While watching a commercial for Dove Chocolates tonight, Britt exclaimed in disbelief:
"I cannot believe Dove makes soap and chocolate!"
To which Caryn and I replied "What!? No they don't!" Well, thanks to google, we have our answer:
Dove Chocolate is made by the Mars Company (the same company who makes Snickers) and Dove Soap is made by the Unilever Corporations.
I not so secretly made fun of Britt for this outburst, but after insisting that both logos look very similar, I have to retract my teasing. She's right, they do look a lot a like. See for yourself:
Peak: Its breakfast for dinner Monday/Bachelor night! Always the peak of my Mondays. J was a good man too!
Pitt: J took a bottle of soy sauce out of the refrigerator today while I was unloading the dishwasher and paying little attention until I heard something shatter on the floor-the bottle and all of it's contents of course. Needless to say, we now have a refrigerator lock on top of the stove lock, cabinet locks and outlet covers we already had in place!
Andre Update: A quick phone conversation this morning that left us hanging when the line went dead and he couldn't get back through. But some good online conversation (and many 3 second dropped calls on Skype) later on in the day. I know I can't blame skype though, his internet is just not nearly fast enough for what it requires.
I thought they were the same too.
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