Peak: Julian behaved fabulously at church without childcare! He got so many compliments on his behavior.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Ice Ice Baby
Peak: Julian behaved fabulously at church without childcare! He got so many compliments on his behavior.
Posted by Diane at 8:35 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 30, 2010
This Week in Pictures
This is Julian's favorite hat (Andrew's Beret). He has it on his head at least once a day. He has learned to say cheese when the camera comes out. This is his "cheeser".
This is the night Julian went to bed with his sunglasses on because he refused to take them off.
Sitting on the table-testing to see what he can get away with...
Someone has been going through Mommy's drawers...
Posted by Diane at 9:00 PM 1 comments
Saturday Thoughts and Facts
*Julian and I had a pajama day.
*My idea of a pajama day is changing out of your pajamas into comfy sweats and a nice long sleeve shirt.
*I can't bring myself to stay in what I wore the night before all day long.
*I made eggs, sausage, and waffles for breakfast this morning-just like Andrew always does for us on Saturday mornings.
*It snowed last night-a whole inch. It has been freezing rain and sleet since 4:00 am.
*We stayed outside for 4 1/2 minutes before he asked to go in.
*We had popcorn and chocolate milk when we came inside. It was only 10am.
*He actually sat on the couch with me and watched half of Homeward Bound.
*He continuously barked at the TV.
*I bought 4T fleece pants at Children's Place by mistake yesterday.
*Julian is wearing them today and they fit with just one roll of the waste.
*Julian slept for 3 hours and I actually slept too instead of cleaning, watching tv, or reading.
*Julian can probably eat his weight in edamame beans, as could I. He has officially mastered sucking the bean out of the shell.
*He pooped in the tub. Again.
*I managed to get his toenails and fingernails cut with no tears.
*We miss Daddy/Andre.
Peak: Julian's fantastic behavior today!
Pitt: Andrew wasn't here to share our lazy snow/ice day.
Andre Update: He called at 1:00 this afternoon and he is finally at his "home" base! He is exhausted, but I am sure relieved to be back. I'm happy too! He also received his first package from us (which wasn't too exciting-it was just stuff he couldn't fit in his luggage going over). Julian did put a picture in it though.
Posted by Diane at 8:31 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 29, 2010
Dinner = Fail
This however, was one of his finer moments:
Peak: Seeing Kelly, Cliff, and Luke to celebrate Luke and Cliff's birthday!
Pitt: Julian waking up at 5:30 and not going back to sleep, and then being crazy cranky at dinner!
Andre Update: Nothing today. Hopefully he has finally made it back "home".
Posted by Diane at 10:13 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 28, 2010
A Bushel and A Peck and A Hug Around the Neck!
Posted by Diane at 10:24 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Yoga & Windstorms
Posted by Diane at 9:11 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
23 days down, 342 to go.
Posted by Diane at 8:42 PM 1 comments
Monday, January 25, 2010
This Week in Pictures
Posted by Diane at 10:37 PM 1 comments
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Looong Day
Today was slow! I thought this time (bedtime!) would never come. I welcome it with open arms. Julian is asleep on his floor. I tried moving him to his bed once already and he got out and fell asleep on the floor again. I have a feeling he will be sleeping with me tonight. I will sleep miserably, but he will sleep much better in my bed (than on his floor) and will be happier tomorrow. The BIG problem is that he wakes up around 5:30 (or earlier) when he sleeps in my bed. He will be headed back to his bed if he tries that nonsense tomorrow.
I had some good girl time (again!) tonight! Caryn and Kim came over to watch the Bachelor (DVRed from last week-seriously, where would I be without that thing?) Who am I kidding, where would I be without my girlfriends? I am so glad we have kept our promises to eachother to hang out-often! It helps me relax and get my mind off things. Tonight is a new night for me...I didn't even put our dessert dishes into the dishwasher. I am just leaving them for the morning. I am that relaxed. Although, I may wake up in a couple hours with a panic attack over it and just do it anyway!
I'm exhausted. Goodnight all!
Peak: Church and girl time
Pitt: The slowest, most boring afternoon. Ever.
Andre Update: STILL no word :( He did call his mom this morning to wish her a Happy Birthday. They said he sounded well. But it has been a few days since I've heard his voice and I'm going crazy. I am trying to be grateful though, at least our only communication isn't snail mail as it was in previous wars. Sorry for being such a complainer!
