I know I am an excellent mother, but since A left, I have my days when I have my doubts about the success of my title. On those days, I feel like I am slacking in the mommy department but at the end of the day I know that I am doing the best I can do at playing the role of both Mommy and Daddy. It's very cliche, but becoming a mother is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm exhausted. I can't recall the last time I had an uninterrupted shower or peed in privacy. My house is rarely presentable for drop-in friends (which is too bad for them, because I don't really care). I know all the words to the Sesame Street Sing Along CD and one of my favorite CDs is Bert & Ernie's Greatest Hits. All that and I still think I have the greatest job in the world (and a pretty cool kid!)
So, now that I have assured myself that I am excellent mommy for J, my Mother's Day resolution is to be a better mommy to Abby, the insert choice word(s) here dog. I have wanted my own dog since I moved out on my own, and A finally agreed to getting one. I let him choose the breed, knowing that we needed a small dog (small backyard, it's only fair) and something that doesn't shed (thank you allergies). There were several breeds that fit this criteria but since we needed a small dog, A needed something "manly" to fill some sort of underlying insecurity (that's my unprofessional opinion though, ha!) Long story short, we now have the most hyper breed ever (miniature pinscher) because she looks "so cool and mean when her little paws turn in and her ears stand up" (words brought to you by A himself). I trained her, taught her to sit, stay out of the kitchen, go in her crate by just saying "night night"...and guess who she listens to? Not me, but A! Now that A isn't here, guess who she listens to? No one! The shock collar is definitely helping, but what she really needs is more attention (and to stay out of the damn trash can!)
Remember when I said I was exhausted? Now I will be even more tired because I am making the resolution to spend more time throwing a ball around with her, taking her for more walks (which is a serious task while pushing a stroller and halting her from chasing the neighborhood kids on their wave boards-have you seen those things? I'm jealous of those kids!) Woops, got off the subject for a second. But seriously, more attention to abby, less rest for me, but also, (hopefully) less stress for me! I even let her lay on a towel on my bed tonight. A would even have a minor heart attack over this one. Don't worry A, I will put her in her crate before bed and dry clean the comforter before you come home :)
Here's to you Abigail Wonky:
Here's to you Abigail Wonky:
I am missing your blog posts! did you throw in the towel on this?
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