? ??????????????Floral Misconception? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (3 Ratings)??122 Grabs Today. 2458 Total Gra
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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Slack Blogger

My heart hasn't been into blogging every single night recently (clearly, as I have skipped at least two, possibly three nights).  This is the official end to blogging each night and the start to blogging only when I feel like it or have something interesting to say. I don't think everyone needs to know (or wants to know, really) the minute details of what I did each and every day, but I will summarize my days and throw you the interesting parts when I feel the urge.

On a completely different note-I am in insomniac.  No, I haven't been diagnosed. No, I am not a hypochondriac (the position is already filled in this family).  Yes, I may possibly be overreacting.  However, for the past couple of weeks I have not been able to fall asleep until after midnight.  Some nights I don't fall asleep until 3am.  As much as I look forward to naptime every day, I can't even fall asleep then either!  I have even stopped drinking coffee.  I am exhausted, but sleep just doesn't come as early as it should and once I am asleep, I can't stay asleep.  It could be stress, but I am not really thinking about anything in particular when I am tossing in turning (except pondering whether or not to google spanish swears so that I can yell at my neighbors about their flood lights).  I am just stressed because I am not asleep and I so desperately want to be!  

Tonight I took a lavender bath, I have clean sheets and clean jammies (with lavender and vanilla fabric softener on them), and I am going to read the rest of my book tonight. If sleep doesn't come early tonight, I will try Calmes Forte tomorrow.  If that doesn't work, I am trying Benadryl the next night. If that doesn't work, I am caving and trying Tylenol PM.  I cannot take anything stronger because I probably wouldn't wake up for a couple days and I don't think J would appreciate hanging out in his room without his diaper changed or food in his tummy.

Sweet Dreams, Dreamers. 


Jolie said...

Tylenol PM is one of my bff's! It has Benadryl in it which will help you sleep. Good Luck!