Posted by Diane at 10:42 PM 3 comments
Saturday, January 23, 2010
20 days...
We are 20 days in. Tomorrow marks three weeks. Things better start picking up soon, because this three weeks without him has been torture!
Posted by Diane at 9:32 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 22, 2010
Googly Eyes, Potties, and Burgular Alarms
Googly Eyes
Posted by Diane at 9:15 PM 2 comments
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Rollercoaster Day
Posted by Diane at 8:45 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Abby seems to be feeling better but now it's my turn for anxiety. I have had a nervous feeling in the pitt of my stomach all day and cannot, for the life of me, figure out why. I have come up with a few possibilities to try to explain the anxiety:
1. All the recent crime in the area.
2. Realizing that January isn't even over yet and suddenly feeling the weight of the year ahead.
3. Lack of sleep due to my neighbor's new flood light that shines directly through my bedroom windows. (It's that bad-I feel like I am in the movie Lakeview Terrace).
4. Wondering all night how I was going to ask her to turn it off after 10pm due to the fact that she only speaks spanish.
5. Deployment. Enough said.
I can say that I am feeling better this evening. Not 100%, but better. Melissa came over tonight with Aria and Nuri. I used to nanny for Aria when we first moved here (she was only 9 months, she is almost 4 now). Melissa and I have become good friends over the years. We have decided to have Wednesday night dinners, switching houses each week. It gives me something to look forward to each week. A major plus: Julian has playmates (Nuri is only 5 months older) and I get to talk to an adult!

Posted by Diane at 8:44 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Happy Day :)
I was awaken at 7:05am, not by Julian (he was still sleeping!) but by a phone call from Andrew! What a beautiful voice to wake up to. Julian woke up just before 7:30 and came running into my room. He wasn't really interested in talking to Daddy, he had his focus on a cup of milk-straight away!
Julian started a Parents Morning Out program at church this morning. The teachers said he behaved wonderfully and was an excellent example to the other children. I thought maybe they had me confused for someone else and were telling me about someone elses child. When I was walking out the door after dropping him off, I heard him slam his body in a fit against the door of his classroom. So surely they couldn't have been talking about my son? But sure enough, they were! I am so pleased!
I had a nice break while he was at PMO. I went to Walmart for a few things and came home to clean. But then Andrew called on Skype!! I talked to him for at least 45 minutes. Cleaning can always wait, but seeing my amazing husband never can!
Julian had another wonderful afternoon. We went for a long walk in the neighborhood and we even met a new friend for Julian. He is a 17 month old named Jayden. They played outside with chalk and a football and there was NO fighting! They got along so well!
Peak: Getting to talk to Andrew-TWICE.
Pitt: Cleaning poo out of the garage after making sick Abby sleep out there all night.
Andrew Update: He looks and sounds great! He has been very tired though. Seeing him on Skype makes everything better :)
I have finally put some pictures of our weekend on the computer. Here are a few to enjoy, the rest are on facebook.

Posted by Diane at 9:51 PM 1 comments
Monday, January 18, 2010
Poop and Tears
We made it home safely from South Carolina this afternoon. It was a very quiet afternoon/evening with just Julian and I. Tonight is our first "normal" night since Andrew has left. Normal as in "normal for the next year" meaning just Julian and I, 7:30 bedtime for him, and me sipping wine (and/or eating ice cream) while watching tv in an all too silent living room. The only thing that made this day go a little haywire was the fact that Abby is having her "anxiety poops"--the big problem is that she never once asked to go outside to take care of business and instead took care of it twice in Julian's room and once in the living room. Tonight I would like to thank God above for putting whoever invented the Bissell Spot Bot on this earth.
Also, I would like to thank my sister who will be taking Abby off of my hands when I travel to Maine in June-she just isn't fully aware of it yet. I'll get her back after Andrew comes home. I don't think Andrew will like it very much if I do that though. I have also considered the option of getting another, much calmer dog to give her someone to play with and learn some manners from. Britt saw two miniature dachsunds the other day on a busy highway. If we hadn't been going away that day, we would have definitely gone back to get them. That would be perfect for Abby the psychopath, anxiety ridden, can't hold my poop in long enough to get to the door dog! Again, Andrew probably wouldn't like that either.
