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Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving-A Bust

No, it wasn't a bust because I burned mashed potatoes or dropped the turkey on the floor (although both are very real possibilities.) Actually, all I had to do was make a green bean casserole and with the recipe right on the back of the french fried onions can and sister Deb just a speed dial away, I pulled it off quite well.

It was a bust because Andrew, Julian and I all had the flu. While I made that green bean casserole I wrapped a bib around my mouth and nose just to avoid the smell and dodge yet another half hour spent on my knees on the cold unforgiving bathroom floor hurling into the toilet. Detailed I know. My apologies.

I did manage to make the drive to our Thanksgiving host's house, throw the casserole through her front door and run back to the safety of my car where I didn't have to smell the would be glorious turkey cooking in her oven.

We are finally healthy again, Julian is napping for the first time in what seems like weeks, and we will celebrate our own Thanksgiving next weekend with a roast duck, topping off the day with Christmas decorating and tree trimming...which now that I think about it, never really understood why we call it "trimming a tree"...