We (me, J, Britt, TT and Jigsy) went to the zoo today! It was a two hour drive, but very worth it! When we woke up this morning (early, thanks to J!) I asked him if he wanted to go to the zoo. To which he clearly repeated: zoo? For some reason, everything he says comes out as a question. I feel like since the TT and Jigsy got here, he has been saying a lot more. He will repeat anything you tell him to! Tonight before he went to bed, he finally said "I love you!" for the first time. It just melted my heart.
I will post pictures of the zoo soon. They will all be on facebook, but maybe I will treat you to a few on here as well. Exhausting (but fun!) day, so we are heading to bed! Night!
Peak: The zoo and seeing J so excited to be there!
Pitt: J falling asleep in his stroller at the end of the day and then being cranky the majority of the way back home.
Andre Update: Nothing today. Fingers crossed for something soon!
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