I did shed quite a few tears today. Not only every time Abby pooed inside my home, but once when Julian and I were sitting in chairs on the back porch just enjoying the beautiful 65 degree January! It was one of those overwhelming moments that literally makes your heart hurt when thinking about how much you miss someone. I would have given so much just to have him out there with us. No matter what we are doing, I always feel like I am forgetting something. Sitting outside I figured out what it was-the missing link to our family, Andre/Daddy. 50 more weeks, 22 more paydays, 350 days.
Peak: The weather and taking full advantage of it by relaxing on the porch and Julian's fabulous mood that lasted from the time we stepped in the door all the way until his head hit his pillow and he went right to sleep.
Pitt: Abby. Did I mention she started this crap (no pun intended) almost immediately after I gave her a bath and washed her favorite blanket? Little shit (pun intended).
Andrew Update: I didn't get to talk to him today as I was driving home when he had free time. He did talk to and Skype with Fred, Joan, Angela, Christine, and Isabella though.
Posted by Diane at 8:14 PM 3 comments
Sunday, January 17, 2010
"It gets funny..."
Today was a much dryer, warmer, and sunnier day. It is January, but we went to the beach without jackets. It was beautiful. The kids had a lot of fun running around, and I only had to run into a wave once to save Julian the Brave. I got some really great pictures of him and I can't wait to share them with Andrew. He will be a little jealous I'm sure, but he will be glad to see his "little buddy" having so much fun.
The girls have been talking about "Blue Bell" ice cream since we got here. I finally had some of that today...twice. I definitely met my goal of having ice cream at least 4 times this week-in fact, I nearly doubled it!
Right now we are watching America's Sweethearts. We wanted to watch another funny movie and since it started Kim has said "don't worry, it gets funny!" It's a "cheesy" kind of funny and almost over I think. I'm not sure, I just can't pay attention anymore. Clearly Kim can't either, she's been asleep on the couch for about 45 minutes!
I got to Skype with Andrew this morning. Julian was up too (since 5:45am, ugh!!) Skype was slow so I think Julian was a little confused as to why Andrew wasn't moving very quickly (especially since he is so used to watching the videos that Andrew made). He got bored pretty quickly and went off to play. He came back a couple of times to wave and he also said "Daddy" as clearly as he ever had. I am so happy Andrew got to hear that, and he looked pretty happy to hear it too.
Peak: Watching the boys run around on the beach (oh and my new boots that kept my feet dry!), but the boys can't really compare to new boots.
Pitt: The early wake up call per Julian
Andre Update: He is back at his home base-Clark. I am not sure how long he will be there for and even if I knew, I can't discuss movement for OPSEC and safety purposes. He looks great and seems happy besides missing his family. We love you and miss you so much babe!
Posted by Diane at 10:04 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Charleston = Wet
Our first day of seeing the Charm of Charleston was a good one, but a wet one. It poured all day but
thatdidn't stop us from making the most of it. We went to the marketplace in downtown, did a little shopping, a bit of oohing and aahing over the beautiful homes, and a whole lot of eating.
After finally giving in to the fact that we were freezing and wet (pruney fingers and all), we came straight home to Kim's Mom's house, changed right into dry, warm sweatpants, dove into the oversized, luxurious couches and have been here ever since (aside from the 100 times we had to separate the little monsters just before one took the other out).
Headed to bed now, it's been a long day!
Peak: Seeing Charleston
Pitt: I only brought flat shoes so my feet and pants were soaked to the knees.
Andre Update: I'm sorry to say I don't have one. No word today :(
Posted by Diane at 11:21 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 15, 2010
So here we are!
We (Kim, Britt, Nathan, Noah, and Julian) made it safely to South Carolina. I can also proudly say after three years of living in the south, I have finally tasted Sonic. The verdict is...delicious! Although, come to think of it, I love food of all kinds so I am not a very good critic.
This will be a short post tonight. I'm exhausted and Kim's computer is making me want to hit things. I can't wait to see the charm of Charleston tomorrow! Goodnight 'ya'll'!
Peak: Road Trip to South Carolina!
Pitt: Julian was supposed to start Parent's Morning Out at church this morning, but they forgot to put his name on the list and it was full. It made me a little curious about organization, but I love my church so I am going to trust the program also!
