I. Can't. Move. My body has been beat up and is so exhausted from running around after Julian from sun-up to sun-down everyday for the past 6 weeks. The thought of continuing to run nonstop for the next 46 weeks just about cripples me. I have toyed with the idea of curling up in a ball in the middle of the floor and waving a little white flag in the air, surrendering, but my sweet little boy needs his mama llama to keep moving! So on I go...
Peak: Julian has just been fabulous and I couldn't enjoy his company more. And it was breakfast for dinner Monday/Bachelor night with the girls!
Pitt: Waking up with the realization that even if my back would hold my body up, my legs may not carry me from my room to Julian's room to get him out of bed and get our day started.
Andre Update: Skype behaved for about 8 minutes today before resorting to its' old habits of cutting us off every two minutes. But we had a good conversation during that time and Julian had fun showing off and being a goof ball for his Daddy. When we got cut off he said "ooooh Daddy."
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