? ??????????????Floral Misconception? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (3 Ratings)??122 Grabs Today. 2458 Total Gra
bs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????Simple Elegance? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.4 (17 Ratings)??122 Grabs Today. 5830 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Soo sleepy.

Today J and I ran all over town, doing last minute errands and dropping Abby off at doggy daycare for the weekend.  We came home so that he could nap and I could pack for our trip. As soon as he woke up I brought him over to B&L's house where J played with gus, plastic easter eggs, and had a pillow fight.  He was still running around, even after I got there!  I am sure they are now exhausted and sleeping peacefully. Which sounds like a great plan...

Peak: A got to see J's latest and greatest (putting his fists up, growling, and running to attack me) on Skype today.
Pitt: This is the first I have sat down today (with the exception of being in the car)

J's Latest and Greatest: ★ He is back on a cream of wheat kick in the mornings. 

Andre Update: We talked on skype for a little while this morning, but had to get our busy day started so we cut it a bit short. We caught him again just in time when we got home. J was about to go down for a nap and Daddy was about to go to bed.  Wish I got a nap...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Busy Day, Busier Tomorrow

This morning J had his second dentist appointment.  He hates having his teeth cleaned (and being held down), but he said "Bye! Wuv you!" to the hygienist on the way out the door, so I guess he wasn't too traumatized.  I was though.  Not only did he scream and cry the entire time, but right before being called back and he had a major diaper catastrophe.  I win not so awesome parent of the day award for only having an extra shirt in his bag and not an extra pair of pants.  I washed them as best I could in the sink and brought stinks McGee back into the office where I prayed that no one else could smell him.  They still let him pick a prize, so he must not have smelled too bad:

"The Prize"

After a traumatic hour we rushed home to get him changed, threw a full set of clothing into the diaper bag (just in case!) and I dropped J off at PMO.  He walked into his classroom all by himself today, and right when we were all about to say "Wow! No tears!" they started. I am pretty sure he was done before the door closed behind me though! 

We stayed home for the afternoon. The sun is shining again so we ate both lunch and dinner outside (J is a fan of Tilapia!) and played outside until it got dark.  (Except for naptime, which we both took advantage of!) I let J get bubbles at the store yesterday.  I knew it was going to be a messy project, but I was shocked to discover that he can blow them all by himself!  He only spilled once while he was bending down to give Abby a kiss, but other than that he did great!

Peak: Sunshine and Warmth
Pitt: I wanted to go for a walk, but J only gets in the stroller on J's terms

★ J's Latest and Greatest: ★ Tonight while I was sitting on the floor, J would put his fists up, wait for me to put mine up, he would start growling, run at me and just knock me over and fall on top of me. ★ For dessert tonight, instead of a treat they gave him at PMO he wanted peanut butter on a spoon. (So I ate the treat.)

Andre Update: Skype this morning while J was at PMO. It was a good, quiet conversation, but I ended it sooner than I usually would do to the obscene amount of cleaning/laundry/errands I need to get done before heading to see more family for Easter!   

Monday, March 29, 2010

Rainy Monday

Today was a rainy day and the plan was to stay home for most of it. I did have to run out to staples to fax something, but somehow we managed to do it in the 30 minutes that it did not rain. J got to try out his new rain boots in the puddles and very much enjoyed himself.  Abby even came out with us and stayed right with us, thanks to shock collar technology!  Quick post tonight since I have to get moving bright and early tomorrow. Who schedules dentist appointment for their kids at 7:30am anyway? Real smart.

Peak: Having A be such a huge part of our morning (See Andre Update).
Pitt: Rain!

★ J's Latest and Greatest: ★ When he does something he thinks is funny (i.e. dumping Abby's water on her head he says "I funny!"

Andre Update: We skyped twice today (for a long time each time) and chatted on instant messenger.  There was some sort of unexplainable comfort in knowing that he was "there" was we went on about our day, stopping to chat when J permitted.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Good Day-Finally!

I knew we were due for a change in pace!  This morning J and I went to Palm Sunday mass. J went to nursery and he only cried for about a minute.  He was playing so nicely when I went in to get him and he seemed unsure if he wanted to come see me or continue playing.  After mass we went to brunch with M & H again, and this time we were also joined by several of their friends-three of whom have Ph.Ds and many of whom are military veterans. J had fun getting all of his elders to do whatever he wanted (including pouring sugar packets into a mug and calling it "coppee", aka coffee).  We headed to the playground straight from brunch.  Last fall, A let him go down the huge, twisty slide by himself (which didn't go over well with J or myself), but today J climbed all the way up by himself and after some long thought, down he went!  He was much more in control this time and he even wanted to go again (but when he saw the distance he would have to climb just to get to the top again, he changed his mind and headed toward the "weeees" aka swings).  All in all a good day.

I am adding daily J updates for A and our family now-and because I just like to brag.  There may not be something new everyday, but he is changing and growing so fast! When I talk to A, I feel like I always forget to tell him the new "happenings".

Peak: Getting all kinds of hugs and kisses from J tonight while hanging out before bedtime.
Pitt: Missing A's call.

J's Latest & Greatest: ★ He says "are you ok?" a lot while watching America's Funniest Home Videos. He seems very concerned about people falling and being smashed in the face with cake. ★ Each time he enters into a room I am standing in, he says "Hi Mommy!" and before exiting he say "Bye! Yuv you!" ★ He dumps at least one cupful of water outside of the bath onto my feet almost every night (if you try to stop it, it just splashes all over you)

Andre Update: He called the house phone and my cell phone today while I was putting J down for a nap. I missed his call by exactly 1 minute.  Missing his call is bad enough, but by one minute? Really!? Make this day 2 of not talking.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Terrible Twos

It should be against the law for a spouse/father to deploy when his already very active boy is hitting his terrible twos.  Doesn't the military know that it is hazardous to a mother's mental health to deal with tantrums and meltdowns approximately every twenty minutes, by herself, day after day?  Somebody please tell me that the terrible two stage can sometimes miraculously last for only a week!  We all know how active J is; he is the epitomy of a "boy".  He keeps us on our toes and running from sun up to sun down.  It makes me feel better to think that it is because he is just too smart for his own good (I mean we are talking about the boy who figured out how to open the cabinet locks in about four days and how to open the refrigerator lock in about four seconds).  I wouldn't trade his curiosity or energy for anything in the world though.  I might however, begin insisting that whoever stole that crazy kid and replaced him with a crazy, tantrum throwing kid make the swap again and give me the original back.

These tantrums have been going on seemingly nonstop since Thursday. (Although I will admit, it always seems like they are happening more often than they are and lasting longer than they actually are).  I have remained calm through most of the storm, but today being Saturday and already feeling the sadness that A isn't here for yet another weekend, I was just about in tears by 9am.  I wrestled J into some clothes (he had already torn off his pajamas, diaper and all), wrestled him into his carseat and headed to the park. (Don't judge me for "rewarding" the poor behavior, unless you have a better idea for my sanity.)  After about 45 minutes of playing in the cold, I was shocked to see the playground get bombarded by over 100 kids-all with easter baskets or buckets.  Apparently there was an Easter Egg hunt about to occur and J was more than angry that he didn't have a bucket or basket to hold.  (He even attempted to steal a couple from other kids.) I decided that he was in no mood to participate so started heading to the car when the Easter Bunny saved the day! J saw him across the soccer field (where everyone was getting ready for the egg hunt) and started saying "goggie comere" (doggie come here).  I put him down and he went running to the bunny (ahem, large man dressed as a bunny with a pastel apron.)  Within 2 feet of the bunny though, J came running back and held right on to me.  He was then ready to participate and found four eggs!  He was so proud.  (So was I, as we haven't had many proud moments in the past couple days).