Andrew Update: I got a quick phone call this morning. I missed his first call due to the very annoying fact that TLC autowash now makes you vacuum out your own car after an oil change (they used to do it for you!) If I hadn't been vacuuming, I would have heard the phone ring! He did call an hour later so we got to talk! Not long though, but I don't care, I still got to hear his voice. He has a cell phone now that he can call home with, but it takes up a lot of minutes to call home, therefore all calls from his cell phone will be quick!
Posted by Diane at 11:04 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 14, 2010
When life hands you lemons...
I have a new deployment goal. When a friend asks to hang out or go on a weekend road trip, do it! And say yes right away without any reservations!
This week I have witnessed my friend Britt's spontaneity. On Monday I called her at the last minute to go to Red Robin, she was there in minutes! Tonight, Kim asked us to go over and watch the Bachelor. She was immediately all for it. Before leaving Kim's, we asked her to join us on our weekend getaway to South Carolina, and again, without a doubt she was in.
I often second guess myself on going out or going on trips. I think of Julian and uprooting him. I think of how tired I am and how I just want to go to bed early (although here I am at 11:00pm again!) And lately I have been thinking about how I need to get into a routine of being on my own. I recently told my mom that I really need to get used to this whole deployment thing and doing everything myself. It was the biggest part of why I didn't want to head to Maine. I feel a little guilty for heading out to South Carolina, which has made me second guess my decision to go. However, there is a big difference of going 3 hours south for a weekend compared to driving 2 days north for a couple weeks only to stress out about getting around to see everyone. I want this deployment to go by quickly, I want to become more independent. I can begin to accomplish that by being more spontaneous; by dropping everything to have a little fun and adventure. I also can't continue to worry about Julian's routine. I know deep down he is flexible and schedule aside, he absolutely loves seeing and doing new things! Everytime we have a family outing, or even just go to the library, he always drops what he is doing for a second to run over and give me a hug and a kiss. I feel like it his little way of letting me know he is having fun and is enjoying our outing.
That's my rambling for the night! Thanks for listening (reading...whatever).
Peak: Having pizza and brownies and watching The Bachelor with Kim and Britt
Pitt: Day 2 of No Nap and No Andre Call
Andre Update: No phone call again today, but a nice email this morning. Andrew is traveling between the 3 FOB's (forward operating base's) that his soldiers are stationed at. I can tell you that he is not at his "home" FOB for the next couple of days. He does still have access to email and phone, but he is what we call "The Man" so we can't expect to hear from him everyday :)
Posted by Diane at 11:21 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The Next Best Thing...
Just as I was about to turn my computer off last night due to a "critical battery" I heard the best noise in the world (Julian's giggle and Andrew's voice aside). It was the wonderful world of Skype calling me, and on the other end was ::pause for dramatic effect:: Andre! It was very slow, but I got to see his lovely face and even many beautiful smiles. I really needed to see that he was doing well, especially with all that has happened since he left. The feed was painfully slow, but not enough to keep me away. I can't wait until we can find a time to skype while Julian is awake. He loves the videos Andrew made for him before he left. We watch them often. So often in fact, I can recite entire fables and stories. It was something I had hoped I wouldn't be able to do for a few more months, but trust me, I have no problem letting J watching them as often as often as he would like.
Onto to today's events...crap, what did I do today? Oh! I got a ticket to the red carpet premiere of Dear John on Fort Bragg. Nicholas Sparks, Channing Tatum, and Amanda Seyfried will all be there. This is like the next best thing to being famous right?
I didn't really do anything else exciting other than go to the orthodontist (wooo). But when Julian attempted his nap today (and failed miserably), I let him out of his room after an hour of trying only to realize he had taken off all of his clothes! He was working on his diaper when I walked in and just started laughing hysterically! After catching his breath my little streaker baby ran through the house to wake up Memere from her nap. I got see Kim and Audrey for a few minutes today too. Always perks in my book!
Finally, because I'm a dork and I think about blogging before I go to sleep, last night I decided to add a peak (the best part of my day) and pitt (the worst part of my day) to the end of each blog, in addition to Andrew updates. I may repeat something I already said (with much less detail of course) but you'll learn to deal. So here is the start:
Peak: Getting a ticket to the red carpet premier of Dear John.
Pitt: Julian didn't take a nap.
Andre Update: No word today, only skype last night. He looks and seems well. Gosh is he handsome!
