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Friday, April 2, 2010

Philly, Day 2

We were going to go to a farm today, but unfortunate circumstances made for a change of plans. A's great aunt is very sick and the family was called to stay with her today.  I stayed home with the kids (four total) and A's cousin's sister-in-law (how's that for a mouthful?) We made the most of the day, packed a picnic and walked to the playground. A's Aunt Donna and cousin Chris met us there for awhile and helped chase the kids.  J refused to nap (surprise!) and instead colored his hand (and bottom of his foot) with a marker.  He is all cleaned up and sleeping soundly (even through MiaMoo and RileyRoo fighting like crazy over Wonderpets!)

Please say some prayers for A's great aunt and family.

Peak: Playground and J actually ate normal food at normal times today without a fuss! And...I'm wearing a snuggie!
Pitt: J always feels the need to hit and bite other children who are about his age and size. Poor RileyRoo has taken the brunt of his abuse today (she will be 3 in May and is a peanut...weighing in at 1 pound less than J!)

J's Latest and Greatest: Can't think of anything today...sorry.

Andre Update: He bought his Harley today!!!  A 2011 Fatboy Low! I am so happy that he has fulfilled his dream of owning this bike (and paying for it in cash!) It will be delivered at the end of deployment! I am so proud and happy for you honey! Congratulations on your new baby :)


Erin Callahan Wheeler said...

hooray for the new Harley!