is usually silent on the phone.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


We (me, J, Britt, TT and Jigsy) went to the zoo today!  It was a two hour drive, but very worth it!  When we woke up this morning (early, thanks to J!) I asked him if he wanted to go to the zoo.  To which he clearly repeated: zoo?  For some reason, everything he says comes out as a question.  I feel like since the TT and Jigsy got here, he has been saying a lot more. He will repeat anything you tell him to!  Tonight before he went to bed, he finally said "I love you!" for the first time.  It just melted my heart.

I will post pictures of the zoo soon. They will all be on facebook, but maybe I will treat you to a few on here as well.  Exhausting (but fun!) day, so we are heading to bed! Night!

Peak: The zoo and seeing J so excited to be there!
Pitt: J falling asleep in his stroller at the end of the day and then being cranky the majority of the way back home.

Andre Update: Nothing today. Fingers crossed for something soon!

Monday, February 22, 2010

On the Up!

I am feeling so much better today, but probably eating far too much and getting a bit of a stomach ache afterward.  But I want to keep TT & Jigsy well fed. J is even eating tons again. It has been a few months since he did anything but pick at his food.

This morning I made pancakes and omelets and after debating for forty minutes on whether or not we should shower (we chose not to, ha!) we went to Monkey Joe's. Three adults (if you can call us that when we're together) and one child. There were about 3 people there in addition to us, so no one yelled at us for all playing on the equipment.  We came home and had shells and cheese with chicken nuggets mixed in (a throw back to our college days) for lunch. J took the worst nap ever while TT slept for 3 hours (Lucky girl!), we watched endless amounts of TLC shows, and then I made baked ziti for dinner (which I am proud to say TT-the pickiest eater ever-actually ate!)

Now that you are all caught up on our menu, it's movie time, so I'm done for the night!  Sweet dreams followers.

Peak: Monkey Joes and cuddling with J for at least 30 minutes straight after he got up from his "nap"
Pitt: Rainy day

Andre Update: Another phone call today.  How did I get so lucky? Although we realized after talking 12 hours before, we didn't have a whole lot to talk about but nonsense.  But it is still always good to hear his voice! Always.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

So Sick

I caught J's bug and was up all night hovered over the toilet (detailed enough? Really it could be worse. Deal.) K (bless her hear) drove all the way to the airport to pick up TT & Jigsy while A&T took J for the morning so that I could rest.  I am feeling better now and actually cooked dinner for everyone and ate it. But last night was terrible. I don't even want to relive it in blog format.  It is only 8:30 and we are all falling asleep. The girl's being tired from traveling and me being tired from being up all night. Either that or we have just turned into wimps. Whatever.

Peak: TT & Jigsy getting here! And my wonderful friends helping with J and the airport!
Pitt: Being sick :(

Andre Update: He called this morning to see how I was feeling. I e-mailed him at 2:30 when I couldn't sleep. Great conversation and he sounds great.  I just wish he was here to take care of us. Miss.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Warm Weather-Finally!

It was a beautiful day today and tomorrow will be even better!  Not only will it remain in the 60's, but Jigsy and TT will be here for a full week! (Unfortunately, the temperature will drop back into the 40's during the week though).

I realized this evening that I have not left this house in 2 days!  We have been outside a lot, so thankfully cabin fever has not set in.  J has not been throwing up anymore but he is still a bit sick (we have done many diaper changes if you catch my whiff...I mean drift).  I was going to clean after J went to bed tonight so that the house would be ready for our visitors, but I realized that this place is spotless!  I usually can't keep it clean with J running circles around me, especially when we have been home for 2 days straight, but with all of the outdoor time and the constant disinfecting, I didn't have to do anything but mop the living room and kitchen one last time (which, by the way, I don't recommend doing at 8:30 at night). 

Reflecting on my week there are many things that I would never think I could do without the help of Andrew including (but not limited to!):

*Being thrown up on, having to change clothes, run a bath, clean up the rest of "it" and comfort a baby all at the same time.
*Get up 3 times throughout the night to change sheets, bathe, change pajamas, and comfort a baby each time.
*Heave a Christmas tree into the back of a truck along with all of the recycling and dump it at the recycling center.
*Change the air filter (I knew I was capable of doing this, but I just never wanted to!)
*Bathing Abby (mostly because she is such a pain this had become A's job!) The real test is to see if I will be able to cut her nails on my own.

I am feeling quite accomplished, but it still doesn't change the fact that I wish A was here to help.

And did you know that A isn't really in Afghanistan? He's been training for Vancouver. Secret's out.

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Peak: The weather and spending most of the day outside! AND J napped in his bed for the 3rd day in a row!
Pitt: I didn't get to hear my husband's sweet voice :(

Andre Update: No update. Sad day.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Knock on Wood

The sickness is over! I am not usually one to 'knock on wood', but after changing sheets, bathing J, and changing his pajamas three times throughout the night, I will do any of those things superstitious people do if it means the possibility of not having another night like last night for at least the next year!

He woke up before the sun (which is against the rules in this household!) but since he was sick, I let it slide.  He still had a fever, and had a little spit up after 3 bites of applesauce and a bit of toast, but since his nap, he has been perfectly fine-meaning he is back to tearing apart the house, terrorizing Abby, and chasing me all over the place!  

