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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

On the Run

Today was an "on the run" kind of day, but after a restful day yesterday, it was a good day.  We visited my Dad, took him to the store so he could buy not one, not two, but three corned beefs since they are on sale for St. Patrick's Day tomorrow.  J fell asleep in the car on the way back to Dad's and didn't wake until after I dropped Dad off and got to my inlaws' house for lunch. We had a delicious lunch (organic mac & cheese for J, tuna wrap for me), fed the horses lunch and got them water, and then got back in the car to head to big sister D's house.  He fell asleep again on the way over and stayed asleep in the car until nieces H & M got off the bus.  I got to master my skateboarding skills on Wii Fit for a bit, before we packed kids in strollers and walked down to the playground (today was an exceptionally warm day for this state!)  The kids had a blast running around (without jackets!) for an hour before walking back to the house.  But before heading inside, a stop at the neighbor's house was absolutely necessary in order to chase the chickens and collect fresh eggs (which brother inlaw A so kindly made into deviled eggs for me).  Big sister D made a delicious dinner (roast beef, mashed potatoes, and corn) and I sat at the table eating thirds and fourths while the whole family cleaned up around me. De-licious D! I had great family time today and J had a great time playing with his Grandpa and Uncle A.  (I am just glad A didn't come home in his ACU's as he his national guard, but in gym shorts and a tshirt instead. Confusion avoided!)

Peak: All the family time and teaching niece, I (age 21 months) to call my sister (her mother) by her first name!
Pitt: MUD, Everywhere!

Andre Update: A good phone call today.  It is just so easy to chat on the computer so often that he doesn't call often.  I don't mind (chatting on the computer is free and we can see eachother!) but there is just something different about a phone call.  Unfortunately the phone call usually turns to business (things I need to remember to do that I don't normally do while he is home, FRG, etc.) but my nieces, nephews, and J all got to say hi and A got to goof off with them as he always does (i.e. calling niece M "Uncle Mak")  Thanks for calling today, babe. It was wonderful to hear your voice. Can't wait to feel your warm hugs again!


whitaker imagery said...

I have to add another Peak: "wrestling" with all the kiddoes. This gets to be a ritual in our house almost every evening and is completely necessary for C since he is surrounded by girls all the time. J got a little taste of the adventure and giggled (ahem..closer to belly laugh) all the way through it.

Also, for those who take on look at D and think there is no way she ate thirds and fourths...believe it! Nothing like good ole home cooking in this household:)