PS. After mom leaves I will probably be heading to bed earlier, at which point I will have the time to spice up my blogs more with pictures and more fun!
Posted by Diane at 11:02 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
No Sleep
Julian was up for most of the night last night. I finally turned in at 11:30, only to hear him screaming at his bedroom door a half hour later. I knew that his cry meant he was having bad dreams and would not go back to sleep on his own. So, I did something we very rarely do (but admittedly have started to do more often)-I put him in bed with me. He woke up every 10-20 minutes crying, whimpering, and even screaming once-the highest pitched scream I have ever heard come out of him. It made my heart race for about 10 minutes. A few times he put his hands up toward the ceiling fan and yelled "no! no! no!" I think he was delusional. Maybe he thought the fan was going to fall on him? (I've done that in my sleep...don't judge.) At 4:30 he decided it would be a good time to end the night terrors and just get up for the day. I tried so hard to get him to go back to sleep, and then I tried even harder just to get him to lay in bed and watch TV (ha!). All he wanted to do was hand me my water glass, throw my cell phone at me, put on my glasses, play with his monitor, the list of annoyances goes on...I was doomed. Until 6:30 anyway, when I decided that I couldn't keep my eyes open another minute. That's when I took him to wake up his Memere and let her (ok begged her) to take him and let me go back to sleep. Everytime he has done this, I have had help. He did it exactly a week ago when I was at Kim's recovering from our loss. MiMi was there to rescue me (and she even offered!) And before that, Andrew was here so we could at least take turns sleeping. Mom goes home at the end of the week and when this happens again, I have no one to help. So this is single parenthood. Thumbs down to that. Is it 2011 yet??
No word from Andrew today. Booo.
**Positive Note: After a much needed nap (for everyone), we went out to dinner and Julian actually sat still, ate his dinner, and behaved!! Believe it!
Posted by Diane at 10:24 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 11, 2010
Manic Monday
The title pretty much sums it up, today was b.u.s.y. But the good news for you is that busy days come with interesting stories and personal accomplishments. Even better news (or worse, depending on how you see it), is that I get it to share it with you!
Julian had a follow up appointment for a staph infection he had a couple of weeks ago. I obediently followed Clark Clinic's strict "be there 15 minutes early so we can laugh at you while you wait for 2 hours with your toddler who is getting dangerously close to naptime" rule. I met some very interesting people within that time. The first, a mother whose daughter is also named Julian and who had no problem disclosing every symptom her daughter has had in the past 2 weeks resulting in her desperate trip to the doctor. My initial instincts were to a). feel bad for the mother because she clearly needed someone to talk to and b). feel terrible for little female Julian who has had flourescent snot of all colors of the rainbow coming out of every hole in her face including her ears. But when said mother told her poor little female Julian to share her Lucky Charms with my Julian, my next instinct was RUN AwAY.....
(Like that effect? It's us running away...get it? Anyway...)
Apparently everyone around me was beginning to feel like we were a family since we had been glued to the same seats for so long, because a well meaning old lady (who literally chased her doctor down the hall and insisted she needed to be seen first due to a recent hospitalization and white puss coming from a sore on her thigh...hey if I had to hear it, so did you) started asking each and everyone of us why we were there. Voila! A new friend for female Julian's mommy! Perfect.
Finally, I watched a four year old come out from vaccinations with her Dad and a beloved sticker. She sat down next to her mom who was waiting, began to throw an all out tantrum (which I try not to judge because it is almost guaranteed to happen to every one of us who have children at some point) only to be soothed by...a BOTTLE of chocolate milk! A four year old with a bottle! Time for a sippy cup my friends, she's about to go to Kindergarten! So now I judge...I've become a judging parent.
There were many other busy parts to my day including an FRG meeting. All other events were pretty uneventful and the meeting was bittersweet. I didn't ask any of the Delta wives to attend and I definitely made the right decision because the meeting was 100% about the redeployment (which is the army's stupid term for 'homecoming') of two other batteries in our batallion who are returning home soon. I am so happy for my friends whose husbands are coming home, it is such a wonderful, happy, and relieving time. But at the same time, I am still a full year (ok, 51 weeks) away from that time in my life and it gets a little depressing to think about.
