Ok...so onto the FRG (Family Readiness Group):
As a commander's wife, it is my duty to step into the volunteer position of FRG Leader. This is Andrew's second command (woot woot!) and thus my second time in this position. His battery is a new battery and I think I have done a pretty good job building this FRG from scratch. My job is to basically provide families the resources and support they need to cope with deployed spouses/family members, to learn the basics about the military and rules within the military (read: OPSEC!), keep them updated on events involving the battery (such as meetings, fundraisers, get togethers/parties/coffees, deployment/homecoming ceremonies), events going on around town, etc. etc. etc. I also like to think of myself as a "drama averter". I get many phone calls from worried/frantic/angry/confused spouses and it is my job to send them to the person who can set them straight (if I can't do it myself). I get many e-mails a day from a FRSA (don't ask me what it means, because I honestly don't know, Family Readiness something or other...) with information that I need to distribute to my FRG. I have been slacking on my e-mail duties, and tonight I spent over an hour catching up on forwarding, updating, responding, and deleting e-mails. I also received one of those phone calls that threw me into my self-titled job description of "drama averter". This all came after heading into Andrew's office for a couple hours this morning to get some work done (financial audits and loading boxes of crap into my car for when the soldiers return home in 11 months...we're jumping the gun on that one, don't ya think? Seriously, my garage is packed with 7 boxes of degree deoderant, 4 boxes of suave shampoo, 1,064 toothpastes, twice as many toothbrushes and one small box of finger condoms. Don't ask, I don't have an answer). Anyway... I was talking to Andrew's commander about a number of things, but made the gigantor mistake of saying that our FRG drama has been rather quiet. Woops. Spoke to soon. (Oh, forgot to mention I missed two of Andrew's phone calls because I didn't want to be rude while talking to his superior and check my phone to see if it was him). Woops again.
Anyway, I am all caught up and drama has been (almost) averted. And now it is bedtime, before 11pm! Even before 10:30pm! I'm getting better, soon it will be 10:00 (my goal...eventually!)
Peak: Feeling accomplished after finally catching up on FRG work and Kim's newest shipment of Keurig Coffee Cups. I love you German Chocolate Cake Coffee. Marry me!
Pitt: Can there just be a day that Julian doesn't sit in the time out chair for hitting or biting? Please?
Andre Update: Missed his stupid call. Again. Stupid.
Ugh.... I hate our FRG. Even after we got a new leader, I still refuse to get involved due to the bitter taste that was left in my mouth after our very first meeting. I'm sure you'll do a way better job.
your doing a great job girl!! Hey i dont have a job anymore so hit me up if you need any help. I was the frg leader during jason's last deployment. keep up the good work
I think I do a decent job. I know I could be doing more get togethers and things, but those cost money and being new, we just don't have any!
Barbara-a lot of people in our battery have bad tastes from old FRG's or from what they hear through the media, so no one wants to give it a chance...until they need something and then suddenly it's my fault for never contacting them. I know you're not like that though! :)
FRSA...Family Readiness Support Advisor? Sounds the most logical to me. I bet you are an awesome FRG leader, even though wait...you don't sound old enough to have that position. What rank is your husband? love you seester <3
FRSA: Family Readiness Support Assistant. A FRSA assists and supports the FRG leader with:
- arranging guest speakers for meetings,
- coordinating facilities and resources for meetings,
- maintaining a list of resources to assist family members,
- and other support or assistance as needed by FRG Leader, Liaison, and Commanders.
Hello, I do not agree with the previous commentator - not so simple
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