It was a warm afternoon, so we went out for some fresh air (for two hours!) After playing in the sand table for 40 minutes, I sat in the sun and read a book.  It was as relaxing as relaxing with a 20 month old (almost 21 month old) gets! 

After dinner (which he ate very little of) we played with toys and books. I told him it was time to clean up and go "night night" and he did! He put all of his toys in his toy box, put all of his books on his bookshelf, and even put the metal bowls he was playing with back into the cabinet he took them out of!  He also found a cup and put it in the sink.  My heart swelled with pride!

This has definitely been the slowest week since A left, but TT (Tiffany) and Jigsy (Jen) will be here on Sunday for a fun filled week!

Peak: Playing and Reading outside with J.
Pitt: The early morning

Andre Update: He called this morning to check in on "buddy" (as he calls him). I had e-mailed him last night to tell him that he was sick.  He seemed a little distracted, but he said it was just because he has nothing to talk about, his days are monotonous and he just wants to hear about us when he calls.  It's sweet, but makes for tough conversations sometimes (especially when all you have to talk about is vomit).  I completely understand though! Love you, babe! 

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Whew! What a day!

I have known since well before Andrew left that I would need to be calling a plumber to either fix or replace our garbage disposal and to fix the leaky bathtub faucet in our master bath.  I let it go so long that the "leaky" faucet became a steady stream of water, the sink faucet started leaking, and the garbage disposal continued to drip potent smelling water into the tub that was strategically placed underneath.  I finally decided the smell was getting too bad to continue dumping out the potent water everyday so I called a plumber. I had two recommendations and the first guy never showed.  I called the second plumber and he was there within a couple hours. Unfortunately for us, it was right in the middle of naptime.  The plumber was as quiet as could be while replacing the garbage disposal (but really, how quiet can you be?) and I was pleasantly surprised that J slept through it.

He woke up after 2 hours of sleep and just before the plumber left. He was very excited to have a "visitor" and talked his ear off!  When he left 5 minutes later, J had an absolute fit! 

I also finally gave in to and decided that my recycling was getting out of control.  (Since we live outside of city limits we don't get to participate in curbside recycling like the rest of you lucky ducks!)  It was so out of control that there was no way I could fit it into my car with J and I decided I needed to take the truck. Since I can't put him in A's truck, I brought him over to Carleen's for a little bit while I took care of the abundance of cardboard boxes and copious amounts of milk jugs.  And although I am a little ashamed to admit this-I finally took our Christmas tree off of our side yard and took care of that too (because my [insert expletive here] refuses to pick it up).

After I got home and picked up J, I threw leftovers into the microwave for him and started getting his stuff ready to go spend "man time" with Brad (since Laura had something going on at school) (I was off to go see Dear John with Britt.)  In the middle of warming up his dinner, he started crying so hard and when I picked him up he threw up all over me, all over himself, and all over the floor.  He continued to get sick on and off for the next hour.  Needless to say, he didn't get to have "man time" and I didn't go to the movies.  He laid on the couch for an hour straight watching a movie (and if you know J at all, you know that he does not sit on the couch-or anywhere-for more than 2.1 seconds) before going to bed.

I am prepared for a long night ahead.  I have sheets, blankets, and pajamas out and ready to be changed. I have fresh washcloths and soap in the bathroom. The thermometer, tylenol, and rescue remedy are ready to go.  I am already stocked on pedialyte drink and popsicles and I am already in bed-at 8:10pm!

I am exhausted and need to say many many prayers that my little man is feeling better soon and that we will have no problems tonight.

Peak: Finally crossing some major things off my to-do list
Pitt: Vomit Patrol and Operation Comfort Sick Baby sans Daddy Backup.

Andre Update: He has temporarily moved FOBs.  That is why I didn't expect to hear from him yesterday, because I knew he was traveling.  I got a quick e-mail from him today, but he said he only had a second to write because he was super busy.  If you want his new address, send me an email or message on facebook and I will give it to you.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wednesday Ramblings

I thought with that amount of things we had to do today that it would fly by.  Wrong.  We got up and went straight to yoga, where it was just J and I.  I was completely ok with not having class, it gave Audrey and I a chance to catch up and let J run around (just as he always wants to during class anyway!)  After "yoga", we came straight home, swallowed lunch in 8 bites (seriously-I learned I can eat an entire turkey sandwich-lettuce, tomato and all-in just 8 bites!), changed and went to Mass for Ash Wednesday.  We came home, had a snack, and took a nap! We both napped for 2 hours and it was glorious.  Although, upon waking, I began to wonder if his naps are worth it because he is so cranky for about 45 minutes ater waking.  I guess it is still better than 2 hours of crankiness before bed, which is what happens when a nap doesn't take place.

Wednesday is dinner night with Melissa and the girls, but M had to work late and I didn't find out until I was halfway through cooking a nice, big meal.  It is completely understandable though and J and I had a delicious dinner (with lots of leftover too)!