To end on a positive note though, I remembered to put the trash at the top of the driveway to be picked up this morning! Bonus: I even dragged the heaviest bag of yardwork ever to the top of the driveway to also be picked up. There is still another bag of yardwork to be heaved up there but I know my crap trash service with their continuously rising prices will only pick up one bag a week. My gripe about how I live "outside of city limits" and therefore don't get to take part in the city's recycling program will need to be saved for another day.
Andre Update: No word today. Not even a stinking email.
Posted by Diane at 10:48 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Date Night & Deployment Goals
It's been a week. A long, drawn out, boring week. I felt like the walls were closing in on me today and I had a bad case of the grumps. I called on Kim for a date to dinner and Britt and Caryn joined us also. How refreshing. I feel better already!
Now that I am renewed, I have made a mental list of deployment goals--which will no longer be a mental list but a real, live, blog list because I am about to reveal. Drum roll please...
1. Eat at least 4 bowls of Breyer's Cookie Dough Ice Cream each week.
--This accomplishes 2 things: (1) fattening me up and (2) teaching me to scoop my own ice cream. Andrew usually does it because I always get sticky ice cream on my knuckles. He will be so proud when he comes home!
2. Take my many friends up on their many offers to watch Julian.
--I would like to go out in the evening at least once a month. I know this sound like a small feat, but it is a huge step for me. Maybe we will up it to twice a month later on, but let's face it, I love that baby.
3. Enroll Julian in Parent's Morning Out at church on Friday's and actually bring him.
--I will use this time to clean and organize my house, grocery shop, or just be selfish and take a nap. Although, I don't think it's being selfish if it helps to reenergize me and refresh me. Also, Julian will get to be a part of a regular playgroup that has a small christian curriculum and snacks!
4. Treat myself to a GPS and a new Coach bag that can double as a diaper bag.
--The goal here is not necessarily to treat myself, but to treat myself and not feel guilty about it!
This is all I have so far, but I am sure more will come. For now, signing off until anymore brilliant ideas enter my brilliant mind! Goodnight!
PS. Andrew update: He made it out of BAFF finally! Things are looking up!
Posted by Diane at 10:29 PM 1 comments
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Country Store & Advent Angels
Kim and MiMi dragged me out to the 'Country Store' today (seriously, I went kicking and screaming...). I can't even tell you what town we were in, but I can tell you that it is the most deceiving little store. From the outside, it looks like satan has left his mark like a dog would leave its mark on a tree. On the inside, it has been touched by grace and is heaven on earth. After leaving and spending money I swore I wouldn't spend, the outside was suddenly looking up-and I mean that in a literal sense; it no longer looked as though the roof was about to hit the ground at any second.
Julian refused to nap this afternoon which really isn't much of a surprise anymore. So when mom and I took him to evening mass tonight, he slept through more than half of it. Throughout advent, we were assigned a family to pray for each day. After mass tonight we had dinner in the social hall and a chance to meet our 'advent angel' that we prayed for. This is the second year in a row that we have done this, and also the second year in a row that my advent angel wasn't there. We still had a great time as Julian was fully refreshed after his nap (and after two full plates of spaghetti, a breadstick, and God only knows how many brownies my mom snuck him). He danced to the children's choir while they sang songs like 'O Come All Ye Faithful' (not very upbeat, but good enough for J!), 'Go Tell It On The Mountain', and his favorite, 'Joy To The World'. I officially saw the first signs of my baby boy becoming a Ladies Man tonight as he danced, waved, hugged, and batted his eyes at every single woman he could get to pay attention to him in the social hall. Daddy would be so proud!
Posted by Diane at 9:33 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 8, 2010
Movie Night
Tonight was our first official movie night of the deployment. The word 'official' is used quite loosely here as we did very little movie watching (ok, we never even actually put a movie in) and instead drank wine, some mixed coffee drinks courtesy of my Mom, and ate the always delicious 'moakey-wamos' made by bff Kim, made famous by Kim's mother in law MiMi. I am not sure if I can give away the secret to these moakey-wamos so you will just have to use your imagination. All I can say is that they are just decadent. Britt also came over, and we all had a wonderful time sitting around the table talking, enjoying our treats, and watching on as Memere (my mom), and MiMi attempted to play Mario Kart with some serious language fouls.
