After waking up at 4am to J gagging on his phlegm and ultimately spitting up, I wasn't feeling too well myself. We managed to pull it together in time to go see sister D and kids. We drove out to our cousin's gigantic farm house with no less than 412 rooms (maybe a bit of an exaggeration) along with a huge barn. We dressed J up as cute as could be and sister D did a little photo shoot with him. J and his cousin, I, who is just 6 weeks younger had trouble getting along. Actually-I should say J had trouble being nice to I.
Tonight we went to Dad's for dinner, where J clawed I's eyes. He pulled it together by the end of the evening and he even started to share with her. I guess he just had to let her know who was boss first. Such a bully.
Peak: Spending time with my big sister!
Pitt: J's bullying
Andre Update: Hannah's husband, Zach, who is also deployed told me this morning on facebook that he ran into A! (I have now been told twice this week that we have taken on southern accents in the 3 years we have been living away from here). A called this afternoon just to let me know he was back "home". He got stuck overnight on his travels, but if he hadn't, he wouldn't have run into Z. He called from his cell phone though, so we didn't talk for long-just long enough for him to tell me he was safe and goodnight! He was exhausted!
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