After tantrums, laundry, and a short nap today, C reminded me of the 3-321 coffee tonight just as I was trying to figure out what to make for dinner.  I had completely forgotten about it, so I got ready really fast (while J was hanging from my pants pockets screaming!) and off we went.  I was worried about J's behavior, but he was pretty well behaved once there (given this weird stage he is in anyway. He could have been better). The host had her mom there who was more than willing to play with J and the host's son, who is only a month younger than J. 

Now he is in bed and sleeping peacefully, making it easier to relax, forget about all of the tantrums today, and pray for a better day tomorrow.

Peak: Mood change just in time for Easter Egg hunting
Pitt: Snakes and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails.

Andre Update: it has been a month since he last paid for his internet and he didn't realize it. He e-mailed me from the office to tell me that's why he wasn't on skype this morning.  It really has become such a part of our routine, but I do understand that it won't always be like that, there will be days that he is busy and can't chat with us.  It's just too bad that we forgot he had to pay again.  Ah, the luxuries of skype. (Oh, and speaking of routine-since J asked me to turn on the computer and then five minutes later went into a tantrum, he grabbed my computer off the counter-which he can now reach (I didn't realize it until today)-and he tried to throw it on the floor! I was right behind him so I caught it, but wow...that just gives you a little insight.)  

::Praying for a better day tomorrow:: 

Friday, March 26, 2010

Easter "Egg" Decorating

This morning J went to PMO and I ran a bunch of errands that are just easier and faster without having to get him in and out of the car and without the inevitable attempts at diving out of shopping carts!  The idea of a shock collar has been on my mind since before A left for Afghanistan after seeing K use one with her dog Cadence.  Cadence is so good now that K doesn't even need to press the button anymore, she just points the remote at Cadence and she stops whatever behavior she is doing.  After A left, Abby has gotten 5 times worse, and if you know Abby, that is pretty much rock bottom for the psycho dog.  I have tried clicker training again, but that doesn't help with poor behavior. I have tried calming vitamins for dogs (which I think are a placebo and only put my mind at ease!)  When I found out that I can return it after 60 days if it doesn't work, I was all about spending the money for it.  Now my problem is that J always wants the remote, so instead of Abby misbehaving, J throws a fit because I won't let him have it!

J didn't nap very long this afternoon and before I let myself drop into a pity party dwelling on the fact that another weekend is ahead and no husband to spend it with, I decided at the last minute to take J downtown to decorate easter eggs at the children's museum (yes, the crappy museum I recently complained about-and am about to again.)  It was occurring during "fourth friday" (every fourth friday of the month, all kinds of events/street vendors/arts/music happen downtown) so the museum was free, as are most of the activities going on.  The easter egg decorating was advertised to start 6:00, but the doors were locked, the temperature was dropping rapidly, and the rain was starting.  I called and of course someone was inside, but very rudely informed me that they would not be opening their doors until 7. Click. (No goodbye). So J and I went for a walk:

...and he held the umbrella.

After J led me into every single open store and restaurant on the street and getting a balloon from our friend HH, we headed back to the museum to carry out our original plan.  The easter eggs turned out to be pieces of oval construction paper with ribbon, foam cutouts, markers, and glue were provided to decorate. Disappointing!  But I did learn one thing: I really need to teach Julian the difference between chapstick and a glue stick!  Here he is working on his "creation" after the "don't put the gluestick on your lips" lesson:

And here is the finished product (He actually did everything but write his name.)

(Pretty disappointed that we spent an hour in the cold rain to do this. J had fun though and that's what counts!)

Peak: Watching J and N run through the leaves outside this afternoon and laugh hysterically (I also kidnapped N today so that K could have some K time!) and allowing J to lead the way on our walk downtown. He was so proud.
Pitt: After coming home to beautiful, sunny days (even putting J in shorts!) it is suddenly so cold and rainy. Boo.

Andre Update: Skype again this morning. It is now coming part of J's morning routine.  As soon as we gets up he points to the computer and says "Daddy?"  I usually wait a little while before giving turning on the computer (which gives me enough time to come up with a plan in the event Daddy isn't there!) I have been meaning to say this for awhile, but he has requested "no more sweets!" for awhile anyway. He is overloaded with Candy and Cookies and he is trying to get buff (hahahaha...what?) not fat (which is also laughable since he is not too big to begin with.) I mean...honey, you're huge! I love you!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Cranky/Funny J

J was an on and off cranky pants all day today, but I was surprisingly ok with it.  When he was down, he was down, but when he was up, he was up!  It was another beautiful day, but J was getting frustrated easily when things didn't go his way-sand not going perfectly into his bucket, Abby not obeying his every command, not getting his bike to steer in the right direction, shall I go on? 

Before A left, I was concerned because I could rarely make J laugh as hard as Daddy could, but today (when he was up) I had him giggling like crazy!  He even grabbed his diaper at one point and said "pee!" I made him laugh 'till he peed and I am so proud! Another thing to be proud of, he learned where his clavicle was today and he even tries to say the word "clavicle."  Oh! I thought of something else too!  He always waves with his wrist and hand going up and down, so I have been trying to show him how to wave his hand back and forth.  It is the funniest thing in the world to watch him try it.  He waves both arms back and forth instead and laughs like crazy!

Peak: Wrestling and tickling J for an hour straight before putting him to bed and hearing him say "love you" about 5 times before I walked out the door. (His new thing when I close the door behind me is to ask me "are you ok?" I have to say "I'm ok! are you ok?" He says "ok Ni-Ni! Love you!" one last time. It melts my heart everytime!
Pitt: The major meltdowns

Andre Update: We talked for a little while this morning on Skype before J went into the first meltdown mode of the day.  Before that happened though, J was playing with his animal flashcards and showed Daddy a "Goggy", a "Mooooo", a "Kitty", and a "Bird". He also told Daddy all the different parts of his face. ( These are things he wasn't doing before A left, he only had about 15 words before he left, and now he doesn't stop naming objects and repeating eveything you say! After hanging up and after the meltdown he repeated every single letter of the alphabet with me too!)  A seemed really happy to be interacting with his little buddy like that.  J has been a little showoff on the computer lately and it makes me so happy to see him sharing all of his skills with his Daddy.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Get on outta he-ah!

That translates to "Get on out of here" for you non-Mainah's (translation again: Mainers).  And I say it because my inlaw's friend C flew into town this afternoon to buy A's truck from us!  There is nothing wrong with the truck, but J can't ride in it because the back seats fold out sideways.  This makes it very difficult for me to keep starting it and driving it with A gone and now it is just taking up space and irritating me!  WAS taking up space I should say...because tomorrow when C wakes up bright and early to begin his drive home, it will be out of here.  I am probably the only person in the world is actually excited to clean and organize their garage!  (I will have so much more room to store the boxes of toothpaste and deoderant that I have sitting in there waiting to be handed out to single soldiers when the guys come home from Afghanistan...in 8 1/2 months!)

J's black eye seems to be getting worse rather than better, but I guess that's how it works.  At least the swelling has gone down, but the bruising is all kinds of pretty colors:

He was blinking in this picture because he was splashing in the tub, but it shows all the bruising.  My poor baby!

Peak: Seeing C and finalizing the sale of A's truck-now C's truck! Oh, and the 75 degree weather!
Pitt: Andre isn't here. That's my only pitt, it was a pretty good day.

Andre Update: We skyped for few minutes this morning but his internet was running slow, so he called instead!  We have been talking alot lately and it's been great!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

285 days to go...

I felt the need to check the countdown today after looking at my planner that I left behind for two weeks.  This week and next week are so insanely busy, but at least J is back in his own bed and sleeping well again (he even took a three hour nap today-and so did I!)  We are traveling again at the end of next week to go see A's family for Easter, so there is much to do in the few days that we have at home.