Now that J is in bed and I am actually sitting and reflecting on our day, it seems like 7:00 am (when we woke up) was a lifetime ago.  Here's to hoping tomorrow goes by a little faster-at least at a seemingly normal pace. I can't take two days in a row of this slowness!

Peak: "Yoga", J behaving in Mass, Naptime
Pitt: Not getting to M and the girlies.

Andre Update: No word today, but I was not expecting hear from him.  More on that another time ;) Oh OPSEC.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

In a Nutshell

As I was reading to J tonight before bed, I realized two specific pages out of the book Love You Forever written by Robert Munsch sums up J and how I feel about him quite well.  The two pages read:

"The baby grew. He grew and he grew and he grew. He grew until he was two years old, and he ran all around the house. He pulled all the books off the shelves. He pulled all the food out of the refrigerator and he took his mother's watch and flushed it down the toilet. Sometimes his mother would say, this kid is driving me CRAZY!

But at night time, when that two-year-old was quiet, she opened the door to his room, crawled across the floor, looked up over the side of his bed; and if he was really asleep she picked him up and rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. While she rocked him she sang:

I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
my baby you'll be."

J pulls all of the books off of his bookshelf on a daily basis, just yesterday I put a refrigerator lock on the refrigerator after he shattered a bottle of soy sauce on the kitchen floor, I always catch him throwing stuff in the toilet.  And as much as he drives me crazy, I could never, ever stop loving him.  And everynight before I go to bed, I sneak into his room and give him two kisses-one from me, one from Daddy-and tell him how much I love him.

I even have picture proof of our life in a nutshell:

From this...

To this...

Peak: Playing hide and seek with J for an hour straight worth of giggles!
Pitt: J didn't nap. Not even close.

Andre Update: He called this afternoon and was very happy listening to a very vocal "little buddy" talking up a storm!  He got to hear him say "Daddy" "Abby" and his new words since A left: "There you go" and "Puppy." We only got cut off one time and then it was a wonderful, solid 20 minute conversation. Relief! 

Monday, February 15, 2010

Dove vs. Dove

While watching a commercial for Dove Chocolates tonight, Britt exclaimed in disbelief:

"I cannot believe Dove makes soap and chocolate!"

To which Caryn and I replied "What!? No they don't!"  Well, thanks to google, we have our answer:

Dove Chocolate is made by the Mars Company (the same company who makes Snickers) and Dove Soap is made by the Unilever Corporations.

I not so secretly made fun of Britt for this outburst, but after insisting that both logos look very similar, I have to retract my teasing. She's right, they do look a lot a like. See for yourself:

Peak: Its breakfast for dinner Monday/Bachelor night! Always the peak of my Mondays. J was a good man too!
Pitt: J took a bottle of soy sauce out of the refrigerator today while I was unloading the dishwasher and paying little attention until I heard something shatter on the floor-the bottle and all of it's contents of course.  Needless to say, we now have a refrigerator lock on top of the stove lock, cabinet locks and outlet covers we already had in place!

Andre Update: A quick phone conversation this morning that left us hanging when the line went dead and he couldn't get back through.  But some good online conversation (and many 3 second dropped calls on Skype) later on in the day.  I know I can't blame skype though, his internet is just not nearly fast enough for what it requires.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

As Good As It Gets

This Valentine's Day was as good as it gets when your Valentine is deployed.  Andrew called this morning, but the phone was cutting out every 15 seconds (and that is not an exaggeration!) After four tries, we gave up.  (I guess Valentine's Day could have been better had the phones been working, but I will take 15 seconds of conversation over 0 seconds any day!)  After giving up, J and I headed to church and he didn't cry at all at childcare.  Not even when I dropped him off!  When I brought him into Mass after communion, we clapped for the boy scouts who were there today and J clapped too and said "Yaaayyy!"  At the conclusion of Mass I showed him how to do the sign of the cross and said "say Amen" and sure enough, he threw his hands in the air and let out a big, loud "AMEN!"  I was so proud of him!  After Mass, the father of a friend of ours who recently moved away (Erin), invited me to breakfast with him and his mother (Erin's grandmother).  I would have normally accepted, but I had plans with Britt at noon.  They go every Sunday, so I definitely plan to take him up on his offer in a few weeks (the next two Sundays I will be picking up/dropping off Tiffany and Jen at the airport!)  It was very thoughtful, and I would very much enjoy a meal with them (especially breakfast, my favorite)!

Around noon B and I headed to the outlets to do some shopping!  A bought me a Coach diaper bag (he just doesn't know it yet!) for Valentine's Day.  I was just looking for a tote that would fit all of our needs but still be stylish because I know that the diaper bags can get very pricey.  Sure enough, we found a diaper bag in the price range I was looking for and it is glorious!  It has a gazillion inside pockets, 4 outside pockes, 2 bottle pockets, a changing pad, cell phone pocket, two key clips (this is very important as I am always losing my keys in the bottom of whatever bag I am carrying), and a removable shoulder strap (which is very comfortable and can just be tucked inside the bag without being removed when you are not using it)  Thanks for my present, A! I love you. Happy Valentines Day!

