Dorky title, I know. But it was a good day. This morning J and I went to church (where he went to nursery and only cried for about 30 seconds when I dropped him off). After, we were finally able to take E's Dad (Mike) and Grandmother (Hardy) up on their breakfast offer. J was an excellent dining guest (very rare!), the omelet was the size of the table and the seafood chowder was the best I've ever tasted! I can't wait to take A there when he gets home! The company and adult conversation couldn't have been better!
I really had a long list of "to-do's" today, but it was so nice out and J was such a good boy at brunch that I decided to surprise him with a trip to the park. Since we go to the park all winter long (no matter the temperature) we are usually the only ones there. I think he was a little confused to see so many other families enjoying the day too, but he was very excited to be there nonetheless. I love putting him on the swings. He laughs a big, deep belly laugh every time and giggles more and more with every push. I think the combination of laughing so hard and swinging makes his belly turn though because he asks to get down after about a minute, stands on the ground for 20 seconds to settle his belly, and then wants to get back in. The belly laughs and giggles are worth the irritation of taking him out and putting him back in 1,000 times though!
When we came home, we were both beyond ready for naps. It didn't take J long to fall asleep but I did need to start that to-do list. I brought his car seat in, took the pads off, washed them, and hung them out to dry, then I let Abby eat all the crumbs out of it while I vaccuumed it out and scrubbed it down. It is clean and ready for our trip now, and I did manage to get in a 45 minute nap.
I also got to play with power tools today which J found absolutely hilarious (who knew Mommy could be so handy?) I bought one of these (semi-expensive) suckers and it required a drill to assemble it.

It attaches to J's carseat so that I can wheel it through the airport like a stroller. I have never flown with J alone (actually, I might have once, but he was an infant, still nursing, and not very mobile-things are different now) and I bought him is own seat on the plane so I need to have his carseat (even though he is under 2 and can still sit on my lap, I need a seat for him!) It's a genius invention really, but now that I really think about it, scratch the semi-expensive part and put in ridiculously overpriced. It was $80.00 for a plastic board and wheels which I had to use a drill just to assemble (and I just looked at the website, the price is now $90.00...I bought off Amazon anyway, free shipping!). But the convenience of it will make it all worth it in the end. It is very light, it wheels the carseat around easily, even with J in it (yes, we have already practiced) and since I learned that you have to take it off just to put it through security and then put it back on once you get through, I have practiced taking it on and off. I can do it one handed, so another plus. I'll let you know how it works out for the real "game" on Tuesday.
Peak: All the fun I had with J
Pitt: I forgot to give Abby a bath and I am not going to want to do it in the morning. But I have to because I don't want Kim to have a smelly dog when I leave. If only I could wash the stupid out of her...
Andre Update: No word today, I'm guessing he left "home" and is off doing commanderly things. Miss you babe!
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