My apologies go out to my (apparently) many followers for falling off the blogger radar for a good 2 1/2 months. May is always our busiest time of year and got even busier when J and I drove (yes, drove) to Maine for 6 weeks. While there, we attended four weddings (two of my sisters got married, J was the ringbearer in a childhood friend's wedding, and a highschool friend was also married). I am not sure we sat down for more than 3.2 minutes at a time; even naptime and bedtime was a major headache.
J the Ringbearer
We drove back home two weeks ago and sister L came with us. She was determined to make the trip in a single day, but with a two year old and a psychodog I had my doubts.
Me, J and L at the Beach the night before our big trip
Even with a stop at Central Park in NYC we made it back in eighteen hours. L was right, I admit it.
Me & J with Abby in Central Park
Since returning, it breaks my heart to say that seven of our soldiers' were wounded overseas. Five of them were well enough to return to duty, but two were sent back to the U.S. Wanting to offer all of my support to the soldiers and their families, J and I drove out of town to visit one of the soldiers who is at an out of state hospital. We were gone for five days, and I am happy to say that the soldier is doing well, smiling, and cuddling his newborn baby. While we were away, we visited with K and the boys, went to Hershey Park where we met up with A's Aunts, and visited the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Shrine. We got back to town yesterday, and will be seeing the other soldier and his family in a few days. I am also happy to say, that this particular soldier was released from the hospital today!
Here are some things we have learned about traveling:
*J officially gets carsick. He has now thrown up in two major US cities (NYC and DC).
*I am a champ at stripping him down and wiping him up on the side of the road.
*I am also a champ at making my car not smell like throwup after it has been christened.
*Dramamine is not only great for motion sickness, but also for knocking a kid out for 2 1/2 hour naps. It's amazing a 1/4 tablet can do so much.
*Abby wishes she lived in the city, there are hotdogs and soft pretzel crumbs all over the street.
*My GPS is my best friend when it comes to ridiculous amounts of traffic.
*I talk to myself...a lot. J always says "what?" when I am talking to myself, making me realize what I am doing.
And with that, I'm back on the blog wagon.
Cleaning up throw up in the Bronx is always the perfect opportunity for a photo!
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