Peak: Getting my long awaited coach tote/diaper bag, hanging out somewhere other than this town, Julian being a fantastic, fantastic child all day (even sitting down for dinner!), hanging out with Britt, Julian being fantastic (Oh I said that...)
Pitt: Andrew isn't here for Valentines Day.

Andre Update: Like I said, he called this morning but there wasn't enough time in the 15 second conversations to discuss anything but our love for eachother. Awww.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

All Together

I was right-perfect snowman snow!  So perfect that I chose to spend two hours (split up of course because Julian had a major meltdown the first time and did not want to be outside!) making an entire snow family.  I wrote an e-mail to Andrew telling him that I finally found a way for us all to be together.  I can hear you now: "awwwww"!

Daddy, Baby J, Mommy

And the meltdown on our first attempt:
(so much snot!)


Peak: Spending so much time outside with J (he was happy for the majority of the time, I just photographed him at his worst!)
Pitt: Holy Mood Swings, batman. (J, not me!)

Andre Update: He called me at 11:30 last night and we talked for FORTY minutes!  It was wonderful, we were actually running out of things to say!  I am so glad we finally got a good, solid conversation in-it was worth the wait!  He is getting frustrated with computer issues and really missing buddy.  He said day to day it seems like time is passing slowly, but looking back he can't believe how fast a month went by.  I miss you so much, Babe!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Modge Podge

J had his very first Valentine's Day Party at PMO this morning.  I was more than happy to dress him up all handsome and send him in with his Valentine's and organic juice boxes for his class.  And he was more than willing to pose for the camera and show off his sweet self.

When he returned home, I secretly took all of the sweet treats out of his Valentine bag that they (ahem, the teachers) made and strategically placed them out of site until I decide to give them to him (or eat them myself, whatever).  He was very excited to dump them out and he even kissed a couple of them! Big Bird and Bob the Builder-you win this year!

Now you decide if this valentine is a creative win or a major fail in the dirty minds area:

Now about me (kidding...) But seriously, I have been receiving my fair share of flowers and plants since Andrew deployed.  Two plants from Delta Battery, Flower from Batallion, a white rose from J.R. & S, Roses from K, a spring mix bouquet from K, J and the boys. 

Flowers from K, J, and boys

Today I received my first ever delivery from 1-800-Flowers, from Andre!  It was a table top rose bush that can be planted in the garden this spring! I am so very excited about it.  It was so thoughtful and might I add messy?  I don't know if anyone has received a plant from 1-800-flowers and/or had the same problem I did.  Upon opening the box, dirt and styrofoam exploded in my face!  I took the rose bush out over the sink and there was still soil all over my counters and floor.  Next I had to retrieve the ceramic pot from the already breaking styrofoam.  Yikes, that stuff was worse than the soil and very difficult to clean up!  I was also concerned that 4 out of the 5 buds had already snapped off, but that's what happens when you travel from Virginia during snow storms in a box, I suppose.  Now the job is done, and I can very much enjoy my rose bush. 

Now, I have never been very good at keeping plants alive and am sad to say that I am only 2 for 3 so far (and that is including the rose bush that was delivered about 3 1/2 hours ago).

These 2 plants were in the same basket. The one on the top clearly sucked the life right out of this one, and I am struggling to revive it! Tips?

Next Topic: I was beyond excited for the new Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains to premiere last night.  After watching it today (DVRed of course!) I realize I may not be able to stomach the rest of the season if Tyson continues to wear bathing suits like this:

Picture coming soon! I looked everywhere and can't find one...yet!  But if you watched, you know exactly what I am talking about.  I can guarantee you just pictured it and threw up in your mouth a little bit.

The opening ceremony to the olympics started about twenty minutes ago.  Since I missed the highly talked about opening ceremony for the summer olympics and I have a bunch of computer work to be doing that involves (first and foremost) getting my printer to work and thus being stuck in the office, I am DVRing the olympics.  Weird or genius?

Finally, It is snowing! And it is coming down fast by North Carolina standards. It may even be snowman worthy (if Julian can stand to be outside for more than four minutes tomorrow)!  We could get 3-5 inches! Here it is so far!

Peak: J only cried when I dropped him off at PMO and he was a happy, wild man for the rest of the day! He even napped in his bed (I guess I should clarify: He napped on top of his mattress, not under it as was yesterday's incident!)  Also, he pooped on the potty! I took a picture and e-mailed it A.  He may not call for another week now for that...
Pitt: Read on, party readers!

Andre Update: Of course he called twice during the 15 minutes it takes me to go pick up J and get back home.  I was quite irritated that he didn't call my cell phone, or try again (especially since he left a message saying "you are probably picking up J").  But that only lasted about 4.2 seconds, because really, how can I stay mad at him?  I can't, he's my lovah. (Little SNL humor for you!)  Since it is supposed to snow all night we will be home all day tomorrow, so hopefully he will try again. Wink Wink Winkity Wink, Andre!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

How does he do that!?

