? ??????????????Floral Misconception? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (3 Ratings)??122 Grabs Today. 2458 Total Gra
bs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????Simple Elegance? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.4 (17 Ratings)??122 Grabs Today. 5830 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Terrible Twos

It should be against the law for a spouse/father to deploy when his already very active boy is hitting his terrible twos.  Doesn't the military know that it is hazardous to a mother's mental health to deal with tantrums and meltdowns approximately every twenty minutes, by herself, day after day?  Somebody please tell me that the terrible two stage can sometimes miraculously last for only a week!  We all know how active J is; he is the epitomy of a "boy".  He keeps us on our toes and running from sun up to sun down.  It makes me feel better to think that it is because he is just too smart for his own good (I mean we are talking about the boy who figured out how to open the cabinet locks in about four days and how to open the refrigerator lock in about four seconds).  I wouldn't trade his curiosity or energy for anything in the world though.  I might however, begin insisting that whoever stole that crazy kid and replaced him with a crazy, tantrum throwing kid make the swap again and give me the original back.

These tantrums have been going on seemingly nonstop since Thursday. (Although I will admit, it always seems like they are happening more often than they are and lasting longer than they actually are).  I have remained calm through most of the storm, but today being Saturday and already feeling the sadness that A isn't here for yet another weekend, I was just about in tears by 9am.  I wrestled J into some clothes (he had already torn off his pajamas, diaper and all), wrestled him into his carseat and headed to the park. (Don't judge me for "rewarding" the poor behavior, unless you have a better idea for my sanity.)  After about 45 minutes of playing in the cold, I was shocked to see the playground get bombarded by over 100 kids-all with easter baskets or buckets.  Apparently there was an Easter Egg hunt about to occur and J was more than angry that he didn't have a bucket or basket to hold.  (He even attempted to steal a couple from other kids.) I decided that he was in no mood to participate so started heading to the car when the Easter Bunny saved the day! J saw him across the soccer field (where everyone was getting ready for the egg hunt) and started saying "goggie comere" (doggie come here).  I put him down and he went running to the bunny (ahem, large man dressed as a bunny with a pastel apron.)  Within 2 feet of the bunny though, J came running back and held right on to me.  He was then ready to participate and found four eggs!  He was so proud.  (So was I, as we haven't had many proud moments in the past couple days).

After tantrums, laundry, and a short nap today, C reminded me of the 3-321 coffee tonight just as I was trying to figure out what to make for dinner.  I had completely forgotten about it, so I got ready really fast (while J was hanging from my pants pockets screaming!) and off we went.  I was worried about J's behavior, but he was pretty well behaved once there (given this weird stage he is in anyway. He could have been better). The host had her mom there who was more than willing to play with J and the host's son, who is only a month younger than J. 

Now he is in bed and sleeping peacefully, making it easier to relax, forget about all of the tantrums today, and pray for a better day tomorrow.

Peak: Mood change just in time for Easter Egg hunting
Pitt: Snakes and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails.

Andre Update: it has been a month since he last paid for his internet and he didn't realize it. He e-mailed me from the office to tell me that's why he wasn't on skype this morning.  It really has become such a part of our routine, but I do understand that it won't always be like that, there will be days that he is busy and can't chat with us.  It's just too bad that we forgot he had to pay again.  Ah, the luxuries of skype. (Oh, and speaking of routine-since J asked me to turn on the computer and then five minutes later went into a tantrum, he grabbed my computer off the counter-which he can now reach (I didn't realize it until today)-and he tried to throw it on the floor! I was right behind him so I caught it, but wow...that just gives you a little insight.)  

::Praying for a better day tomorrow::