? ??????????????Floral Misconception? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (3 Ratings)??122 Grabs Today. 2458 Total Gra
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A-Hunting We Will Go

This past week, A and I headed north to Virginia with the little guy to visit my Aunt and Uncle and so that A could hunt with my cousin, Mike. Traveling is always hectic and exhausting, even when you do absolutely nothing once at your destination (which I am proud to say is exactly what I did!) But when you have a baby, things get worse!

Before Baby: One bag-for both of us.
After Baby: 2 suitcases with extra extra extra clothes (and we still needed to do laundry), 1 diaper bag bursting at the zipper with diapers and wipes, baby food.

Before Baby: Point A to Point B without stopping. No eating, No peeing, No Puking. Just get there.
After Baby: Point A to 50 Miles down the road. Feed, Change Diaper, Wipe Spit up. Repeat every 50 miles.

Before Baby: Cool rock music blaring out the sunroof while passerbys look in awe at our awesomeness.
After Baby: Celine Dion Lullabies and Laurie Berkner Sing-A-Longs with sunroof closed (because the sun is too bright and the wind is too much) while we look at passerbys in jealousy of their cool rock music.

But, we did make it, eventually. After finally arriving (at 9pm), we immediately turned in (I never thought I would ever use the term 'turned in') for the night. The guys got up at 4 am to go hunting (of course waking J on the way out). They did this everyday we were there, and shot nothing. They did see a deer though, but admitted in all their shame that they were scared to shoot it in fear that the 10 year old daughter of a friend they went hunting with would ask them in her thick, southern accent "what'd you do, punch it in the nose? That thing is so small." We didn't leave empty handed though, the guys somehow scored (ahem-probably paid someone off for) some meat which they cut up themselves with a rusty sawzall and a couple of gerber knives. Classy.

And speaking of classy, I can't end this travel post without telling you that while we were there, my 6 year old cousin peed in an empty listerine bottle and left it on the bathroom sink because he "saw it on a tv show and wanted to try it." He was found out before anyway swished it, but imagine if they had........