Yes, I'm talking about J again.  I put him down for his "nap" this afternoon (quotations because I went through all the motions, put him in his bed, only for him to get up and start playing before I am even out the door). After about ten minutes of quietly playing (sort of, he was blowing a whistle for half of that ten minutes) I heard him start screaming! I was on the phone with K, hung up and ran in to see what was wrong.  His crying sounded muffled.  My eyes went directly to his dresser, not there. Then to his closet which was opened. Not there. And then to his bed...where I saw only an arm and a leg sticking out from under his mattress!  I do not know how he got under there, but it was scary!  Worse for him, I'm sure! The good news is, he was ok and after a snuggle he fell right to sleep...on his floor of course.

Prior to this whole ordeal...

I went to J.R. and Shelby's house for a coffee/play/lunch date.  What a beautiful home they have and the most wonderfully behaved children.  I hope to be as patient with J as S is with her four little ladies.  Maybe we will strive for that goal by the time these (early) terrible two's are over!  Coffee and adult conversation was wonderful, the kids were pretty good (ahem, J needed a couple of timeouts, but we survived and I even felt a little relaxed), and lunch was extra delicious.  The leftover Chicken Noodle Soup that we took home was also delicious for dinner tonight. J even drank the broth out of the bottom of his bowl.  Thank you for opening your home to us, J & S!

Peak: Our coffee/play/lunch date! Obviously.
Pitt: Julian getting caught between his mattress and bed frame. Poor baby.

Andre Update: Just as Shelby and I were talking about how often I talk to Andrew and the fact that we hadn't talked on the phone in almost a week, rrrriiiinnnngggg! He called!  Unfortunately we only got to chat for a few minutes before someone started talking to him and he had to go.  He said he would call tomorrow though. Fingers crossed.

PS. Speaking of tomorrow-J has his first Valentine's Day party at PMO!  I can't wait to dress him up so handsome ♥

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Funny Story, Sweet Story.

Funny Story
Before heading to bed last night, I wrote A a quick e-mail to tell him I was thinking of him.  As I was writing, I remembered a funny story that I forgot to share with you!

After J's quiet time/no nap yesterday I went in to get him.  I looked straight to the floor as that is usually where he is when I go in.  My eyes then shifted to his dresser where his three drawers were opened into a perfect staircase and he was sitting on top of his dresser on his changing table pad with no pants on.  He laid down, spread his legs, and said "poo poo!" He was not poopy, but clearly wanted his diaper changed.

Sweet Story
My doorbell ringing when I am not expecting anyone freaks me out (especially since their is something taped over my doorbell that clearly means do not ring it! out of fear of waking J up).  I almost did a back flip today (well not really, I would definitely hurt myself), but I was excited when I looked out the window to see who it was-it was the flower angel (ok, old man who reaked of cigarrette smoke) delivering me a beautiful bouquet of flowers!) And I mean huge, gorgeous bouquet!  I bet you're thinking, Oh, A is so sweet...Nope! It was Kerrie, Julian and the boys, just to let me know that they love me and my hard work is always remembered!  I really do have the best friends!  I know I am a dork, but I am taking a picture of them tomorrow...when I'm not so tired! (Bahaha! Like that ever happens!)

Peak: Flowers from K, J and their men. Dinner night at M's. And J taking a solid nap, allowing me to also get a glorious nap in!
Pitt: J had several time outs today. He is getting better at staying there for his entire minute though and when asked why he is in time out, he babbles at me as if he is answering me and then gives me a kiss and a hug.

Andre Update: No phone calls/skype today. I got an email this morning though that said their computers in the office were messed up which made for a slow day.  He was probably catching up today...or last night...whatever. This time difference still baffles me. I should probably get over that! I love you, babe! Can't wait to hear your voice again!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Lazy Day.

I guess it wasn't completely lazy, but we didn't go anywhere or go outside due to the rain...again.  J and I played a ton inside, I got my MS Walk page all updated and ready for fundraising, the house remained clean from my constant efforts today, and I don't think I threatened Abby's life even one time! 

J is in bed early tonight due to no nap today.  I had my fingers crossed for a good nap today since it was so dark from the rain.  He fell asleep against his door and within five minutes of falling asleep, I tried to move him into his bed and POP, those eyes opened wide, and he was ready to go.  I tried to get him back to sleep, but no such luck.  He did lay and cuddle with me for about 30 minutes though, so I didn't mind too much.  Well until 5:30 came around and the meltdowns began.  He pulled it together in time to eat his weight in salmon and soy beans for dinner and now he is happily sleeping and has been since 7:00pm (he typically doesn't go to bed until 7:30)!

Peak: Each time Julian walked by me, I grabbed him and refused to let him go until he kissed me.  After about an hour of it, he would walk by, kiss me right away and keep going.  This went on all day!
Pitt: I could have used a nap and...well see the Andre Update.

Andre Update: Not a word today.  I realized that we have been getting spoiled and have talked to him just about every day for the past week.  But today I didn't even get an e-mail.  Insert pout face here.  Hopefully he will call tomorrow. Insert hopeful face here.

Monday, February 8, 2010

My body is not a wonderland

I. Can't. Move.  My body has been beat up and is so exhausted from running around after Julian from sun-up to sun-down everyday for the past 6 weeks.  The thought of continuing to run nonstop for the next 46 weeks just about cripples me.  I have toyed with the idea of curling up in a ball in the middle of the floor and waving a little white flag in the air, surrendering, but my sweet little boy needs his mama llama to keep moving!  So on I go...