K dropped Abby off this morning and we hung out for a bit having coffee and playing with the kids in the backyard (it was a beautiful day this afternoon, but it was only 40 degrees when we were out this morning, brrrr!) J had a doctor's appointment and my hunch was right-he has another staph infection.  The doctor said it probably didn't completely go away the last time he had it and can sometimes lay dormant in the body.  I begged for a different antibiotic as the last one gave him severe...well, let's just say he was dehydrated...and I didn't want to deal with it myself.  The new stuff is flavored too and he took it like a champ! "Mmmmm, more please" was the response! After the doctor we rushed to the legal office to notarize the title to A's truck so that I can sell it tomorrow, but they had left early for lunch.  We headed home for lunch and a 3 hour nap!

I didn't mean to fall asleep that long, or let J sleep that long because we needed to get back to the legal office before they closed at 5:00.  We managed to get there with 2 minutes to spare, only to find out that the door was already locked for the day. Thankfully someone came out just as I was about to leave and they were able to notarize it for me! I cannot wait to get rid of this truck now!

It was a busy day, but that nap was glorious!  More craziness in the days to follow...

Peak: SLEEP!!!!!
Pitt: J's eye is looking worse :(

Andre Update: We skyped for over 30 minutes this morning.  J was already playing outside and came in a few times to show off, be a goofball, and tell Daddy "yuv you!" He looked good, but seeing him in person would be better.  285 days...

Monday, March 22, 2010


We did it!! We made it home!  J got a black eye before leaving and proceeded to give me a bloody, fat lip during his three hour meltdown during our layover.  But we made it and I didn't even cry!

Flight Stories:

Flight 1: I was about the 3rd person on and didn't even bother asking for help. I already had my plan of action organized in my head and decided to just proceed on my own.  It worked out just fine and J was happy-for about 5 minutes.  It was almost as if he understood the "we will be sitting right here for approximately the next 30 minutes, don't you dare get out of your seat and if your kid cries I will shoot you dirty, glaring looks until you shut him up" announcement. He started fussing and getting restless almost immediately!  I started pulling out the toys and he was only happy with the new play phone I bought him.  When it was time to finally leave, the flight attendant told me to turn it off!  I told her it was a play phone, to which she replied "it doesn't matter, it needs to be off." Feeling the frustration starting to rise, I looked at her in disbelief and said "it's fisher price! It doesn't even have an off button!"  I also asked if she was worried it would interfere with plane communication or if it was a distraction and she said "both." So I took it from him and allowed him to scream as loud as he could.  How's that for a distraction?  Since when do you have to turn off a fisher price toy!?  She was so adamant about it being "off" that I thought she was going to get me a screwdriver, make me open it and take the batteries out.

After taking off, J settled and watched his new Baby McDonald movie from his Aunt KeeKee.

Layover: I will never travel through DC again if I can help it. The whole going up stairs, across a terminal, down stairs to a shuttle bus, upstairs into a new terminal, downstairs to your gate, and then shuttling again to your plane is quite ridiculous.  Getting fed up again I asked "how do people who are handicapped do this? Where is the elevator?" Their reply? "Only elevator handicapped" (I know it makes no sense, English was a bit broken on security's end).  Anyway, after finally making it to where we needed to be and literally shaking from being so hungry and tired from lugging the carseat, diaper bag, and J up and down stairs, we got the most delicious panini I have ever eaten!  (I really didn't mean to share that detail with you, because really who cares? But it was that good!)  As soon as we got to our gate, meltdown mode began.  J wanted everyone's phone, he wanted to press the buttons that open all the locked doors, press the elevator button ("Only elevator handicapped"), take his shoes off and run, climb under, over, behind the seats-you name it, he did it with tears and screams the entire time. 

Flight 2: I got my very own shuttle bus to the plane with not one, but two airline workers to help me.  I was feeling quite special!  The flight attendant even hooked J's seat in for me.  When I got him buckled in, he kept saying "bottle, bottle" so I leaned forward to get it for him and when I sat back up he was fast asleep!  People were still getting on the plane!  I got a nice hour nap while he slept soundly for the entire flight!

B picked us up and helped with luggage, we are home, and J is sleeping soundly in his own bed!  As soon as we walked in the house he went in his room, pointed to his toy box and exclaimed "toyssss!"  I think he's happy to be here, but he is already missing Abby (only God knows why...)

Peak: Laying in my own bed. Ahhhhh.
Pitt: 3 hour meltdown and a bloody lip

Andre Update: I skyped with him this morning before I left and he called as soon as I laid J down for bed.  It was an unexpected, but pleasant surprise!  Phone calls are always a bonus since we usually just use skype!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Byes and Bruises

Today was a day of saying Goodbye.  J must have been pretty excited to see everyone since he was up at 2:45 am.  After getting him settled again an hour later at 3:45 he heard Mom's cat meowing outside and said "Kitty" for an hour straight before finally falling asleep on top of me (and choking the life out of me with his big head crammed into my neck) at 4:45 and then waking at 5:15 for the day.  Needles to say I was exhausted, frustrated, and struggling to keep the ounce of patience that I had left.  The only good thing was that A was on Skype so we talked to him for about 15 minutes (wait-I forgot to mention that when I went outside to get my computer plug from the car, J locked me out of the house and I spent 10 minutes ringing the doorbell for my mom to wake up and let me in!).  J was not behaving, so we had to say goodbye to A. (Could it have possibly been a tantrum from 4 hours of sleep?)

So, like I said, today was "Goodbye Day".  We got see Dad for awhile, where Dad taught J how to suck up water with a turkey baster and then squirt it at people (except he only squirted it in Dad's face, so that game ended pretty quickly. Ha! That's what you get, Dad!)  From there we went to my inlaws house where J got to play with his cousin "I" who he rarely gets to see.  They rode their Auntie A's horses before my mom and R came over for a delicious steak dinner, right off the grill. (I also forgot to mention that it snowed today-after having 70 degree weather yesterday!)  After dinner it was an all out playfest!  I had so much playing with my niece and watching her and J run around.  But the night ended quickly, when J's worst injury to date occurred:

J was running into the living room to scare his Aunt C (A's just younger sister).  He tried to dive into the back of her legs, and without knowing that he was behind her and running at her, she moved her leg at just the wrong moment (not her fault at all though, just bad timing) and J went crashing into the corner of the coffee table.  Upon inspection, the corner of his right eye was bleeding and swelling into a knot that would literally fit into the palm of his hand.  He refused to have the ice touch it, but calmed down after some cuddles from his Mama Llama and lot of doting from his Memere, Pepere, MomMom, PopPop, Auntie A and Aunt C.  He is pretty sore and I am guessing he will have a black eye by morning, but he is sleeping now.  (I will just be sure to check on him all night long!)

See you from home tomorrow :)

Peak: Playing with niece "I". She adores me, and I am quite fond of her as well <3
Pitt: J's fall

Andre Update: We had a rough conversation on Skype this morning due to J's behavior, but he wrote me a sweet e-mail today that made everything better!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Showered with Love

Today was Just Older Sister L's bridal shower.  It was down on the coast, close to where she and soon to be brother in law M will be married.  The day was absolutely perfect (70 and Sunny-a rare sight for the month of March in Maine!) and L seemed to be pleased with her day.  As one of her eight bridesmaids, it was part of my duty to shower her with love (and create her ribbon bouquet that she will carry down the aisle during her rehearsal). 

After the shower all of the immediate family and bridesmaids secretly headed to the lobster pound to surprise L and M with a mixed family gathering.  There have been many times throughout the previous weeks that we thought L might know about the surprise, but even after seeing our cars in the parking lot, she was still unsure of what was happening. Success!  There was a wonderful "two piece band" playing live music which J absolutely loved. He only danced a little but was sure to clap and shout "yayyyy!" after every song!

