Another day of running, complete! I am exhausted, but it was a good day. This morning Just Older Sister L texted to let me know she would be at Big Sister D's house within 15 minutes (she lives two hours away, so it was a short warning!) I jumped into clothes, brushed my hair and teeth, threw J in the car and off we went to Big Sister D's house! (I hope you know how much we love you L!) From there we went to my inlaws house to pick up Mommy J and little sister in law A to head to Daddy F's job site and have a little picnic. We then attempted to walk on a trail by the river, to which J responded quite poorly by first refusing to get in the stroller, next trying to climb under a fence (which had several signs with huge red letters displaying words like Danger! and Warning! Of course he can't read and he was capable of fitting under the fence, so why not?), and finally refusing to walk. When I spotted a steep hill ahead (and already threatening to lose a lung from all the panting caused by lugging around my solid little boy) I put an end to the walk and we headed back to the inlaws to play outside instead. It took J about 2.6 seconds watching his Aunt A scooping and flinging horse poo into a wheelbarrow before picking up his own pick and showing her that he could do the exact same thing! He very much enjoyed helping clean the stalls and brushing the horses, but it was time to head to my Dad's for our traditional St. Patrick's Day dinner-Corned beef and cabbage! (No, we are not Irish in anyway what-so-ever, we just like a good excuse for a delicious boiled dinner!) Prior to dinner, J took a walk with his Grandpa to feed the pigs some compost. It was a very muddy walk and since Dad doesn't walk well (Multiple Sclerosis) he accidentally on purpose those J how to not only stomp in the mud puddles, but how to fall in the mud puddles. Needless to say I had to do an entire load of laundry of their muddy clothes and shoes when they got inside. (Do I win worst mother of the year award for not having a change of clothes for J? Or best mother of the year award for allowing him to run around in just a diaper, which he thought was the greatest!?) Overall, it was a fun day, just a lot of driving around! And we will do it again tomorrow and force ourselves to love it!
Peak: Eating outside, watching J fling poo with SIL A, watching J jump/fall in puddles with Dad, Traditional dinner!
Pitt: J is getting so heavy and loading him in and out of a car by myself all the time is getting old, fast.
Andre Update: I got a nice long e-mail from him today (which is rare). Since we didn't talk, it was nice to read about what is going on with him. Oh I just love him!
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