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Friday, April 16, 2010

Pizza, Wine, & Friends

The title of the blog sums up my evening.  K was in town so we had a gourmet dinner (Elizabeth's Pizza and Wine!) with friends and lovely, relaxed adult conversation while the kids ran around the yard, getting along quite nicely I might add. 

The rest of the day was pretty relaxed as well.  J had PMO this morning, and I received my first phone call from the director.  She said he was crying for about 40 minutes so I went to get him (he only had about 20 minutes left, but I didn't want to leave him sad).  When I was leaving I saw all the kids coming in from outside (J was inside when I got him), so it made me wonder if he was crying because: a) he had to stay inside with the younger kids, or b) he had stayed inside because he was crying, or c) he came inside because he was crying.  Either way I am curious as to why he wasn't outside with the rest of them.  It would have surely cured the tears (unless the answer was c).  He was fine when we got home (and went outside), we had lunch, played for a while, and then he took a 3 hour nap (2 days in a row!) I won't complain, but I will admit that by the end of hour two, I start getting a little bored without him.

Peak: Girl's Night!
Pitt: J being sad at PMO (and he hadn't even cried when I dropped him off!)

Andre Update: Skype this morning!  It is always a little difficult to talk when we first wake up (as was the case today) because J wants a cup, then he wants to feed abby, then he wants, wants, and wants some more.  But it is always nice to talk and see his face :) 


The Power Family said...

It was a GREAT night...even Mimi enjoyed herself!! We should do it again soon!! =)