J was about as good as he gets, I honestly can't remember a single tear.  It was a welcome surprise as he was wide awake and ready to run starting at 4:30am (he also called his Aunt KeeKee all by himself at 5:55am. She was pleased, I'm sure!) He napped for just over an hour during our two hour drive to the shower and instead of crashing on the way home as I thought he would, he talked mine and Grandma's ears off!  We sang songs, got him saying any word we wanted him to (including "Grandma") and got through half the alphabet and letter sounds.  And how could I forget the yelling of "ya ya ya ya ya ya!" for a straight seven minutes? (Yes, I watched the clock until it ended!) Better than screaming and throwing a tantrum though!  As soon as we got back to Mom's house he took of running and playing with his Pepere!  He was as wired as an (almost) two year old gets!  The sip of iced tea Pepere secretly gave him probaby didn't help the matter.  As soon as I wrestled him into his pajamas though, he was ready to give kisses and head to bed.

All in all it was a beautiful day with family and friends celebrating the soon to be marriage of just older sister L!

Peak: J's behavior and getting to see so much of my family all in one place.
Pitt: Grandma's car doesn't have cruise control. After a busy day on heels, the last thing I want to do is press a gas pedal for 2 hours on a boring highway.

Andre Update: I officially have the sweetest husband in the world. He called from his military cell phone while I was on my way to the shower. He said he just needed to call real fast because he was really missing us and wanted to tell us he loved us.  I love you, A!  Always missing you, it was so good to hear your voice.

Friday, March 19, 2010

At Weeks End

This morning started off with an unexpected visit from C (the f-bomb dropper), her Mama C, and her beautiful daughter A!  J is such a bruiser and would not stop hitting her.  It is getting embarrassing, so next topic!

I had to go to Lewiston to pick up my father in law from a "procedure" and even though it took him awhile to wake up out of his deep sleep, he still wanted to go to the Harley Shop.  That certainly woke him up and I got to see a very similar bike to the one that A is buying while overseas.  He bought J the cutest little bomber jacket, complete with hat and mittens for next year.  I cannot wait for him to wear it, it is absolutely adorable.  Since mom was watching J and they were napping, we stopped for a late lunch (my second of the day, so I wasn't too hungry!)  After lunch I picked up Mom and J, dropped my FIL off at home for a much needed nap, and headed into town to run a couple of errands that needed to be done before I head home. 

My highschool friend, B came over tonight for dinner.  It was so nice to get together with her (it has been far too long!) She is one of the sweetest girls I have ever met and always makes me want to be a better person. She is contagious!

Just older sister L's shower is tomorrow, so another full day ahead...

Peak: A quiet lunch and seeing B!
Pitt: J took a 3 hour nap for Mom (but never naps for me!) and all I did was run!!  No rest for Mama :(

Andre Update: We got to Skype this morning. It has been awhile but he is back "home" so back to a somewhat normal talking schedule!  J was being a major goofball and had a lot of fun playing peek-a-boo with his Daddy.  We had to let him go early though since J started beating little miss A.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

God Bless 'Em!

I think I might be ready for my boring, slow days again!  This running all day, everday is wiping me out quickly.  The only plus is that there is a Dunkin Donuts (God Bless You, DD Coffee!) waiting for me at every corner up here. God Bless You, Maine!

I am about to tell you about my day, but first I need to remember what I did first...It's been that long of a day!  Ok, got it!  Mom got up with J again today and I am choosing not to feel guilty about it. She can sleep in everyday after I leave, so consider my tongue sticking out in her general direction. Haha, thanks Ma! (We even just had the discussion of why she should get up with him tomorrow too, and I won-of course!)  God Bless, Mom! 

After dragging myself out of bed at 7:45 (and yes, that is sleeping in) J and I got ready and headed to my Grandma and Grandpa's house. Grandma needed some things at the grocery store, so off we went. J needs to learn some grocery store manners!  He only sat in his car cart for about 5 minutes, before climbing out and putting lentil beans in some random guy's basket while I was looking for tartar sauce for Grandma!  After a little bribing with animal crackers, he got back in, fast forward another 5 minutes to when he turned the entire box upside down (on purpose) and dumped the majority of them on the floor, and then threw a FIT when I picked them up and refused to give them to him.  The fit continued until it was time to go and Grandma (who is about to turn 90) grabbed him and ran out of the store with him flying like an airplane.  God Bless You, Grandma!

During lunch with Grandma and Grandpa (after Gma spilled corned beef juice down the front of my white shirt and the proceeded to burn a spatula) we had a good discussion about Gpa's time as a merchant marine during World War II.  He was away at war for almost two years!  We continued to discuss the differences (and reminders that I have it good-just a year, I know when he is coming home, and we get to talk, email, see eachother on the computer, etc!) between then and now.  Suddenly Gpa got quiet, looked over at Gma with red, teary eyes and said "I kinda missed you...a lot".  I lost all emotional control and let the tears slide down my face too.  (I am tearing up again just writing about it.)  They have been happily married for almost 70 years and are still madly in love (Gma still calls Gpa her "boyfriend").  If I can remember, I will take a picture of the poem he wrote to her letting her know that the war was over and he was coming home and will blog it for you.  God Bless Love.

I tried to come back to Mom's for some down time this afternoon, but J had other plans-plans that included no less than 2 hours of meltdowns due to sleep deprivation.  I finally gave into the fact that he was not going to nap and put him in the car. He fell asleep within minutes! I stayed in the car with him while Mom ran some errands.  God Bless Quiet Time (and Dunkin Donuts again!)

As soon as we got back to Mom's house my all time best friend Andy (even though we have a seriously love-hate relationship) called. He doesn't live as close as he used to and wanted to meet for dinner with our other good friend Ashton. Ma watched J and I headed back out for a quiet dinner with two of my favorite boys from back in the day.  God Bless Old Friends!

And now here I am, back at Ma's, uselessly telling you all the useless details of my day!  Hope you enjoyed it!

Peak: Talking with Gma and Gpa and dinner with A & A
Pitt: 2 hour meltdown

Andre Update: Nothing today. Pout.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Another day of running, complete!  I am exhausted, but it was a good day.  This morning Just Older Sister L texted to let me know she would be at Big Sister D's house within 15 minutes (she lives two hours away, so it was a short warning!) I jumped into clothes, brushed my hair and teeth, threw J in the car and off we went to Big Sister D's house! (I hope you know how much we love you L!)  From there we went to my inlaws house to pick up Mommy J and little sister in law A to head to Daddy F's job site and have a little picnic.  We then attempted to walk on a trail by the river, to which J responded quite poorly by first refusing to get in the stroller, next trying to climb under a fence (which had several signs with huge red letters displaying words like Danger! and Warning! Of course he can't read and he was capable of fitting under the fence, so why not?), and finally refusing to walk.  When I spotted a steep hill ahead (and already threatening to lose a lung from all the panting caused by lugging around my solid little boy) I put an end to the walk and we headed back to the inlaws to play outside instead.  It took J about 2.6 seconds watching his Aunt A scooping and flinging horse poo into a wheelbarrow before picking up his own pick and showing her that he could do the exact same thing!  He very much enjoyed helping clean the stalls and brushing the horses, but it was time to head to my Dad's for our traditional St. Patrick's Day dinner-Corned beef and cabbage! (No, we are not Irish in anyway what-so-ever, we just like a good excuse for a delicious boiled dinner!)  Prior to dinner, J took a walk with his Grandpa to feed the pigs some compost.  It was a very muddy walk and since Dad doesn't walk well (Multiple Sclerosis) he accidentally on purpose those J how to not only stomp in the mud puddles, but how to fall in the mud puddles.  Needless to say I had to do an entire load of laundry of their muddy clothes and shoes when they got inside.  (Do I win worst mother of the year award for not having a change of clothes for J? Or best mother of the year award for allowing him to run around in just a diaper, which he thought was the greatest!?) Overall, it was a fun day, just a lot of driving around!  And we will do it again tomorrow and force ourselves to love it!