Peak: Julian has just been fabulous and I couldn't enjoy his company more. And it was breakfast for dinner Monday/Bachelor night with the girls!
Pitt: Waking up with the realization that even if my back would hold my body up, my legs may not carry me from my room to Julian's room to get him out of bed and get our day started.

Andre Update: Skype behaved for about 8 minutes today before resorting to its' old habits of cutting us off every two minutes. But we had a good conversation during that time and Julian had fun showing off and being a goof ball for his Daddy.  When we got cut off he said "ooooh Daddy."

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Superbowl Sunday!

In all honesty, if the Patriots aren't playing, I could care less about football.  This year for the Superbowl, I am rooting for the commercials-and they are winning! Touchdown Commercials!


So anyway, I went over to D & M's for their superbowl party this evening.  I very much enjoyed the food (my second best reason for attending aside from seeing friends) and watching J run around in the craziest, happiest mood ever.  Pretty good for not napping today!  My only gripe is with myself for allowing J to bring his favorite blankie inside (Patriots nonetheless!).  He sleeps with it every night, holds it all through naptime (whether he naps or not), it cheers him up when he is sad, it calms him down when he is Monster-J.  And sure enough, I left it there.  I never thought I would ever say this, but thank God he didn't nap today!  He is so exhausted that he only realized it was missing for about two seconds before falling right to sleep, Daddy bear under one arm, and his other favorite blanket under the other arm, and a book in his hands.  His other favorite blanket he also always takes to bed with him (it was A's quilt when he was a baby) so that helped.  I have also been letting him take whatever book we read before bed into his bed with him.  (Hey, it's safer than his sunglasses!)

Peak: Just a good day all around. J was very kind to me today and he didn't go to the time out chair at all again today. Count 'em-that's two days in a row!
Pitt: J cried on and off at church nursery while I enjoyed mass. I really hope everyone is right when they say that he will stop doing this as he gets used to it.

Andre Update: We got to skype twice today. Sort of.  They hooked up a new modem or something and ever since then skype has been cutting in and out, constantly.  It makes me violent and I always want to hit something.  Maybe it's not that bad, but c'mon skype!  Show us just how glorious you can be! PLEASE!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

This Week in Pictures

Can't turn my head for a second...

Playing with play-do for the first time,
and loving it!

Finally found a use for the cabinet locks!

In the Nick of Time

Today started out bad and progressively got better.  Although I would prefer a good day all around, this was better than a day starting out good and progressively getting worse.  Just as I began to meltdown alongside Julian's meltdowns, Andrew called.  I hated him to hear me complain and cry during my moment of extreme weakness while he is fighting a war, but it didn't stop him from telling me how wonderful I am doing and saying all the right things.  I know I am doing the best I can, I know I can't do it all, now I just need to accept that I can't do it all.  Andrew always has a way of making things better.

Love you, Andre! ♥

Grandma called shortly thereafter, reminding me that I am terrible at calling her and Grandpa.  She also knows just the things to say and do to make everything better.  It made me so happy to hear how much she wishes she could come visit, how much she wishes she could see me, how much she misses me.  I cannot wait to get up there next month to see them! (And I have made it my new goal to call them at least once a week!)

♥ Love you, Grandma & Grandpa!

Julian actually napped in his bed today.  He has been sleeping with his build-a-bear (Daddy Bear) that Andrew made with him before he left.  When you press the hand you hear Andrew's voice saying "Hi Buddy, I love you sooooo much!"  He has taken it to bed with him the past 2 nights, and for his nap today.  I guess it distracted him so much that he actually fell asleep in his bed, instead of on the floor. (He stays in his bed at bedtime for some reason...)

Love you, Julian! ♥

Peak: Julian did not go to the timeout chair at all today. Andrew called. Grandma called. Andrew's aunts scheduled me some time at the spa :)
Pitt: All members currently living in this household waking up on the wrong side of the bed.

Andre Update: Not much on the Andre front as I stole all the attention from him today.  I needed a selfish day, thanks babe! 

Friday, February 5, 2010

Up, Down, Up, Down

There were so many ups and downs to this day.  It was another rollercoaster day, mostly due to Julian's major mood swings, resulting in Mommy mood swings.  I am sure a lot of it is due to this weather-a predicted 3 inches of rain by tomorrow night (it started this morning). 

I can say that I am so glad I started Julian in PMO (Parent's Morning Out).  Although I haven't come home and "rested" yet, and I usually just come home and scrub the house as fast as I can without my little clingon whirlwind following behind me, I am enjoying the little break from that whirlwind.

I thought J would take a wonderful nap today since his room was nice and dark from the rain and cloud cover, his blankets were fresh and warm out of the dryer, and he ate a huge lunch!  He woke up 3 times in an hour and then just decided he was done trying.  I put him to bed early tonight because I just couldn't stand the screeching and fussing anymore.  When I was getting him ready I decided just to check his temperature-100.9.  Now I feel guilty for getting frustrated with him, but he obviously needed some rest and needed to go to bed early.  I may just go in and lay with him for 5 minutes before I head to bed (Yes, I am going very soon and it is only 8:30!) just to get some hugs from my sweet little baby.  Even if he's not always sweet, he's my perfect little man and no matter what he does I could never stop loving him.

