? ??????????????Floral Misconception? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (3 Ratings)??122 Grabs Today. 2458 Total Gra
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Monday, November 24, 2008

Abby Swims!

Tonight I was preparing J for his bath, which is usually Andrew's job but he's not here tonight, so I don't really have a routine yet. I decided to run the tub first, bring him in his room, get him undressed, and put him in the tub. It all makes perfect sense really-until you throw Abby into the mix-the dog who eats, drinks, laps everything! She wanted to drink the bath water that I had just ran and I could see her from J's room as she continuously tried to jump into the tub to drink the water (she hates the bath mind you). Then the dumb dog tried to get clever and jump to the toilet then into the bathtub, but she only made it as far as the toilet. The lid was up and the 10 pounder fell butt first, right into the toilet. I had to put Julian down on the floor, with no diaper and only a tshirt on, and go rescue the dog. As she tramped around my house wet with toilet water on her hiney I had to bathe J, get him ready for bed, put him back on the floor to play, and then grab Abby and just throw her into J's bath water. I could never be a single parent...especially not a single parent and a dog owner (especially one of Abby's nature). Kudos to all of you who do it. There is a special place for you in heaven.