Woah! Today was a day. J woke up far too early for his own good but got to open his Easter basket with Daddy watching on Skype. (Although he didn't really "open" his basket, but instead stole a chocolate egg and ate it for breakfast along with a hard boiled egg and cup of milk-minor gag). The bunny hid eggs outside since it was so warm out and the kids got to run out in their pajamas to find eggs. J did a great job keeping up with the other kids.
He napped in the stroller again today and I crashed on the couch for about an hour. It's a good thing I had that nap because he was a piece of work this afternoon. The whole family came over at 2 for Easter dinner and J had a time out about every 10 minutes. He was hitting, biting, melting down...I can't even begin to explain how frustrating it was. I took him upstairs for about a half hour to calm him down (and because sometimes mommy's need a time out too!) A's Aunt Dee took him for a long walk around the block twice (in heels, God bless her!) but he was still something else. He didn't calm down until after his bath-just before bedtime (of course).
With the exception of J's outrageous behavior, it was a great day overall. The food was delicious and it is always wonderful to be with family for the holidays. We missed A tons today though. This is the first major holiday without him, and I for one was definitely feeling lonely without him. (Not to mention I could have used Daddy's help with J!)
Peak: Family!
Pitt: J's craziness
★ J's Latest and Greatest: ★ I thought of something earlier today-already forgot it. Sorry friends!
Andre Update: Pretty much said it all up top (skype this morning). And I'm tired so I'm halfassing the A update-Sorry babe! Miss you millions.
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