And real quick before I go.  I had a can of Progresso Soup after putting J in bed tonight. (I was determined to sit down and eat in peace!)  But I was disspointed with the fact that Potato Broccoli and Cheese Chowder does not have a single bite of broccoli in it.  You fail, Progresso.

Peak: Getting everything done on my to do list, and then some/Talking to Andre...twice!
Pitt: Julian having a fever :( Poor Baby.

Andre Update: We got to Skype this morning (but it was still dropping the call every couple of minutes) which became more than frustrating for Julian.  While Julian was at PMO he called and we got to have a nice, relaxed conversation (but I had to go get Julian so it was cut short...). He was tired, but sounded really happy! And I was happy to hear his voice and not miss his call for once (Although I did miss his first call-woops!)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Family Readiness Group (FRG)

Before I can begin this blog about my day and life as FRG leader, let me first say that I just went to tuck Julian in before climbing into bed to write this. As I bent down to kiss him, he let out the loudest, longest man fart! Not a cute "poostinky" fart (as Andrew calls them), but a man fart! (And yes, I googled "baby fart" to find this picture.)

Ok...so onto the FRG (Family Readiness Group):

As a commander's wife, it is my duty to step into the volunteer position of FRG Leader.  This is Andrew's second command (woot woot!) and thus my second time in this position.  His battery is a new battery and I think I have done a pretty good job building this FRG from scratch.  My job is to basically provide families the resources and support they need to cope with deployed spouses/family members, to learn the basics about the military and rules within the military (read: OPSEC!), keep them updated on events involving the battery (such as meetings, fundraisers, get togethers/parties/coffees, deployment/homecoming ceremonies), events going on around town, etc. etc. etc. I also like to think of myself as a "drama averter".  I get many phone calls from worried/frantic/angry/confused spouses and it is my job to send them to the person who can set them straight (if I can't do it myself).  I get many e-mails a day from a FRSA (don't ask me what it means, because I honestly don't know, Family Readiness something or other...) with information that I need to distribute to my FRG.  I have been slacking on my e-mail duties, and tonight I spent over an hour catching up on forwarding, updating, responding, and deleting e-mails.  I also received one of those phone calls that threw me into my self-titled job description of "drama averter".  This all came after heading into Andrew's office for a couple hours this morning to get some work done (financial audits and loading boxes of crap into my car for when the soldiers return home in 11 months...we're jumping the gun on that one, don't ya think? Seriously, my garage is packed with 7 boxes of degree deoderant, 4 boxes of suave shampoo, 1,064 toothpastes, twice as many toothbrushes and one small box of finger condoms. Don't ask, I don't have an answer). Anyway...  I was talking to Andrew's commander about a number of things, but made the gigantor mistake of saying that our FRG drama has been rather quiet. Woops. Spoke to soon. (Oh, forgot to mention I missed two of Andrew's phone calls because I didn't want to be rude while talking to his superior and check my phone to see if it was him). Woops again.

Anyway, I am all caught up and drama has been (almost) averted.  And now it is bedtime, before 11pm! Even before 10:30pm! I'm getting better, soon it will be 10:00 (my goal...eventually!)

Peak: Feeling accomplished after finally catching up on FRG work and Kim's newest shipment of Keurig Coffee Cups. I love you German Chocolate Cake Coffee. Marry me!
Pitt: Can there just be a day that Julian doesn't sit in the time out chair for hitting or biting? Please?

Andre Update: Missed his stupid call. Again. Stupid.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Skype-you lose!

Skype has failed me today.  After talking it up so much, you'd think it would continue to be kind to me.  Andrew and I tried to skype twice today. This morning it wouldn't work at all, and this afternoon it kept cutting us off and when it was working, Andrew couldn't hear us half the time.  Julian was so excited to talk to him too, but started to become very frustrated when his Daddy kept dissappearing.  He did call us real quick to say goodnight (he was headed to bed, and we were headed for naps).  It's always good to hear his voice and see his face though, even if it is cutting off.  It's still better than when my grandparents were in the military!

I am headed to bed (early tonight!) so this is it until tomorrow...Goodnight!

Peak: Julian laughing hysterically while taking a bath tonight (I bet I can get him to do it again tomorrow night, video to follow if so!)
Pitt: I don't think Julian really likes his yoga class :(. But I do, so he better learn to like it!

Andre Update: I pretty much already gave it!  He is missing us like crazy (as we are him). He will be home for R&R for 2 weeks in September.  We were trying to think of just how long 8 months is by looking back 8 months.  It was June...and that seems SO long ago.  Julian had just turned 1, he was just beginning to walk.  Blahhhh 8 months till R&R, boooo.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

1 month since "See-You-Later"

1 Month Down, 11 To Go!

If you are going to tell me how fast that went by, save it.  Although I do think time has started to speed up a bit, I just can't stand when people who don't have deployed husbands and have never had a deployed husband say "that went by fast!"  Easy for you to say...you're not stuck home twiddling your thumbs, wondering, waiting, praying...(not to mention raising a family alone!)

