I don't know if it is normal to still have a monitor in your toddler's room, with the receiver right next to your ear at night, but I still deem it necessary. I am a heavy sleeper. I haven't always been, but college taught me to learn to sleep through drunken parties in the floors above and below you, drunken giggling girls outside your window, admittedly my own occasional drunkeness-see a theme here? Not to mention intense heat and cold spells due to the lack of air conditioning and lack of control over our dorm room temperatures. You would think nursing J in the middle of the night might have helped my heavy sleep habit, but my theory is, I am now catching up on that severe lack of sleep he earned me. I need a monitor. I would never hear him wake in the middle of the night crying for us, I would never know if he vomited in his bed due to a nasty bug (gross I know, but it has happened, more than once), I wouldn't hear him when he woke in the morning, ready to start his busy day.
Friends of ours passed on their video monitor to us and it was amazing. I never thought I would need one until I had one. And then it gave out on us, resulting in me resorting back to the $20.00 fisher price monitor we had originally purchased. And now that has given out on us. I have to give it credit though, that $20.00 piece of plastic was good to us for two years. Now that I am (was) in the market for a new one, I hesitantly went for the investment. I went back to my old ways, I went with a new video monitor, and of course, I went for the handheld upgrade.
And A, before you have a
what in the world was she thinking moment, hear me out: I like to think of it as an investment. We plan to have another child one day and with this particular model you can purchase a second camera for the second room. Not only is it worth my piece of mind, I can also tell when J is pulling every single book off his bookshelf or better yet, pulling his poopy diaper off and trying to change himself instead of napping. The only question remains is...how do I keep his destructive hands off of the camera and the handset? If only it had some sort of a minor electrical shock barrier surrounding it...
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