I was just about to start from the beginning and had to take a few minutes to remember where the beginning started. Julian woke up at 4:45 this morning and when I started thinking about it, I honestly thought he did that yesterday, not today. I guess it has been a long day! Anyway, it was today that he did that and my rule is: no getting up before the sun! I tried to put him in bed with me (mommy needed a snuggle) but he just wanted to play, so back in his bed he went. He didn't stay there though. He screamed by his door for a good 5 minutes while I laid in bed crying and feeling selfish for making him scream, but sure enough he climbed back in his bed and fell back asleep until 7:15. When I went in to get him (I always brush my teeth and wash my face first) he was completely naked. Not even a diaper! He has been pulling off his diapers once in a while lately, but he did it all day today. I finally realized he couldn't get it off when he had a onesie on. I think I will get him a potty to get used to having it in the house and to start learning its purpose.
I blame the rainy day on mine and Julian's constant mood swings today. He was so moody at one point that he didn't even want to stay at playgroup more than an hour. My mood was affected by the alarm system not working and having to speak to a technician while standing on a ladder stretching to the max to take the thing apart with a screwdriver and a butter knife (the tech's suggestion, not mine!) The technician heard me panting (and maybe dropping a choice word or two) and asked "Is your husband taller than you? Can he do it?" I responded, rather irritated, with "Just tell me what to do next!"
I can say that tonight I am in a great mood, thanks to Julian! I record all of our favorite shows on the DVR and watch them when I can (commercial free, woo!) Tonight I had American Idol on while I was folding laundry and the 60 year old veteran came on singing his song "Pants on the Ground". Julian came busting out of his room, running around the corner, and started shaking his little booty, center stage (read: area carpet)! He looked so let down when it ended, so I rewinded (rewound?) it...over and over and over again. He couldn't get enough! I took out the video camera but he refused to perform for it. I skyped my father in law and he danced for him! I will try the video camera again tomorrow night! In case you missed it the other night, here is a video of the song:
Peak: Julian's great dance moves!
Pitt: The rollercoaster of emotions
Andrew Update: he called this morning because I had written him an email about my anxiety yesterday and he wanted to check up on me. It was sweet of him to check in and I was definitely feeling less anxious than yesterday. Also, I was just reading comments on my blog and saw one from him on the 'Poop and Tears' blog. I guess I need to add it to this update since he did ask me too:
"I had anxiety poops too. Put that in your Andre update and smoke it."
So there you have it. Andre's update!
HAHAHA!! You have anxiety poops!!! =]
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