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Tuesday, March 9, 2010


We have made it to Maine safely after an adventerous day. Read on for the rundown.

4:00am: Wake up call! B slept over, we made it to bed at a decent time but getting up still wasn't easy.  J didn't sleep at all on the way to the airport (or at all for that matter- until we were en route from the Portland airport to my Grandma's house.

Security: There weren't many people there, so J and I just took our time, remaining calm and organized. When I took his shoes off of him and let him out of his carseat, he just toddled on through the metal detectors like the big little man that he is.  He sat so nicely on a bench while I reattached the wheels to the carseat, tied up my shoes, put his shoes back on him, and triple checked that we had everything.  He walked hand in hand with me to get a muffin and milk and then to sit down to wait for our plane.

Flight #1: Normally we wait until the very last minute to board, but this time (with him having his own seat) we took advantage of advanced seating for families.  We quickly discovered that his carseat does not fit down the aisle of the plane and needs to be lifted over the seats to get to our seat. The flight attendant was very kind and followed me down the aisle, carrying the seat for me.  J was an amazing little boy on the flight, he watched a movie and ate cheerios, and when we landed he clapped his hands and said "yayyyy!" causing several people around us to also clap their hands and shout "yayyy!" He was a hit!

Layover: Our first flight was delayed a bit, so we had about 10 minutes to navigate the D.C. airport.  I had to maneuver J, his carseat, the diaper bag and his little backpack down the steps of the plane, up the steps of a shuttle bus, and then off the steps of the shuttle bus. The flight attendant helped me off the plane, where several people took over and also helped.  The shuttle bus brings you to one terminal that you need to go in, up to the 2nd floor (no elevator), across the terminal, down another set of stairs to catch another shuttle bus that will bring you to the appropriate terminal.  A nice man came with me the entire time, knowing that I would need to go down another set of stairs.  The woman at the shuttle door however, refused to open the door saying that I did not know this man to which I replied "of course I know him!" After finally convincing her, I got onto the bus which this man didn't need to go on.  He ran back up the stairs and the woman wouldn't let him back into the terminal. I was in such a hurry, but the bus driver jumped off cussing her out and made her let him back in.  The bus driver told me it was her job to help me down the stairs with the seat if I needed help and he was angry with her to say the least! I made it to my gate (with the bus drivers help back up another set of stairs) just in time!  (I really don't get how handicapped people get around this place, I was told several times there was no ramp or elevator!)

Flight #2: Since I was running behind, I was the very last person on my flight. Having already figured out the whole carseat situation, I asked the flight attendant if she wouldn't mind picking the carseat up and bringing it down for me. She replied by saying that she is not authorized to lift anything over 50 pounds. I said, I promise you it is maybe 20 pounds.  To which she arrogantly replied "It's your stuff, you will need to figure it out. It is not in my job description to carry your stuff." I wanted to ask how many suitcases she lifted into the overhead compartments, but instead tears just started pouring down my face. I could only think...if A was here, I wouldn't even need to ask for help!  Two older ladies sitting in the front said "oh my gosh! what's wrong? what happened?" and I flew off the handle and said "nothing, these flight attendants are just being assholes and are refusing to help me because it's not in their job description!" Meanwhile I am trying to get J to turn around and walk down the aisle so I can lift the carseat over everyone's seats without beheading everyone and he was just standing their looking innocently up at me like I was out of my mind!  The older ladies said "we'll take the baby, give us that sweet thing!" I gladly handed J over, took the seat down the aisle (completely embarrassed by the tears rolling down my face) got everything settled, went back for J, buckled him and called my sister, K (She is super strong in these situations and I needed her to calm me down). I talked to her for about 3 minutes before it was time to turn off my phone-the flight attendant stood over me not just until I hung up, but until my phone completely powered down, and then bent over with her butt in my face to pick something up off the ground.

The 2 people in front of me and the 2 people behind me immediately asked what happened and I told them. They were horrified by her attitude and promised to help me get off the plane-which they so kindly did.  When I got off, Mom was standing at the gate (K called her and told her what happened, so she got a gate pass and told the gate guy what happened). I also repeated what happened and he said "they can't lift anything over 50 pounds!" The guy who carried my carseat out handed it to him and said "lift it, it is nowhere near 50 pounds" and all he said was "ok". 

J was a good boy on the 2nd flight too.  We did end up pulling out all the new toys I bought, but we averted all tears and meltdowns (minus my meltdown!)  He fell asleep on the car ride to Grandma and Grandpa's house and was quite the little showoff while we were there.  Now we are at Mom's house, J is in bed for the night after having dinner with his Memere, Pepere, MomMom, PopPop and Auntie Angie. He is exhausted and has a terrible cold.  I am heading to bed too as I am sure he will end up in bed with me and share all of his sick germs with me soon enough. He's so sweet <3

Peak: We're here!
Pitt: Barely (Karen was worried I would get kicked off the plane. She was picturing me in handcuffs which is why she sent Mom after me!)

Andre Update: Not a word. Britt talked to Brad and believes that he made it out of his "home".