I was beginning to think that tonight's blog would be full of stories about Julian streaking through my house fully naked or the victory of his butt staying in the shopping cart through an entire grocery shopping trip (this is a first for him my friends, feel free to applaud). But I stand corrected, what a day! Read on.
Googly Eyes
Julian's doctor and my sister noticed that Julian's eyes sometimes seem a little lazy or even a little crossed. The doctor noticed it when he hadn't slept all night and was exhausted, and Deb notices it in pictures. He had an eye exam today (an hour away, in the middle of nowhere!) and everything is fine, just as I suspected! He has thick skin on the inside of his eye near the bridge of his nose and it causes him to look cross eyed when a flash hits him in the corners of his eye or when he is sleepy. We are going back in a month for a full vision exam-just because we can! Meaning tricare covers it, so we are taking advantage!
Potty Time
I bought Julian a potty today. He has sat on it several times but only 'toots' on it. He pushes when he is trying to pee, hence the gas. After an hour of running back and forth to it he decided he was done with it, picked it up, and put it back in the box!
Alarm Scare
I was finally rid of my anxiety...and then, while I was doing the dishes, my alarm went off!! I grabbed Julian and ran into Andrew's closet where the "protection" is and called 911. The alarm company and the police department each had an officer here within 3 minutes! The police checked everywhere, even in the tree in the back yard. They checked all of my windows and all of my doors and said I was locked up tight and very safe. They stayed here while I called the alarm company to see what zone went off. It was the window shatter guard for my back door and they said that the sensitivity on it was all the way up at a 10 (it is usually set at an 8) and that a loud noise could have set it off. Julian knocked over a chair near the shatter guard about 3 seconds before the alarm went off, so I flipped the chair again while I was on the phone and asked if it was loud enough to set it off. The technician said it definitely was! Since the sensitivity was set so high it could have even gone off from Julian crying, Abby barking, or even a loud noise on the TV. He asked if he should turn down the sensitivity, so I just had him turn it down to a 9. Glad I got the alarm fixed yesterday-it works!
I don't think I have ever had my heart race that fast. The adrenaline was almost unbearable. I always fear that I would freeze in a situation like that, but I learned tonight that you are moved by adrenaline.
Peak: Julian sitting in the shopping cart for a full 45 minutes and then behaving so well at home that I was able to completely wash the refrigerator and freezer out, put away groceries, and reorganize the pantry.
Pitt: The alarm going off, obviously.
Andre Update: He is off his home base again for a bit and visiting 2nd Platoon. He emailed me this morning to let me know. Unfortunately everytime he is online is when Julian and I are off doing something for the day. We try to get everything done pre-naptime to avoid snoozing in the car!
I have had the same thing happen this week 3 times with my alarm. I shut my cabinet door in the kitchen to loud and then my sons window breaker then i banged on the backdoor to tell the wolf pack to be quite. and boy even know i know what it is. i still flip out.. that sound is so scary..
Oh my Diane!! I am sorry that you had another rollercoaster day!! Boy, won't we both be glad when this week is over!! Love you friend!!
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