Peak: Eating outside, watching J fling poo with SIL A, watching J jump/fall in puddles with Dad, Traditional dinner!
Pitt: J is getting so heavy and loading him in and out of a car by myself all the time is getting old, fast.

Andre Update: I got a nice long e-mail from him today (which is rare). Since we didn't talk, it was nice to read about what is going on with him.  Oh I just love him!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

On the Run

Today was an "on the run" kind of day, but after a restful day yesterday, it was a good day.  We visited my Dad, took him to the store so he could buy not one, not two, but three corned beefs since they are on sale for St. Patrick's Day tomorrow.  J fell asleep in the car on the way back to Dad's and didn't wake until after I dropped Dad off and got to my inlaws' house for lunch. We had a delicious lunch (organic mac & cheese for J, tuna wrap for me), fed the horses lunch and got them water, and then got back in the car to head to big sister D's house.  He fell asleep again on the way over and stayed asleep in the car until nieces H & M got off the bus.  I got to master my skateboarding skills on Wii Fit for a bit, before we packed kids in strollers and walked down to the playground (today was an exceptionally warm day for this state!)  The kids had a blast running around (without jackets!) for an hour before walking back to the house.  But before heading inside, a stop at the neighbor's house was absolutely necessary in order to chase the chickens and collect fresh eggs (which brother inlaw A so kindly made into deviled eggs for me).  Big sister D made a delicious dinner (roast beef, mashed potatoes, and corn) and I sat at the table eating thirds and fourths while the whole family cleaned up around me. De-licious D! I had great family time today and J had a great time playing with his Grandpa and Uncle A.  (I am just glad A didn't come home in his ACU's as he his national guard, but in gym shorts and a tshirt instead. Confusion avoided!)

Peak: All the family time and teaching niece, I (age 21 months) to call my sister (her mother) by her first name!
Pitt: MUD, Everywhere!

Andre Update: A good phone call today.  It is just so easy to chat on the computer so often that he doesn't call often.  I don't mind (chatting on the computer is free and we can see eachother!) but there is just something different about a phone call.  Unfortunately the phone call usually turns to business (things I need to remember to do that I don't normally do while he is home, FRG, etc.) but my nieces, nephews, and J all got to say hi and A got to goof off with them as he always does (i.e. calling niece M "Uncle Mak")  Thanks for calling today, babe. It was wonderful to hear your voice. Can't wait to feel your warm hugs again!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Emotions of Home

I love coming home.  I get so excited to come that time seems to slow down in the days leading up to my trip.  The problem is that I think I set my expectations a little high and I always think things will be different. I am constantly running around to see everyone as my mom and step dad, dad, inlaws, grandparents and big sister D all live within a 10 mile radius of eachother.  I honestly think it would be easier getting to see everyone if they lived further apart (I could visit with one each day and just rotate), but I feel the pull from everyone to see us (J and I) as much as possible.  It gets harder when I try to keep Julian on a normal schedule to allow him to nap and go to bed at his regular times.  Everyone says they understand that I have a lot of people to visit with, yet I am constantly being made to feel as though I am not doing a good enough job seeing everyone as much as they would like.  Oh, and let's not even go down the road where I want to see my friends.  It's like I am cheating on my family by using up the small amount of spare time I have to see them.  I hate being dramatic like this, but today was one of those days where I was reminded that this constant running will never change, nor will the fact that I cannot please everyone.  The only thing that can change is being made to feel like crap about it, and that's on them, not on me.  (I love you all, but please be a little more careful with how you react to how I am spending my time here. I am doing my best.)

I have also come to the conclusion today that J is just about done with naps.  I really hoped this day wouldn't come until he was 12 (ha!) but it has arrived.  It just isn't worth the fight anymore.  Today he ended up falling asleep on the couch with me after playing with cousin C's Leap Frog computer.  I'd prefer the 2 hours of cuddle time vs. the 2 hours of alone time anyway.  It was a nice feeling to know that I didn't need to go anywhere or do anything-because I literally could not, since he was asleep right on top of me.  It was a wonderful time of relaxation and snuggles (a little sweaty, but cute nonetheless!)

Peak: Cuddling with J and making homemade playdough with him this evening.
Pitt: Really missing Andre during my moment of frustration from everything hitting me at once (guilt for not seeing everyone, everyday, frustration with an overtired baby who would not nap in his crib...which ultimately led to my peak! Irony.)

Andre Update: He is away so his Skype isn't working well, but we got to chat for awhile.  It was kind of part of my frustration since we were chatting online while the meltdowns were happening, but at the same time a blessing to be able to vent to him.  Cannot believe we have 10 more months...ughhhhh

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Rainy Day

Brrrr! This state is so cold, and everyone keeps telling me that it has been nice out!  Gross!  That is all I am writing about today. It wasn't a bad day, just cold and now my blood is too cold to allow my fingers to type freely.  Dramatic, yes.

Peak: J stopped playing suddenly at church today for just enough time to allow him to turn and kiss his Daddy Doll (a stuffed camoflauge "doll" that has a pic of A for its face).  I held back the tears of mixed emotions (happy with his love for daddy, but missing him terribly) but A's mom couldn't hold them in.  After telling this, I am now unsure that this is the peak, but a story that needed to be shared nonetheless.
Pitt: Cold and Rainy. Boo.

Andre Update: we talked on skype this afternoon.  Because of daylight savings we are now 8 1/2 hours apart (compared to 9 1/2 hours the day before).  Sister K, Mom and R all got to say hello. J was "napping" (or pulling off his pants and diaper and peeing in his bed-same idea)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ladies Night Out

After a busy day including feeding (read: chasing) chickens, boiling down sap to make maple syrup, a tux fitting for J, and shopping with sister K, it was time for La-La-La Laaaaaadiiiiieeeeessss Niiiiggghhhhhtttt!!!

It was a lot of fun to go out with big sisters D and K (no sister L, unfortunately) and mix together our friends from high school (with an age difference of 5-6 years).  You would think that the older girls would have years of maturity on us younger ones, but wow! I was mistaken!  I was nothing less than shocked when sister D argued with the guy in the blue shirt about our ridiculously long wait for drinks and food.  I started getting nervous at the all too fast pace of escalation and even had visions of tridents and swords being swung (but that vision may have something to do with the fact that I recently watched Anchorman).  Sisters' friend C also had me shifting in my seat due to her natural ability to drop an f-bomb into any given sentence at any given moment.  Heading to our hometown bar after dinner was quite an experience as well.  It seemed as if we had walked into the high school class reunion of 1988; Dress code: Dale Earnhardt t-shirts, acid wash jeans, hightops or workboots, crimped or teased hair (ladies), Budweiser hats (gentlemen), cigarette breath and poorly applied lip liner (optional).  We realized quickly that we didn't fit in...until the 88ers got no less than ten drinks into them and started to tell us we were too pretty to be wearing our wedding rings when we could have our pick of guys just twenty feet away on the dance floor.  Just drop the ring in your pocket, you ah (are) too pretty to be sittin' this fah (far) from the dance floah (floor)!

No worries, we simply laughed at the worst advice we'd ever received and gave into the fact that this just wasn't our scene.

Peak: Hanging out with sisters and great friends, sans children, add liquor and innapropriate dinner talk.
Pitt: J cried the hardest, saddest cry when a client (same height and build as A) left B's salon with a very similar haircut to Daddy's.

