? ??????????????Floral Misconception? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (3 Ratings)??122 Grabs Today. 2458 Total Gra
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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Whew! What a day!

I have known since well before Andrew left that I would need to be calling a plumber to either fix or replace our garbage disposal and to fix the leaky bathtub faucet in our master bath.  I let it go so long that the "leaky" faucet became a steady stream of water, the sink faucet started leaking, and the garbage disposal continued to drip potent smelling water into the tub that was strategically placed underneath.  I finally decided the smell was getting too bad to continue dumping out the potent water everyday so I called a plumber. I had two recommendations and the first guy never showed.  I called the second plumber and he was there within a couple hours. Unfortunately for us, it was right in the middle of naptime.  The plumber was as quiet as could be while replacing the garbage disposal (but really, how quiet can you be?) and I was pleasantly surprised that J slept through it.

He woke up after 2 hours of sleep and just before the plumber left. He was very excited to have a "visitor" and talked his ear off!  When he left 5 minutes later, J had an absolute fit! 

I also finally gave in to and decided that my recycling was getting out of control.  (Since we live outside of city limits we don't get to participate in curbside recycling like the rest of you lucky ducks!)  It was so out of control that there was no way I could fit it into my car with J and I decided I needed to take the truck. Since I can't put him in A's truck, I brought him over to Carleen's for a little bit while I took care of the abundance of cardboard boxes and copious amounts of milk jugs.  And although I am a little ashamed to admit this-I finally took our Christmas tree off of our side yard and took care of that too (because my [insert expletive here] refuses to pick it up).

After I got home and picked up J, I threw leftovers into the microwave for him and started getting his stuff ready to go spend "man time" with Brad (since Laura had something going on at school) (I was off to go see Dear John with Britt.)  In the middle of warming up his dinner, he started crying so hard and when I picked him up he threw up all over me, all over himself, and all over the floor.  He continued to get sick on and off for the next hour.  Needless to say, he didn't get to have "man time" and I didn't go to the movies.  He laid on the couch for an hour straight watching a movie (and if you know J at all, you know that he does not sit on the couch-or anywhere-for more than 2.1 seconds) before going to bed.

I am prepared for a long night ahead.  I have sheets, blankets, and pajamas out and ready to be changed. I have fresh washcloths and soap in the bathroom. The thermometer, tylenol, and rescue remedy are ready to go.  I am already stocked on pedialyte drink and popsicles and I am already in bed-at 8:10pm!

I am exhausted and need to say many many prayers that my little man is feeling better soon and that we will have no problems tonight.

Peak: Finally crossing some major things off my to-do list
Pitt: Vomit Patrol and Operation Comfort Sick Baby sans Daddy Backup.

Andre Update: He has temporarily moved FOBs.  That is why I didn't expect to hear from him yesterday, because I knew he was traveling.  I got a quick e-mail from him today, but he said he only had a second to write because he was super busy.  If you want his new address, send me an email or message on facebook and I will give it to you.