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Monday, August 16, 2010

Bottle Weaning

I have been debating whether or not to wean J from his bottle of milk since the day A left for Afghanistan...8 months ago.  The fact is, I can only fight so many battles, and this has just been one I have chosen not to fight. I was embarrassed at his 2 year well baby checkup to admit that he was still taking a bottle when he wakes up, before nap, and before bed. To my great surprise, his doctor (the one I love!) told me not to worry about it-as long as I was brushing his teeth after his bottle (which I am), then it's not worth the fight until Daddy comes home. On top of that, he goes to the dentist every 6 months for a cleaning, has beautiful, straight teeth, and if you've ever heard him speak, you know very well it is not affecting his verbal development or speech.

Lately however, I have had more and more of an urge to take it away from him, mainly because of pressures from other parents and the occasional dirty look I get for the rare times I give in and hand him a bottle in public (we all get desperate in the lines of wal-mart). I did some research today on the best ways to wean (and surprisingly, found a lot of "don't do it" comments). I ignored the comments, put my research together, came up with a game plan and hesitantly started wrapping my mind around the fact that this plan was going into action beginning at bedtime sharp.

And right when semi-panic began to sink in, my second voice called. KR is the closest thing I have to a sister in the south (and thankfully she is moving back here on Friday!) Sure, I have great friends down here, even best friends, but KR is different. She and her family are part of our family (we even named J after her husband) and I listen to my family. KR is nothing less than straight forward, to the point, and always tells it like it is. (My real sister D, who has never even met KR, has even said on more than one occasion "I need a KR in my life"). Anyway, KR told me what I needed to hear, from a mother's point of view, told to a sister. Don't take it from him, not now. At least wait until Daddy goes back after R&R (and he's settled and comfortable again). She reminded me that we are going to need a night out while he is hear (read: babysitter), J will need all forms of comfort right after Daddy leaves again, and frankly, it's ok to be selfish.

So that's it. It's not happening yet. It may sound like yet another excuse not to do it, but try your hardest not to judge me. And if you're going to, bite your tongue, because KR will be back in town this weekend, and you do not want to upset me while KR (or any of my sisters!) is around! She's a bit protective, and for that, we love her :)

Besides, who can say no to a face like this?

(Don't know why I can't get this pic to turn, but he's still so sweet. You get the idea).


whitaker imagery said...

KR you TOTALLY ROCK! and of course, you are like he twin I never had...which of course just means that you are like me being there in person for my baby seester. To everyone reading this, KR and I have met ONCE, yep just once and have never spoken since...but I <3 this girl, because she is so me and so not afraid to stand up for my baby seester. NO ONE messes with baby seester when KR and big sister D will find out :)

The Leivas said...

I'm so glad you decided not to take it away yet!