J started swelling up on his right leg at about 8am yesterday. I called the doctor's office not expecting to get very far with them while I multitasked preparing the diaper bag with all of the essentials for a trip to the Emergency Room. To my great surprise, the doctor told me to bring J in right away. She took one look at his swelling leg, told me to give him benadryl and sent me on my way. I left with my head low, feeling like I overreacted. As soon as we got home I started to change his diaper and saw that the swelling had gone from this:
to this:
I put him right back in the car and headed straight back to the doctor. On the way it spread up his back and covered the rest of his face. He kept saying "owie mommy" or "I hurt". (I fought back tears the entire drive, no parent wants to feel helpless when their child is in pain). When we got there, they gave him a shot of epinephrine, told me to continue benadryl and to expect the massive hives to come and go over the next five days. I have also been instructed to pay close attention to what he is eating, but I am going to use the Mom Instinct Card here and say that he was bit by something. I would like for him to have allergy testing so that we know what we are dealing with (and to avoid a next time)! Try telling that to a far too busy doctor in military health care. I will do my research first before knocking down doors for a referral. If I decide it is best for him to have it done-Game On Tricare!
as someone who is allergic to everything...I'm curious to know how this story ended. What was it?
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