Andre Update: We got to chat for a little while this morning.  I just can't get over how often we get to talk compared to when he was in Iraq.  I am absolutely loving it!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Deb Day

After waking up at 4am to J gagging on his phlegm and ultimately spitting up, I wasn't feeling too well myself.  We managed to pull it together in time to go see sister D and kids.  We drove out to our cousin's gigantic farm house with no less than 412 rooms (maybe a bit of an exaggeration) along with a huge barn.  We dressed J up as cute as could be and sister D did a little photo shoot with him.  J and his cousin, I, who is just 6 weeks younger had trouble getting along.  Actually-I should say J had trouble being nice to I. 

Tonight we went to Dad's for dinner, where J clawed I's eyes.  He pulled it together by the end of the evening and he even started to share with her.  I guess he just had to let her know who was boss first. Such a bully.

Peak: Spending time with my big sister!
Pitt: J's bullying

Andre Update: Hannah's husband, Zach, who is also deployed told me this morning on facebook that he ran into A!  (I have now been told twice this week that we have taken on southern accents in the 3 years we have been living away from here).  A called this afternoon just to let me know he was back "home". He got stuck overnight on his travels, but if he hadn't, he wouldn't have run into Z.  He called from his cell phone though, so we didn't talk for long-just long enough for him to tell me he was safe and goodnight! He was exhausted!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Vacationland-Day 3

This morning Mom and I took J to get his haircut from Miss Becky.  I was a little nervous bringing him somewhere without an airplane or tractor to sit in, without a tv, and possibly without lollipops.  Thankfully he picked up just how much B loved and adored him (and she had lollipops!) and he sat so nicely for his handsome haircut!  B's husband, Jeremy came in, and J went right to him, waved and said "Bye!" to me, so Jeremy took him outside to see the chickens.

When we got back to Mom's, I got him in the snowsuit (to avoid mud, not snow since there isn't any!) my sister K (J's Aunt KeeKee) brought for him to wear while he is here. Mom (J's Memere) took him outside to pick up sticks, rake, and play with Simon, while I brought Grandma to the grocery store (since I stole her car!)

After another nice nap, we headed to A's parents' (J's MomMom and PopPop) house for dinner.  Auntie Angie (A's little sister) brought him up to the barn to pet the horses, the neighbors came over for a visit, J ran and ran and ran and ran, and we had a delicious meal of Chicken and Dumplings, Salad, and Apple Crisp.

Another jam packed day tomorrow!

Peak: Watching J and his PopPop play, play, play
Pitt: A would have loved to see it happening and join in the fun

Andre Update: Not a word :(

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Maine Sky

This morning J and I went to my Dad's to hang out until about lunch time.  His house is so relaxing, mainly because he could care less what J is getting into.  The more destructive the better in Dad's eyes!  J took a decent nap when we got back to my Mom's, he helped Mom cook dinner and was in an excellent mood all afternoon.  After dinner we surprised my niece, H, at her band and chorus concert.  She is in middle school and just the cutest child! (Although I think the same about all of my nieces and nephews!) 

On my drive home, I couldn't help but notice all the stars twinkling in the sky.  When you live in a place like this you take something like that for granted.  When you move to the city and look up, all you see is fog from the lights-stars are rare.  Each time I am home I am reminded that there is just nothing like a Maine sky. (Not that I've seen anyway...)

Peak: Sleeping in, visiting my Dad, relaxing!
Pitt: J is still pretty sick and has not yet caught up on sleep (especially since he was up from 12-2 in the middle of the night last night, handing me my phone and asking me and then yelling at me to call Aunt KeeKee!) so he was not fun at H's concert.  He pushed his cousin I (who is 6 weeks younger) right over, just to show her who's boss.

Andre Update: He called this morning. I was right and he is off "visiting".  I hate when he is away, phone calls, emails, skype, etc. is so unpredictable. However, I am kind of unpredictable while I am away too, so I guess it works itself out :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


We have made it to Maine safely after an adventerous day. Read on for the rundown.

4:00am: Wake up call! B slept over, we made it to bed at a decent time but getting up still wasn't easy.  J didn't sleep at all on the way to the airport (or at all for that matter- until we were en route from the Portland airport to my Grandma's house.

Security: There weren't many people there, so J and I just took our time, remaining calm and organized. When I took his shoes off of him and let him out of his carseat, he just toddled on through the metal detectors like the big little man that he is.  He sat so nicely on a bench while I reattached the wheels to the carseat, tied up my shoes, put his shoes back on him, and triple checked that we had everything.  He walked hand in hand with me to get a muffin and milk and then to sit down to wait for our plane.

Flight #1: Normally we wait until the very last minute to board, but this time (with him having his own seat) we took advantage of advanced seating for families.  We quickly discovered that his carseat does not fit down the aisle of the plane and needs to be lifted over the seats to get to our seat. The flight attendant was very kind and followed me down the aisle, carrying the seat for me.  J was an amazing little boy on the flight, he watched a movie and ate cheerios, and when we landed he clapped his hands and said "yayyyy!" causing several people around us to also clap their hands and shout "yayyy!" He was a hit!

Layover: Our first flight was delayed a bit, so we had about 10 minutes to navigate the D.C. airport.  I had to maneuver J, his carseat, the diaper bag and his little backpack down the steps of the plane, up the steps of a shuttle bus, and then off the steps of the shuttle bus. The flight attendant helped me off the plane, where several people took over and also helped.  The shuttle bus brings you to one terminal that you need to go in, up to the 2nd floor (no elevator), across the terminal, down another set of stairs to catch another shuttle bus that will bring you to the appropriate terminal.  A nice man came with me the entire time, knowing that I would need to go down another set of stairs.  The woman at the shuttle door however, refused to open the door saying that I did not know this man to which I replied "of course I know him!" After finally convincing her, I got onto the bus which this man didn't need to go on.  He ran back up the stairs and the woman wouldn't let him back into the terminal. I was in such a hurry, but the bus driver jumped off cussing her out and made her let him back in.  The bus driver told me it was her job to help me down the stairs with the seat if I needed help and he was angry with her to say the least! I made it to my gate (with the bus drivers help back up another set of stairs) just in time!  (I really don't get how handicapped people get around this place, I was told several times there was no ramp or elevator!)

Flight #2: Since I was running behind, I was the very last person on my flight. Having already figured out the whole carseat situation, I asked the flight attendant if she wouldn't mind picking the carseat up and bringing it down for me. She replied by saying that she is not authorized to lift anything over 50 pounds. I said, I promise you it is maybe 20 pounds.  To which she arrogantly replied "It's your stuff, you will need to figure it out. It is not in my job description to carry your stuff." I wanted to ask how many suitcases she lifted into the overhead compartments, but instead tears just started pouring down my face. I could only think...if A was here, I wouldn't even need to ask for help!  Two older ladies sitting in the front said "oh my gosh! what's wrong? what happened?" and I flew off the handle and said "nothing, these flight attendants are just being assholes and are refusing to help me because it's not in their job description!" Meanwhile I am trying to get J to turn around and walk down the aisle so I can lift the carseat over everyone's seats without beheading everyone and he was just standing their looking innocently up at me like I was out of my mind!  The older ladies said "we'll take the baby, give us that sweet thing!" I gladly handed J over, took the seat down the aisle (completely embarrassed by the tears rolling down my face) got everything settled, went back for J, buckled him and called my sister, K (She is super strong in these situations and I needed her to calm me down). I talked to her for about 3 minutes before it was time to turn off my phone-the flight attendant stood over me not just until I hung up, but until my phone completely powered down, and then bent over with her butt in my face to pick something up off the ground.