Andrew also called tonight and sounded well again, except for a few snotty sniffles. I hope he isn't getting another cold, he just got over two in a row before he left. He should finally be done traveling in the next couple of days and start to get settled at his FOB (Forward Operating Base). I also learned that he will have a government cell phone that he can buy minutes for and use to call home, and even better, I can call him! I am sure I won't be calling often, but it is relieving just to know that the option is there in the event of an emergency.
Finally, I informed my mom today that I do not want to go home with her for a little while. I know she really wanted me to and she has not held back in expressing her dissapointment. The guilt is a little tough to take in and I still have a lot of healing to do. So my plan is to not argue with her and try to ignore the guilt while I continue to deal with my grief and frustration over this recent loss. I feel very comfortable in my own environment and would like to stay close to it. I do feel like I will need to get away in a few weeks and I have been planning on going to my Aunt Karen's house since before the deployment. Her house is comfortable and relaxing and only 4 hours away. It is much less stress than driving for 2 days, running around like crazy to see everyone, and then driving 2 days home. My plans to have a baby this year may have dramatically changed, but I would still like to keep my travel plans and the rest of my life as planned. I will visit in Maine in march, via air travel, and then for about 5 weeks in May-June for birthdays and weddings-just as planned!
I may have lost a lot this week, but I will not give up my strength and independence. I know what is right for me, and I will do what is right for me.
Posted by Diane at 11:05 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 7, 2010
"Hi Daddy!"
Andrew made several videos for Julian before leaving for Afghanistan. He read over 20 stories (some of which Julian also stars in; assisting in the reading and page turning), and one of the videos is just him and Julian playing and goofing around. We have watched a couple of videos each day and Julian absolutely loves it! If he is in a bad mood, he is instantly refreshed. If he is tired and ready for bed, he is instantly calmed down. The best part about the videos is that Julian sits (Yes! He sits!) on the floor or the couch and waves at the TV with big smiles and even bigger giggles. He also holds his 'Daddy Doll' and kisses it everytime I say "give Daddy a kiss." My mom has also been teaching him to blow kisses...but that's still a work in progress!
On a completely different note, I talked to Andrew this morning. He sounded much better than he has in the past couple of days. To know that he is healing will allow me to heal much faster. I just can't wait until he is finally settled at his FOB (Forward Operating Base) and has his internet hooked up. It is very strange not knowing where he is, when he is traveling, and having absolutely no idea when or if I will get to talk to him. At least when he is settled in I will have an idea of what he is doing for work and his phone calls, emails, and skype "usage" will be a little more predictable. But mostly I can't wait for the next 360 days to be over. My countdown is on days and weeks, while Kim's is on paydays.
360 Days, 51 1/2 Weeks, 23 Paydays
Posted by Diane at 9:01 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
365 Days of Blogging
Technically it will only be 362 days of blogging since we are already a few days into this deployment. And technically I can't take the credit for this idea. My best friend (read bff) Kim, whose husband also just deployed, decided to blog for the next year and I agree that it is a wonderful way to let it all out, keep busy, and keep others updated. I tried to start a blog (and stopped (ahem, failed) just over a year ago. All previous blogs were written under the blog title "Confessions of a Desperate Housewife", which explains a lot of my ranting. Life is forever changing, and here we are. One year later and facing a year long deployment.
And with that, I begin...
I wish I could say this deployment is off to a good start, but we have already experienced tragedy. It seems that everytime a loved one leaves us for a period of time, something immediately goes wrong. After losing our baby at 8 weeks pregnant the day after sending my husband off to war, it seems that the flat tires and broken garbage disposals are entirely insignifcant. I learn just how much strength is in me with each passing day and I am forever grateful to God for guiding me through this very difficult time in our lives. I am also thankful for the many friends and family that have given me their support and prayers. My mom flew in yesterday and has been here helping with Julian, the five loads of laundry I managed to hoard in our closets, and making delicious dinners.
The healing and grieving process is underway. I still have moments of great sadness and beginning today, moments of great anger, but with all of this support and by the grace of God, I will be back to my witty self in no time and these blogs should be much, much more uplifting. Until then, I leave with these loving words to our angel...
Sweet Child,
God loved you so much, he wanted to keep you to himself. Watch over Daddy and keep him safe. You are his new guardian Angel. Until we meet in heaven dear one, I will always hold a special place in my heart for you.
Posted by Diane at 10:28 PM 2 comments