? ??????????????Floral Misconception? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (3 Ratings)??122 Grabs Today. 2458 Total Gra
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Monday, January 11, 2010

Manic Monday

The title pretty much sums it up, today was b.u.s.y.  But the good news for you is that busy days come with interesting stories and personal accomplishments.  Even better news (or worse, depending on how you see it), is that I get it to share it with you!

Julian had a follow up appointment for a staph infection he had a couple of weeks ago.  I obediently followed Clark Clinic's strict "be there 15 minutes early so we can laugh at you while you wait for 2 hours with your toddler who is getting dangerously close to naptime" rule.  I met some very interesting people within that time.  The first, a mother whose daughter is also named Julian and who had no problem disclosing every symptom her daughter has had in the past 2 weeks resulting in her desperate trip to the doctor.  My initial instincts were to a). feel bad for the mother because she clearly needed someone to talk to and b). feel terrible for little female Julian who has had flourescent snot of all colors of the rainbow coming out of every hole in her face including her ears.  But when said mother told her poor little female Julian to share her Lucky Charms with my Julian, my next instinct was RUN AwAY.....
(Like that effect? It's us running away...get it? Anyway...)

Apparently everyone around me was beginning to feel like we were a family since we had been glued to the same seats for so long, because a well meaning old lady (who literally chased her doctor down the hall and insisted she needed to be seen first due to a recent hospitalization and white puss coming from a sore on her thigh...hey if I had to hear it, so did you) started asking each and everyone of us why we were there.  Voila! A new friend for female Julian's mommy! Perfect.

Finally, I watched a four year old come out from vaccinations with her Dad and a beloved sticker.  She sat down next to her mom who was waiting, began to throw an all out tantrum (which I try not to judge because it is almost guaranteed to happen to every one of us who have children at some point) only to be soothed by...a BOTTLE of chocolate milk! A four year old with a bottle! Time for a sippy cup my friends, she's about to go to Kindergarten!  So now I judge...I've become a judging parent.

There were many other busy parts to my day including an FRG meeting.  All other events were pretty uneventful and the meeting was bittersweet.  I didn't ask any of the Delta wives to attend and I definitely made the right decision because the meeting was 100% about the redeployment (which is the army's stupid term for 'homecoming') of two other batteries in our batallion who are returning home soon.  I am so happy for my friends whose husbands are coming home, it is such a wonderful, happy, and relieving time.  But at the same time, I am still a full year (ok, 51 weeks) away from that time in my life and it gets a little depressing to think about.

To end on a positive note though, I remembered to put the trash at the top of the driveway to be picked up this morning! Bonus: I even dragged the heaviest bag of yardwork ever to the top of the driveway to also be picked up.  There is still another bag of yardwork to be heaved up there but I know my crap trash service with their continuously rising prices will only pick up one bag a week.  My gripe about how I live "outside of city limits" and therefore don't get to take part in the city's recycling program will need to be saved for another day.

Andre Update: No word today. Not even a stinking email.