The 2 people in front of me and the 2 people behind me immediately asked what happened and I told them. They were horrified by her attitude and promised to help me get off the plane-which they so kindly did.  When I got off, Mom was standing at the gate (K called her and told her what happened, so she got a gate pass and told the gate guy what happened). I also repeated what happened and he said "they can't lift anything over 50 pounds!" The guy who carried my carseat out handed it to him and said "lift it, it is nowhere near 50 pounds" and all he said was "ok". 

J was a good boy on the 2nd flight too.  We did end up pulling out all the new toys I bought, but we averted all tears and meltdowns (minus my meltdown!)  He fell asleep on the car ride to Grandma and Grandpa's house and was quite the little showoff while we were there.  Now we are at Mom's house, J is in bed for the night after having dinner with his Memere, Pepere, MomMom, PopPop and Auntie Angie. He is exhausted and has a terrible cold.  I am heading to bed too as I am sure he will end up in bed with me and share all of his sick germs with me soon enough. He's so sweet <3

Peak: We're here!
Pitt: Barely (Karen was worried I would get kicked off the plane. She was picturing me in handcuffs which is why she sent Mom after me!)

Andre Update: Not a word. Britt talked to Brad and believes that he made it out of his "home".

Monday, March 8, 2010

A few more hours

...and then I'm Maine bound!  I miraculously managed to get Abby to the groomer to have her nails cut and grinded, her ears cleaned, and then over to K's house.  I got all of the laundry done, the house scrubbed, clothes packed, and snacks, toys, and DVD's are ready to go!  B and little Finley are here for the night to wake up bright and early with me and bring me to the airport.  Thank you to B & K for helping out with our travels!

See you from Maine tomorrow!

Peak: Another beautiful day.  I even enjoyed some of it in between the many tasks I had to complete.
Pitt: I would have liked to enjoy more of the day outside...with Andre.

Andre Update: He called on Skype last night after I posted which means he still hasn't left to check on the other bases.  He was eating his breakfast while I was talking to him and after 2 months he has lost ALL of his manners, it was absolutely horrendous to watch!  But at least he still has his appetite and he is eating well! (He got a card from a 5th grade student that said "do they feed you over there?")  He also called on skype this morning, but we were already out of the house so we missed him.  He wrote a quick email...still hasn't left yet.  I'm ok with it!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Super Sunday

Dorky title, I know.  But it was a good day.  This morning J and I went to church (where he went to nursery and only cried for about 30 seconds when I dropped him off).  After, we were finally able to take E's Dad (Mike) and Grandmother (Hardy) up on their breakfast offer.  J was an excellent dining guest (very rare!), the omelet was the size of the table and the seafood chowder was the best I've ever tasted! I can't wait to take A there when he gets home!  The company and adult conversation couldn't have been better!

I really had a long list of "to-do's" today, but it was so nice out and J was such a good boy at brunch that I decided to surprise him with a trip to the park.  Since we go to the park all winter long (no matter the temperature) we are usually the only ones there.  I think he was a little confused to see so many other families enjoying the day too, but he was very excited to be there nonetheless.  I love putting him on the swings. He laughs a big, deep belly laugh every time and giggles more and more with every push.  I think the combination of laughing so hard and swinging makes his belly turn though because he asks to get down after about a minute, stands on the ground for 20 seconds to settle his belly, and then wants to get back in.  The belly laughs and giggles are worth the irritation of taking him out and putting him back in 1,000 times though!

When we came home, we were both beyond ready for naps.  It didn't take J long to fall asleep but I did need to start that to-do list.  I brought his car seat in, took the pads off, washed them, and hung them out to dry, then I let Abby eat all the crumbs out of it while I vaccuumed it out and scrubbed it down. It is clean and ready for our trip now, and I did manage to get in a 45 minute nap.

I also got to play with power tools today which J found absolutely hilarious (who knew Mommy could be so handy?)  I bought one of these (semi-expensive) suckers and it required a drill to assemble it. 

It attaches to J's carseat so that I can wheel it through the airport like a stroller.  I have never flown with J alone (actually, I might have once, but he was an infant, still nursing, and not very mobile-things are different now) and I bought him is own seat on the plane so I need to have his carseat (even though he is under 2 and can still sit on my lap, I need a seat for him!)  It's a genius invention really, but now that I really think about it, scratch the semi-expensive part and put in ridiculously overpriced.  It was $80.00 for a plastic board and wheels which I had to use a drill just to assemble (and I just looked at the website, the price is now $90.00...I bought off Amazon anyway, free shipping!).  But the convenience of it will make it all worth it in the end. It is very light, it wheels the carseat around easily, even with J in it (yes, we have already practiced) and since I learned that you have to take it off just to put it through security and then put it back on once you get through, I have practiced taking it on and off.  I can do it one handed, so another plus. I'll let you know how it works out for the real "game" on Tuesday.

Peak: All the fun I had with J
Pitt: I forgot to give Abby a bath and I am not going to want to do it in the morning. But I have to because I don't want Kim to have a smelly dog when I leave. If only I could wash the stupid out of her...

Andre Update: No word today, I'm guessing he left "home" and is off doing commanderly things. Miss you babe!

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Saturday's are always long, boring, and exhausting.  There is usually absolutely nothing to do with kids on Saturdays around here and it really interferes with my whole "keeping busy" thing.  We did meet up with my mom's best friend's son, Mike today.  He is here for two weeks training on post so we got together for lunch.  We ate downtown at a cafe with outdoor seating, beer, and a pesky panhandler that got picked up to head to detox all in one lunch hour. Exciting stuff!

I just had to stop at the chocolate shop after lunch and get myself a chocolate covered strawberry the size of my head.  The owner convinced me to take a gummy worm for J, but what I didn't realize was that it was covered in chocolate. I planned on eating it myself, but J saw it so I caved and gave it to him (after all, he was a good boy at lunch).  He definitely went on a sugar rush, refused to nap, and then crashed on the couch for 40 minutes at 4:00.  He was pretty cranky when he woke up so we headed out for a walk. He didn't want to sit in his stroller (Mr. Independent had to walk right next to mommy). We heard Little C and J (ages 5 months and 2 years) playing (and fighting) outside next door so we headed over to see Momma C.  We sat outside until dinner time watching J and J get along quite well while I held little C and enjoyed all of his sweet smiles and face attacks. 

We found ways to keep busy, but the day was still slow. The anticipation of heading home in just 3 days isn't helping either.  I have a ton to do tomorrow and Monday before heading out Tuesday morning and I will probably be complaining that there isn't enough time in the day to get it all done.  Ready, Set, Go...

Peak: Warmer weather (but still not warm enough!)
Pitt: J didn't want me to rock him tonight. He wanted to have his book read to him while he laid in bed and I sat on the floor. Totally heartbreaking :(

Andre Update: To my surprise he called on Skype this morning. He is still at "home" because they won't travel if there is a single cloud in the sky (and they call themselves soldiers!) Oh well, I'd rather him stay put!  J enjoyed seeing his Daddy as soon as he woke up and babbled away in J world.  I love to see him interact with his Daddy on the computer (love it even more in person, but what can ya do?)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Slow Day.

We were up, fed, dressed and out of the house by 8:00 this morning.  Of course in this town it's not really helpful as nothing opens until 9 or later.  We did find that the carwash was opened and after my GPS took Britt and I down some scary dirt roads one night it definitely need a scrubbing.  The vacuuming it needed was even more desperate-there was at least a half box of cheddar whales (cheap-o delicious goldfish!) smashed into the carpet and various other food crumbs that dropped (or were thrown) during our 2 hour road trips last week.

I brought J to PMO this morning and took that time to finally put the rest of the Christmas stuff in the attic, dig through my school boxes for more books (because I am sick of reading the same ones to J everyday!) and get the house picked up and vacuumed.  I even sat down for 30 minutes and enjoyed a hot cup of coffee in peace.  Even Abby was quiet, and I actually pet her for a good chunk of that 30 minutes.  This week has really opened my eyes to how uplifting "me time" can be.  It needs to remain a part of my weekly schedule!