Ok, now that I have put that (Semi-rude, I'll admit it) disclaimer out there, Wooo! 1 month down, 11 Months to go!

I went to Hail & Farewell tonight. It is a dinner that occurs every couple of months to welcome new soldiers to the batallion and say goodbye to the soldiers who are leaving the batallion. I usually dread these, but as my wonderful neighbor, Carleen, was willing to watch Julian, I quite enjoyed a dinner among friends and eating without sticky baby fingers touching me. My fork handle was clean through my entire meal, it was glorious!

A lot of great people (and their wonderful wives) were farewelled tonight, but the majority of them will still be in the area.  Jackie and Urban however are off to new adventures and I will miss them dearly.  Jackie was my first friend here and Abby and Sadie are half sisters!  We will miss you guys so much, but I know we will keep in touch and one day, we will meet again. I love you guys!

After listening to all of the thankyou's given out tonight, it made me feel like I had so much to be thankful for and so many people to thank.  Looking back on this past month, I really have to thank God for my friends and family who have supported me, loved me, hugged me, laughed with me, etc.  We had a very rough and emotional beginning to this deployment dealing not only with the loss of Andrew heading overseas, but the loss of our unborn baby.  I could not have gotten through it without Kim and MiMi holding me hostage in their home until my Mom could get here to take over.  So thankyou, Kim, MiMi, and Mom for stepping in.  With that, I will continue my thankyou's, in list format:

1. Kim, Britt, Caryn- girl's nights are key to our sanity.  We truly thrive on an environment of sitting back with some good food and the drama that unfolds on our TV sets! Our random weekend getaways and shopping trips are good too, but it's just not the same without the drama that unfolds with Jake, Vienna (sausage), and Alli (cat).

2. My sister, Deb, who has recently taken it upon herself to call me, no matter what time, to tell me Andrew is online and to get my hiney out of bed to talk to him.  And for not being offended when I get so excited every time that I just hang up on her without so much as a thank you or a goodbye.  Also, for letting me call to vent when the stupidist things irritate me.  Her husband has deployed to Iraq while she was left home with a 2 week old baby, and three other children.  So she gets it...even more than I do.

3. My sister, Karen, who knows when to zip her mouth when she is about to complain about her husband not being home from work yet.  It's sweet of you, Keek!  And for the daily phone calls just to say Hi!

4. My sister, Lauren, for having a wedding in May, giving me a chance to be distracted by all of her details and also the chance to get away to Maine and celebrate!

5. Kristin, for showing up on my doorstep yesterday with a fresh plate of homemade chocolate chip cookies just because she saw on facebook that I wanted some!

6. Kim (again) for bringing me flowers, just because, and arranging them beautifully on my end table!

7. Kerrie, for your random phone calls checking in and always being there for a good chuckle. I sincerely apologize for yapping your head off everytime I call, but as my sister (Deb) says "I need a Kerrie in my life!" (She wishes she could have you! But she can't because you're mine and you need to get back immediately so that I can claim you once again!)

8. Carleen, for all of your babysitting services, opening playgroup to us, all the phone calls and texts...really I could go on here!

9. Mom, for letting me wake you up from your naps, so that I can complain about stupid crap and for making me feel like it's not stupid.

10. Dad, for making me laugh when Mom is driving me nuts, or when Julian is terrorizing me, or when I feel like beating the dog, or when...actually, I should just say for making me laugh-it's inevitable.

11. Julian, for not terrorizing me too bad (although, I would like at least one day to pass where you don't have to sit on your timeout bench. Your day will come!) and for all of your hugs and kisses!

12. Andrew, even though you suck at writing e-mails, thank you for always telling me you think I am doing a good job and that you are proud of me.  Please forgive me though when you come home to a wife with gray hair because your dog is a psychopath and your truck takes up too much space in the garage.

And I know the list could go on, but it could go on forever! So real quick: Jackie, Christina, Dani, Laura & Brad, Shelby & JR, Rod, Heather, Aunt Karen, Aunt Dee, Aunt Donna, and Aunt Diane, My inlaws, Grandma & Grandpa, Steve, Heather & Brian, Amy, Audrey, Tara & Dom, Melissa & Chris, Kelly & Cliff, Hannah Jo, Nikki, Tiana, & Jess (yes you girls go together), Virginia...ok seriously, this list could go on forever too, so I am stopping.  Don't be offended if your name isn't on it, you know I love you!

Now that this turned all mushy & gushy, I am ready for bed an hour after Julian has fallen fast asleep (he went to bed late tonight).  So I didn't hold to my promise that I would go right to bed when he did, but I am pretty darn close! (And I napped today!)  Goodnight loves!

Peak: 3 hour nap. Enough said.
Pitt: Rain! Nothing but rain!

Andre Update: Again, Deb called and told me to get UP! Andrew was online, so we got to skype again.  (The inventor of skype probably should have been on my thankyou list also!) Julian was still sleeping, but just waking up when it was time to say goodbye, so I chose not to let him see Andrew, otherwise it would have been a complete meltdown when hanging up.  There is always next time.