? ??????????????Floral Misconception? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (3 Ratings)??122 Grabs Today. 2458 Total Gra
bs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????Simple Elegance? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.4 (17 Ratings)??122 Grabs Today. 5830 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Modge Podge

J had his very first Valentine's Day Party at PMO this morning.  I was more than happy to dress him up all handsome and send him in with his Valentine's and organic juice boxes for his class.  And he was more than willing to pose for the camera and show off his sweet self.

When he returned home, I secretly took all of the sweet treats out of his Valentine bag that they (ahem, the teachers) made and strategically placed them out of site until I decide to give them to him (or eat them myself, whatever).  He was very excited to dump them out and he even kissed a couple of them! Big Bird and Bob the Builder-you win this year!

Now you decide if this valentine is a creative win or a major fail in the dirty minds area:

Now about me (kidding...) But seriously, I have been receiving my fair share of flowers and plants since Andrew deployed.  Two plants from Delta Battery, Flower from Batallion, a white rose from J.R. & S, Roses from K, a spring mix bouquet from K, J and the boys. 

Flowers from K, J, and boys

Today I received my first ever delivery from 1-800-Flowers, from Andre!  It was a table top rose bush that can be planted in the garden this spring! I am so very excited about it.  It was so thoughtful and might I add messy?  I don't know if anyone has received a plant from 1-800-flowers and/or had the same problem I did.  Upon opening the box, dirt and styrofoam exploded in my face!  I took the rose bush out over the sink and there was still soil all over my counters and floor.  Next I had to retrieve the ceramic pot from the already breaking styrofoam.  Yikes, that stuff was worse than the soil and very difficult to clean up!  I was also concerned that 4 out of the 5 buds had already snapped off, but that's what happens when you travel from Virginia during snow storms in a box, I suppose.  Now the job is done, and I can very much enjoy my rose bush. 

Now, I have never been very good at keeping plants alive and am sad to say that I am only 2 for 3 so far (and that is including the rose bush that was delivered about 3 1/2 hours ago).

These 2 plants were in the same basket. The one on the top clearly sucked the life right out of this one, and I am struggling to revive it! Tips?

Next Topic: I was beyond excited for the new Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains to premiere last night.  After watching it today (DVRed of course!) I realize I may not be able to stomach the rest of the season if Tyson continues to wear bathing suits like this:

Picture coming soon! I looked everywhere and can't find one...yet!  But if you watched, you know exactly what I am talking about.  I can guarantee you just pictured it and threw up in your mouth a little bit.

The opening ceremony to the olympics started about twenty minutes ago.  Since I missed the highly talked about opening ceremony for the summer olympics and I have a bunch of computer work to be doing that involves (first and foremost) getting my printer to work and thus being stuck in the office, I am DVRing the olympics.  Weird or genius?

Finally, It is snowing! And it is coming down fast by North Carolina standards. It may even be snowman worthy (if Julian can stand to be outside for more than four minutes tomorrow)!  We could get 3-5 inches! Here it is so far!

Peak: J only cried when I dropped him off at PMO and he was a happy, wild man for the rest of the day! He even napped in his bed (I guess I should clarify: He napped on top of his mattress, not under it as was yesterday's incident!)  Also, he pooped on the potty! I took a picture and e-mailed it A.  He may not call for another week now for that...
Pitt: Read on, party readers!

Andre Update: Of course he called twice during the 15 minutes it takes me to go pick up J and get back home.  I was quite irritated that he didn't call my cell phone, or try again (especially since he left a message saying "you are probably picking up J").  But that only lasted about 4.2 seconds, because really, how can I stay mad at him?  I can't, he's my lovah. (Little SNL humor for you!)  Since it is supposed to snow all night we will be home all day tomorrow, so hopefully he will try again. Wink Wink Winkity Wink, Andre!


The Power Family said...

LOVED your blog tonight! Such wittyness my friend!!! =] Love you!!