J and I have been doing starfall on the computer lately. It is a really fun phonics program that I used to use in my classroom.  J has been doing Aa and Bb since Monday.  He doesnt say the sounds to me when we are doing the program, but when I put him down for his nap the past few days I hear him saying "A ah ah ah" or "B buh buh buh" and it makes my heart swell.  It lets me know that he knows the sound, but I didn't know he could recognize the letter-until his PMO teacher told me they were finger painting with shaving cream today and she drew an A in everyone's shaving cream and J announced "A! Ah Ah Ah!" quite loudly. So she did B-same thing! "B! Buh Buh Buh!" They were so surprised and cheering him on. When they did C (which I haven't introduced yet) he just clapped his hands and said "yayyy!"  He came home with two star stickers on his hand! 

This also tells me something else: When I tell him to do or not to do something, I now know that he understands me!  Such selective hearing!

Peak: J will be reading by the time he is 3! (Well maybe I am a little ahead of myself, but I am still proud!)
Pitt: Meltdowns everynight while I am attempting to make nice meals for my toddler are becoming overrated. Tonight was salmon, green beans and stuffing, and the effort was almost not worth it!

Andre Update: As soon I posted last night, he called me on Skype!  I wont be able to talk to him at Skype as he is away from his home base again, but we will hopefully get a phone call tomorrow. No word today.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Spaaaahhhh and Chocolate

I went to the spa today to get my hair cut and colored (I hadn't been since before Thanksgiving, and with a haircut this short, I really need to be going every 6-8 weeks!)  So thanks to A's Aunts I got the kick in the rear to go do something for myself and it was their treat.  Thank you so much, it was much needed (for both the hair and my own personal sanity!)

Since I was feeling so pampered, as soon as we got home it was naptime.  While J was in his room telling himself all kinds of stories, I snuggled into bed with lindt chocolates, a deliciously hot cup of coffee, and letters from A.  We bought a journal just before deployment day with the idea of writing in it a few times and sending it back and forth.  Now that A is settled in, I finally got it back with several letters in it.  I could only read two at a time as I was getting very teary eyed with each passing one. As soon as J fell asleep and I had my fill of chocolate and coffee, I fell right to sleep too. (Caffeine does not have the desired effect on me!)  J and I had a nice quiet meal together-he ate everything and then some so I let him have half of my chocolate snack pack pudding (this is a huge step for me as we are all about feeding J lots of organics and very few sweets!)  Still feeling pampered, as soon as J was settled into bed, I took a nice hot bath and read some more of Chris Farley's biography! (Comedy fans, I highly recommend this book! There is so much to this man that we didn't see on SNL or Tommy Boy!)

I finally just got through all of A's letters and ate an entire sleeve of girl scout cookies (thin mints) with a nice tall glass of milk while reading.  I should probably mention that this occurred in under 15 minutes.  I think I should be proud, I know my Dad would be-but I have had a serious amount of chocolate today, and the full sleeve of thin mints might have been overdoing it.  What's done is done, so oh well!

Peak: Relaxation galore
Pitt: J melting down from 4:30-6:30 with no sign of giving up in the entire 2 hour period. After seeing him eat all of his dinner about as fast as I ate those cookies tells me that I was starving him. Sorry kid :(

Andre Update: I didn't here from him today, but I did get to talk to him on skype for about 30 minutes after I blogged last night.  Skype was working much better. They have been having some crazy rain in 'stan, A thinks that was the problem.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

2 months since "See-You-Later"

2 months down, 10 to go.  February dragged until last week when TT and Jigsy were here.  Next week I head home to Maine for almost two weeks, I will be back here for just over a week, and then I am going to visit A's aunts and cousins in Philly for Easter. The end of May brings mine and J's birthdays (2 days apart!) and the beginning of wedding season (5 total from May-August! )  I have lots of traveling to look forward to, but this week is dragging too-most likely from the excitement of getting to see all my family!  My sisters and I already have a ladies night out planned with a bunch of our friends, J has a lunch date with Jamie to find out what size he is and what his suit is going to look like for her wedding, My sister's (Lauren) bridal shower will take place, and we will get to spend loads of time with all of J's cousins, Aunts, Memere and Pepere, Grandpa, MomMom and PopPop and of course his Great Grandma and Great Grandpa!

On a completely different note, after yoga this morning I was in the mood for some shopping-for me!  I bought myself several clothing items, didn't feel guilty about it, and I am very excited for warmer weather to wear it all!  This weekend should be beautiful and give me that opportunity. (Hard to believe since it snowed again last night!)

Peak: Enjoying buying some clothes for myself!
Pitt: J is pretty tough at yoga :(

Andre Update: He skyped us this morning, but it was cutting out again. Which is extremely frustrating after it was working so well and he is paying a pretty penny for his internet now. At least we got to see him and chat for a couple of minutes before giving up and heading off to start our day. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

He Sleeps!!!!

J took a 3 hour nap for the third day in a row!  I keep trying to let him stay up until 8pm, but at 7:30 every night he either acts ready to go to bed, or asks to go to bed!  It's a miracle-but I won't get too comfortable with it just yet. He could turn it back around as soon as tomorrow!

I went to a huge consignment sale tonight and did not enjoy myself for a second (except for getting to hang out with K)! There was no less than 1 billion people there and some people went crazy-running for things they wanted, pushing past you not caring if they just smashed your (very well behaved) child in the head with a bag filled with clothes.  I got a couple things for J and I found a little vtech computer that he was really enjoying while we walked around-until we got to the checkout and the consignor's tag was missing and they refused to sell it to me. Holy meltdown. Thankfully K has the same computer at home and she is going to let J have it-or at least play with it for a couple weeks until he gets over it!

Peak: My overwhelming love for J.
Pitt: I am so hungry right now, it is 10:30, and my teeth are already brushed. I am in such a predicament.

Andre Update: He e-mailed his dad today about the pipes he wants to put on his motorcycle (that he does not yet have) but no e-mail for us.  I guess maybe I should take more interest in his future wife...I mean motorcycle.

Vienna Sausage

So, Jake (The Bachelor) picked Vienna Sausage to be his wife.  I actually started to like her toward the end of the show, I think they complement eachother. Tenley's voice was about to take years off of my life, so I'm glad that's over. I was pretty excited to see that Kate Gosselin is going to be on Dancing with the Stars this year. I don't normally watch it, but I plan to because of her. (Really-how in the world does she have time for this show?) Anyway-the DWTS (that's short for Dancing with the Stars, creative I know) news got even better. Jake will be on it too! Omelet nights with Jake and the girls can continue!  What an exciting night in reality television.  (If anyone would like to plan an intervention for me, please do, but make sure you plan it through the reality tv show on A&E called Intervention!)

Peak: J is back on a nap schedule, and mimosas, omelets, sweet potato pancakes and girls night is always a bonus on Mondays!
Pitt: It literally took me 20 minutes to get a diaper on J this morning. He kicked, flipped, hit, bit-everything! And I can't really put him in timeout without a diaper on, he will pee everywhere-it's science.  Also, the people at Best Buy kind of suck.  Really.

Andre Update: He called as I was leaving K's house to tell me to meet him on skype. He waited until I got home, settled J back into bed, and got all ready for bed to chat. We got to talk for over 40 minutes!  He looks great (sorry I didn't notice you got a stupid haircut!), sounds great, and smelled great. I can't really smell him obviously, but he said he just showered, so I'm just assuming :)  I showed him his present-a nikon coolpix camera since he geniusly broke a perfectly good camera by shoving it into his pocket without a case.  I also got him a tiny case so he will not repeat his offense with this one! <3